global ancient empires
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-king set and enforced law
-kings were the military leaders and high priests.
-most punishments were fines
-death not common for punishment
-city states governed themselves - Sumerians
-men were the heads of the house
-men could buy and sell there wives and children into slavery
-women could buy and sell property
-women owned own businesses. - Sumerians
-polytheistic(man gods)
-each city state own god
-wagon wheel,arches,potter wheel,sundial,umbrella - Sumerians
-Take control in 2300 b.c.
-led by Hammurabi
-skilled engineers - Babylonians
greatest achievement-he made justice appear in the land
-created a strict law system(eye for an eye)
-laws were written down so everyone knew the law
-punishments were strict
-death led to fall of Babylonians - Hammurabi king of the Babylonians
-from 3,000 b.c.- 30 b.c.
-located along part of Nile in north-east Africa
-divided into old,middle and new kingdoms
-lived in mud brick homes
-used hieroglyphs
-agricultural society
-bureaucratic government
ACOMPLISHE - Egyptians
-Built many monuments
-pharaoh during Jews escape
-built many monuments
-created treaty with surrounding civilizations - Ramses II of Egypt
-conquered the the Sumerian's
-spoke language similar to Hebrew - Akkadians
-launched military campaign for control of fertile crescent
-led empire till death
-empire collapsed when empire his grandson died - Sargon I of the akadians
-highly developed city states
-kings were elected
-welfare system for pore
-if king did bad job he could be removed - Kingdom of Ebla
-fearsome fighters
-iron weapons
-chariots that hold 2 soldiers
-overwhelmed other armies
-borrowed culture from rest of mespotamia - The Hittites
-army was the most lethal in the middle east
-used cuneiform
-treated conquered people badly
-central government
-kingdom fell apart in 612 b.c because of revolt of conquered people - Assyrians
-empire stretched to Syria
-city of Babylon became the most beautiful city ever
-Interested in astronomy
-empire ended in 539b.c.
-dominate the fertile crescent - Chaldeans
-extended Chaldean empire as west as Syria and Canaan
-conquered jerusilim
-he rebuilt Babylon and made Chaldean's wealthy
-created hanging gardens
-his death led to fall of empire later on - Nebachadnzer
-conquered the whole fertile crescent
-created royal road stretched 1,500 miles,rest stop every 14 miles - Persians
-assigned satraps
-allowed conquered people to keep religion,language and laws
-ideals of Zoroaster helped to strengthen monarchy
-waged war against Greeks over the control of Asia minor
-when his son took over he lost terribly to the - Darius I of the Persians
-a profit
-developed concept of good and evil
-said that if you chose good you would have eternal life
-if you chose bad you would be in eternal darkness after death - Zoroaster of the Persians
-lived in the area of Lebanon, Israel and Jordan
-Had colonies in europe one was carthage
-next to Mediterranean sea,they mostly traded over the sea
-alphabet to keep records
-money system and set price - Phoenicians
-they were monotheistic(one god)
-traced origins from Abraham a herder and trader who live in Mesopotamia
-they lived in Canaan
-king David set up capital in Jerusalem
-percerveared through persecution because they beleaved if they st - Israelites
- city state
- a city and the land surrounding it
- cuniform
- a writing system made by pressing ready into soft clay
- dynasty
- sequence of rulers from he same family
- bureucracy
- division of government by bureaus
- theocracie
- government were gods are the rulers
- polytheism
- beleafe in many gods
- monotheism
- beleafe in one god
- empire
- group of nations ruled by on leader
- covenent
- agreement
- diaspora
- Greek word meaning scattered
- confederation
- a loose union
- barter
- exchanging wares for other goods