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Mesopotamia Friends


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King of Babylon. Created one of the first written code of laws.
a system of writing used in ancient Mesootamia, in which wedge-shaped characters were produced b pressing a stylus into a soft clay tablet, which was then baked or otherwise hardened
A temple tower of ancient Mesopotamians, having the form of a terraced pyramid., A multi-story, mud-brick, pyramid shaped tower approached by ramps and stairs. It is associated with religion in ancient Mesopotamian cities, but it's function is unknown.
The Fertile Crescent
An arc of land that began between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and extended to the Mediterranean coast
Epic of Gilgamesh
The oldest work of literature, dating back over 5,000 years, . It tells the story of a Sumerian king who sought immortality. He was like the Odysseus of Mesopotamian.
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
The land between these two rivers contained the early civilizations of Mesopotamia
Fertile Crescent
A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates
The first important city in Mesopotamia
Sea located North of Egypt
"Land between two rivers". Area located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. First civilization located between the Tigris & Eurphrates Rivers in present day Iraq; term means "land between the rivers;" Sumerian culture
A system of government by priests claiming the right to rule from the gods
A barrier built to contain the flow of water or to keep out flood waters

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