greece terms Minoans
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- Aristotle
- was a pupil of plato and he taught many things to alexander the great
- Plato
- 427- 347 BC a greek philosopher
- Pericles
- ruler of ancient athens
- Acropolis
- means "high city" most known for the "sacred rock"
- Tyranny
- a ruler who gained power by force
- Phalanx
- a massive tactical formation of heavily armed foot soldiers
- Monarchy
- government with a king or a queen that is in charge
- Hellenic Culture
- artifacts, ideas and democracy of the ancient times
- Hoplite
- army man of the spartans
- Oligarchy
- ruling power where a few people are in charge
- Polis
- a city-state of the athen empire
- Delian League
- alliance that the spartans had to defeat the persians
- Mycenaeans
- one of the greek civilizations that influenced many parts of the Mediterranean sea
- Alexander the Great
- king of macedonia took over many cities like persian, egypt and asia minor, pupil of plato
- Thucydides
- ancient greek historian
- Persian Wars
- the war between the spartans and the many persians
- Solon
- wise and skillful person who gives laws
- Dorian Invasion
- civilization of Greek people who invaded the peninsula from the north
- Archon
- chief magistrate in athens
- Democracy
- government power that is vested in the people
- Ephors
- a magistrate who has power over the king in greece
- Peloponnesian Wars
- the war between the spartans and the athens
- Socrates
- a famous philosopher
- Aristocracy
- government headed by privileged minority or upper class people
- Minoans
- the earliest greek civilization, they were a civilization that lived on the island of Crete near the agennean sea
- Hellenistic Age
- period of Alexanders death to the days he started conquering
- Homer
- famous author and poet who wrote poems and books like the Odyssey and the illiad
- Helots
- a member of the ancient spartans
- Cleisthenes
- tyrant of the ancient greek city-state sicyon
- Herodotus
- the man who wrote about the persian wars
- Sparta
- city-state in greece that was based on combat
- Athens
- city-state in greece- based on art and nature
- Ostracism
- process in banning politicians by vote but only for a short amount of time
- Pisistratus
- tyrant of ancient athens