Global history 2
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- History
- A chronological record of past events/ past events
- Paleolithic
People who lived before 10,000 B.C to two million years ago
( Old Stone Age ) - Argiculture
- Farming /growing crops
- Nomad
- People who traveled search of hunting and gathering food
- Culrural Diffusion
- Ways and cullture of another group/ the sharing of ideas
- Culture
- Ways of living/lifestyles
- Geography
- The study of the earth/ maps and how people adapt to its various conditions
- Domestication
- To bring under control of and make usable by humans
- PreHistory
- The time before writing
- Neolithic
- People who lived 8,000 B.C ( New Stone Age )
- Barter System
- System of trade
- Technology
- The use of electroincs
- Homo Sapiens
- Modern Humans
- Artisans
Skilled Workers
(BLACK Smiths) - Anthropology
- Physical characteristics, Human Orgins, races, culture environment and relations
- Hominds
- Human like creatures
- Characteristics of civilation
-food supply - Polythestic
- Believed in many Gods
- Anthropologist
- Study the beginnings and development of human life and their culture (beliefs, religion, government, social structure and traditions)
- Archaeologist
- Study the past by examing artifacts=things people left behing
- Anthropoligists and Archaeologists
- Study artifacts, bones, plants and fossils as evidence of human activity.
- Homo Erectus
- species to which all modern humans belong
- Economics
- Money= currency economy, trade distribution of goods and services
- Political Science
- dealing with governmental institutions and processes
- Free Enterprise
- An economic system in which individuals and private businesses and operate with llittle interference from their government
- Migrate
- To move permanently to another
- Renaissance
- A period in history during which many ideas of earlier civilizations were reintorduced
- Nationalism
- A people's loyalty and devotion to their country
- Commercial argiculture
- Production of food crops primarily for sale
- Dicatorship
- A system of government where the leader controls the country and its people
- Literacy rate
- A measure of the nimber of people in a group who can read and write
- Economic System
- The way in which people produce, get, and yse a country's goods and services
- Civilization
- Improvement in culture and an advance stage of development
- Dynasty
- Royal ruling families, family line of rulers
- Environment
- Surroundings and conditions of life on earth
- Latitude
- Angular distance from some specified circle or plane of reference: as angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measured through 90 degrees
- Longitude
- Angular distance measured on great circle of reference from the intersection of the adopted zero meridian with this reference circle to the similarr intersection of the meridian passing through the object
- Meridian
- A great circle of the celestial sphere passing through its poles and the zenith of a given place
- Fossil
- A remnant, impression, or trace of an oraganism of past geologic ages that has been preserved in earth's crust
- Geology
- A sciene that deals with the history of the earth and its life esp. as recorded in rocks A study of the sollid matter of celestial body ( as the moon)
- Carbon Dating
- The determination of the age of old material ( as an archaeological or paleontological specimen) by means of the content of carbon 14