china test
undefined, object
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- east and west
- direction that chinese rivers run
- yu
- first "model emperor"(drains flood water)
- east coast
- most of chinas population is on the
- five proper
- confucious taught these relationships
- eastern china
- most of china's level and arable land is crowded into
- eastern china
- china's population is crowded into
- qin dynasty
- shortest chinese dynasty
- civilized
- The further away from china that you are, the less_______ you get
- beijing
- capital of china
- han
- largest ethnic chinese group
- yellow river
- chinese civilization starts here
- china proper
- "Heartland" (north and south china)
- hu jintao
- first chineses leader who grew up in after math of communism
- mongolia
- region with harsh climate, desert-like, poor farming conditions
- yangtze river
- main river in china
- chi
- balance of energy
- 20
- level and arable land makes up _______ percent of china
- ethnocentrism
- the term "middle kingdom" represents the idea of
- mandate of heaven
- belief that rule was obtained through god
- manchus
- second foreign invaders of china
- half
- _________ of china's level and arable land is good for farming
- uncivilized
- all other civilizations outside of china were considered to be
- 80
- Mountains and plateaus cover________ percent of china
- mandate of heaven
- one went to the temple of heaven to receive this
- yangtze river
- River that is used for trade, hydro electric power, and is a busy port of shanghai
- zhong guo
- middle kingdom
- tokyo
- capital of japan
- philosophies
- compared to islam, confucianism and daoism were__________
- pyongyang
- capital of northkorea
- northeast
- region also known as manchuria, cold climate with many mineral resources, sparsely populated with non-chinese, manchu dynasty
- six
- number of regions of china
- taipei
- capital of taiwan
- south
- region of china with a mild climate, crops of rice, tea and cotton, major cities along yangtze, nanjing, shanhai, wuhan, chongqing
- middle kingdom
- zhong guo means
- seoul
- capital of south korea
- loess
- soil that makes the river yellow
- shang dynasty
- first historical dynasty in chinese history
- xinjiang
- region that is a large oil producer, located in the western portion of china, home to many non-chinese, sparsely populated
- gobi desert
- another physical barrier (not mountians)
- wheat
- crop grown more in northern china
- mongols
- first foreign invaders of china
- manchu dynasty
- dynasty from 17th to 20th century
- amur river
- The_________River forms a natural boundary with russisa
- xi river
- River that flows to guangzhou (canton) and is a means of exporting goods
- north
- region of china with extreme climate and major cities of Beijing and Tianjin
- zhou dynasty
- longest dynasty
- peking
- old spelling that was based on western pronunciation
- yellow
- Imperial or royal chinese color
- yellow river
- river that drains china's flood waters
- ren
- study of chinese characters starts with________(man)
- yellow river
- Some early dynasties were located on this
- pinyin
- chinese language reform (words spelled how they sound)
- four
- number of tones spoken in chinese
- mandarin
- national language
- hu jintao
- president of china
- xia dynasty
- This dynasty was located in an area known as china proper
- china's sorrow
- floods frequently
- loess
- yellow brown soil
- farming
- most of chinese are involved in this type of work
- tibet
- land area taken over by communists
- himalayas
- main physical barrier
- shi huangdi
- The "yellow emperor" ruler of qin dynasty
- six and fifth
- centuries that confucious lived
- 1.3 billion
- china's population is over
- yalu river
- The_________River forms a boundary with north korea
- han
- 95 percent of people are_______, ethnic chinese
- xizang
- region also known as tibet, located in himalayas, (Dalai Lama)
- feng shui
- arrangement of objects to achieve harmony in your environment
- xia dynasty
- mythical dynasty
- mongol dynasty
- dynasty from 13th to 14th century
- yin and yang
- the two fundamental principles, one negative, dark, passive, cold, wet, and feminine and the other positive, bright, active, dry, hot and masculine
- trade
- this occurs between china, india, and the middle east
- America
- Mei Guo
- ulaanbaatar
- capital of mongolia
- laozi
- person associated with daoism