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John Peter Atgeld
Governor of Illinois during the Haymarket riots, he pardoned three convicted bombers in 1893, believing them victims of the "malicious ferocity" of the courts.
Taylorism/ Frederick Winslow Taylor
Frederick Taylor studied the similarities between machines and workers, and realized that work would be done much faster and more efficient in the tasks were subdivided and each worker only had one easy job that required no elaborate training, this idea eventually developed into the original assembly line.
Henry George/ Progress and Poverty
California writer and activist, his angrily eloquent book Progress and Poverty, published in 1879, became one of the best selling nonfiction works in American publishing history. He blamed social problems on the ability of a few monopolists to grow wealthy as a result of rising land values, and that the increase in the value of the land was an unearned increment, produced by the growth of society, and that the profits belonged to the community.
the Gospel of Wealth
philosophy of the late 19th century. People who had become millionaires gave part of their wealth back to society as a sort of repayment for being able to be in the position that they are in.
Knights of Labor/ Uriah Stevens
marked the first major effort to create a genuinely national labor organization in 1869, membership was open to all who "toiled", meaning all workers, most businessmen and virtually all women, whether they worked in factories, as domestic servants or in their homes, but they did exclude lawyers, bankers, liquor dealers, and professional gamblers. They triumphed an eight hour workday, the abolition of child labor, long range reform of the economy, and whished to replace the cooperative/ wage system.
American Railway Union/ Eugene Debs
leader of the militant union which went on strike against Pullman, after he slashed wages by 25 percent, and refused to handle Pullman cars and equipment. Withing a few days thousands of railroad workers in 27 states and territories were on strike, and transportation from Chicago to the Pacific coast was paralyzed
as the strike began, Frick shut down the plant and called in 300 guards to enable the company to hire nonunion workers. The guards were well known and hated strike breakers, and on July 6, 1892, they approached the plant by river. The strikers poured gasoline on the water and set it on fire, and met the guards at the docks with guns and dynamite, causing a battle to break out. Eventually, after casualties on both sides, the guards surrendered, but the union victory was short lived, and the a contingent of the National Guard was ordered to Homestead to prevent violence, and eventually the union surrendered and returned to their jobs.
Edwin Drake
one of Bissell's employees, in 1859 he established the first oil well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, which was soon producing 500 barrels of oil a month, as demand grew quickly.
Edward Bellamy/ looking backward
rivaling Henry George, he wrote Looking Backward, a utopian novel, published in 1888, it described the experiences of a young Bostonian who went into a hypnotic sleep in 1887 and awoke in 2000, finding a new social order in which want, politics and vice were unknown. The society had emerged through peace and evolution, and all of the trusts of the 1800's joined together form one government controlled trust, which distributed the abundance of the industrial economy equally among all people. "Fraternal cooperation" replaced competition, there were no class divisions, and there was great nationalism.
Charles Brush
one of the pioneers of electric lighting, he devised the arc lamp for street illumination.
Terence V. Powderly
the leader of the Knights of Labor in the late 1870's, who moved the once secret fraternal organization into the open and entered a period of spectacular expansion, claiming a membership of 700,000 in 1886. When local unions and assemblies associated with it launched a series of strikes, the organization was discredited and they lost many followers, eventually disappearing altogether.
Andrew Carnegie
steel king; integrated every phase of his steel-making operation. Ships, railroads, ect. pioneered "Vertical Integration" ; his goal was to improve efficiency by making supplies more reliable controlling the quality of the product at all stages of production and eliminating the middle man
horatio alger
popular writer of the Post-Civil War time period. Alger was a Puritan New Englander who wrote more than a hundred volumes of juvenile fiction during his career; the famous "rags to riches" theme.
George Bissel
a Pennsylvania businessman, he showed that petroleum could be burned in lamps and that it could also yield such products as, paraffin, naphtha, and lubricating oil.
Alexander Graham Bell
developed the first telephone with commercial capacity. By 1900 there were 1.35 million telephones, and by 1920 there were 13.3 million.
John D. Rockenfeller/ Standard Oil
Rockefeller was a man who started from meager beginnings and eventually created an oil empire. In Ohio in 1870 he organized the Standard Oil Company. By 1877 he controlled 95% of all of the refineries in the United States. It achieved important economies both home and abroad by it's large scale methods of production and distribution. He also organized the trust and started the Horizontal Merger.
Cyrus W. Field
in 1866, he laid a transatlantic telegraph cable to Europe, one of the most important innovations in communications.
Charles Lindberg
the prospects for commercial flight seemed dim until the 1920's, when this man's famous solo flight from New York to Paris electrified the nation and the world.
James Ritty
he invented the cash register in 1879.
Homestead Strike
when Carnegie and his chief lieutenant Frick repeatedly cut wages at the Homestead plant, the union Amalgamated, which first acquiesced, was given two days to accept another wage cut, or call for a strike. The union chose to strike.
Lester Frank Ward
sociologist who wrote Dynamic Sociology in 1883 and other books , in which he argued that civilization was not governed by natural selection but by human intelligence, which was capable of shaping society as it wished, and he believed that an active government engaged in positive planning, which was societies best hope.
Labor Conrtact Law
under this law, which until its repeal in 1885, permitted industrial employers to actively recruit immigrant workers and pay for their passage in advance and deduct the amount later from their wages, and even after the law was repealed, employers encouraged the immigration of unskilled laborers using the assistance of padrones who recruited work gangs of fellow nationals.
Christopher Sholes
one of the inventions that speeded up the pace of business organization, he invented the typewriter in 1868.
Henry Bessemer/ William Kelly
an English man, and an American developed almost simultaneously a process for converting iron into much more durable and versatile steel. The process took Bessemer's name and consisted of blowing air through molten iron to burn out the impurities and create a stronger metal.
Haymarket Bombing
in Chicago, a strike was taking place at McCormick Harvester Company, when the city police began harassing the strikers and trying to make them disperse in Haymarket Square, when someone threw a bomb that killed seven policemen and injured 67 others, and the policemen, firing into the crowd, killed 8 people. As conservative Americans demanded retribution, 8 anarchists (scapegoats) were "tried" and sentenced to death. One committed suicide, four were executed and two others had their sentences commuted to life in prison. The bombing represented a new fear of social chaos and radicalism, especially of anarchism.
Molly Maguires
first emerged in the anthracite coal region of western Pennsylvania, this militant labor organization sometimes used violence and even murder in its battle with coal operators, but much of this violence was deliberately instigated by informers and agents employed by mine owners, who wanted a pretext for ruthless measures to suppress unionization.
pool arrangements
pool is an informal agreement between a group of people or leaders of a company to keep their prices high and to keep competition low. The Interstate Commerce Act in 1887 made railroads publicly publish their prices and it outlawed the pool.
Guglielmo Marconi
an Italian inventor, he took the first steps toward the development of the radio in the 1890's, and his technology quickly found its way into the U.S.
JP Morgan/ US steel
a banker who financed the reorganization of railroads, insurance companies, and banks. He bought out Carnegie for 450 million dollars and in 1901 he merged Carnegies interests with others and started the United States Steel Corporation, a $14 billion enterprise that controlled almost 2/3 of the nations steel production.
AFL/ Samuel Gompers
the powerful leader of the AFL which concentrated on objectives of wages, hours, and working conditions, specifically for skilled workers. One of the AFL's objectives was demanding a national eight hour day, and called for a general strike if the goal was not achieved, and on May 1,1886, strikes and demonstrations took place all over the country.
Gustavus Swift
In the 1800s he enlarged fresh meat markets through branch slaughterhouses and refrigeration. He monopolized the meat industry.
Socialist Labor Party/ Daniel De leon
an immigrant from the West Indies, for many years he led the Socialist Labor Party, founded in the 1870's. It attracted a modest following in industrial cities, but never became a major political force and never polled more than 82,000 votes. In 1901, one of the dissident factions of De Leon's party broke away and formed the American Socialists party, hoping to forge stronger ties with organized labor.
holding company
Companies that hold a majority of another company's stock in order to control the management of that company. Can be used to establish a monopoly
Social Darwinism
Applied Darwin's theory of natural selection and "survival of the fittest" to human society -- the poor are poor because they are not as fit to survive. Used as an argument against social reforms to help the poor.
vertical integration
was pioneered by tycoon Andrew Carnegie. It is when you combine into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing. This makes supplies more reliable and improved efficiency. It controlled the quality of the product at all stages of production.
Thomas Edison
he invented the incandescent lamp/light bulb, and along with others he designed improved generators and built large power plants to furnish electricity to whole cities.
General Electric
in fear of technological competition, they created one of the first corporate laboratories in 1900, increasing corporate research and development labs, but causing a decline in government support in research. This attracted more skillful researchers and decentralized the sources of research funding.
Isaac Singer
patented a sewing machine in 1851 and created I.M. Singer and Company, one of the first modern manufacturing corporations.
Henry Ford Assembly line
using Eli Whitney's idea of interchangeable parts and Taylors theory of subdividing tasks, Ford developed the first moveable assembly line, where the products instead of the workers moved, this was extremely effective and production rates and profits both soared.
horizontal integration
A technique used by John D. Rockefeller. Horizontal integration is an act of joining or consolidating with ones competitors to create a monopoly. Rockefeller was excellent with using this technique to monopolize certain markets. It is responsible for the majority of his wealth.
Wilber and Orville Wright/ Kitty Hawk, NC
two brothers in Ohio, they owned a bicycle shop in which they began to construct a glider that could be propelled through the air by an internal combustion engine. Four years after their experiments, they made a celebrated test flight in NC, where their airplane took off by itself, and traveled 120 feet in 12 seconds under its own power before settling back to earth.
Limited Liability
the idea that when you invest in stocks, you are only responsible for what you invested, and you do not suffer reparations for the entire business, this decreased the risk of investing and allowed more people to invest, thus increasing the amount of stock and capital and expanded corporations.
single tax
flat tax proposed by Henry George. (A flat tax is one in which every person pays the same amount, regardless of whether they are rich or poor.)
Charles and Drake Duryea
built the first gasoline driven motor vehicle in America in 1903, and three years later Henry Ford produced the first of the famous cars that would bear his name.
William S. Burroughs
he invented the calculating and adding machine in 1891.
George Pullman/ Pullman Strike
Started by enraged workers who were part of George Pullman's "model town", it began when Pullman fired three workers on a committee. Pullman refused to negotiate and troops were brought in to ensure that trains would continue to run. When orders for Pullman cars slacked off, Pullman cut wages, but did not cut rents or store prices.

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