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World History Semester Final Terms/People


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Persian War
War started in 499 B.C. by Ionian Greeks rebelling against Persian rule and Athens sending ships to help them
An episode of the Mahabharata that reflects important Indian religious beliefs
Emperor who ruled from 527 to 565 who was determined to revive the grandeur of ancient Rome by recovering western provinces
Peloponnesian War
A war that broke out in 431 B.C. between Athens and Sparta that engulfed all of Greece
An Egyptian deity that the Nubians worshiped
Roman Catholic Church
A church headed by the pope that believed all people were sinners condemned to eternal suffering, and the only way to avoid the tortures of hell were to participate in the sacraments
Genghiz Khan
Elected supreme ruler of all the Mongols, Mongol armies swept to triumph under him
A philosopher who lounged around the marketplace questioning fellow citizens about their beliefs and ideas. Teacher of Plato
Caesar's grandnephew who teamed up with Mark Antony to hunt down the murderers of Julius Caesar
Philip II
Gained the Macedonian throne in 359 B.C., brought all of Greece under his control
Dome of the Rock
A Muslim site in Jerusalem that Muslims believe is built on the rock where Muhammed ascended into heaven and Abraham sacrificed Isaac
Punic Wars
Three wars Rome fought against Carthage between 264 B.C. and 146 B.C.
Grandson of Charles Martel, built empire across France, Germany, and part of Italy
A philosopher who emphasized the importance of reason. Student of Socrates
Bubonic Plague
A disease spread by fleas on rats throughout Europe in 1347-1353
Yamato clan
Clan, or uji, that dominated a corner of Honshu and set up Japan's first and only dynasty
Hagia Sophia
A church launched to beautify Constantinople
Pax Romana
200 year span of Roman peace that began with Augustus and ended with Marcus Aurelius
A Chinese philosophy whose followers sought to live in harmony with nature
Indus Valley
Located in South Asia, three major zones: northern plain, Deccan plateau, coastal plains
Song dynasty
Dynasty created by Zhao Kuangyin, under it was a golden age and Chinese economy expanded
Dynasty led by Abu al-Abbas that ended Arab dominance
King of Babylon who took steps to unite the Babylonian empire by publishing a remarkable set of laws
Joan of Arc
A 17-year-old peasant woman who told Charles VII she was sent by God to save France. Led French troops to victories
Marco Polo
Italian merchant that visited China during the Yuan dynasty, wrote a description of the world that astonished readers in medieval Europe
A blind poet who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey which gives us hints about life in his time
Daimyo who defeated his rivals to become master of Japan, named shogun
Hundred Years War
A series of conflicts fought by England and France between 1337 and 1453
Zheng He
Chinese admiral that voyaged into distant waters to promote trade and collect tribute from lesser powers across the western seas
To Muslims it contains the sacred word of god as revealed to Muhammed
Dorians who conquered Laconia, had a brutal system of strict control, society focused almost entirely on military
Ivan the Great
Driving force behind Moscow's power, brought much of northern Russia under his rule
5 Pillars of Islam
Five basic duties all Muslims accept
A place Muhammed and his followers traveled to from Mecca, renamed from Yathrib, means "city of the Prophet"
Julius Caesar
An able commander who combined soaring ambition with a determination to make drastic reforms. Brought Gaul under Roman control
Safavid empire
Turkish-speaking dynasty that united a strong empire in present-day Iran
Worship of the forces of nature
Head of Turkish and Mongol invaders, set up the Mughal dynasty
The elite force of the Ottoman army that the best soldiers won a prized place in
Dynasty that ruled the Islamic world until 750, directed spectacular conquests that carried Islam from the Atlantic to the Indus Valley
A bustling marker town at the crossroads of two main caravan routes
A pharaoh whose tomb had been untouched for more than 3,000 years and provided a wealth of evidence about Egyptian civilization
Created to protect people's homes from invasions of Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars
Nomads along the Ganges river who were warriors who fought in chariots with bows and arrows. Most things about them were learned from the Vedas.
A Buddhist sect from China that emphasized meditation and devotion to duty
Byzantine empire
What the eastern Roman empire come to be called after Constantine rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium
John Wycliffe
An Oxford professor who attacked church corruption in England
A great Athenian playwright who wrote Antigone
Nomadic herders that adapted to the conditions of the desert during Muhammed's time
Thomas Aquinas
Wrote Summa Theologica, which examined Christian teachings in the light of reason
Ramses II
An Egyptian pharaoh who won fame for his military victories
A religion created by Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama that teaches Four Noble Truths and an eightfold path to get to the ultimate goal: nirvana
Kublai Khan
Toppled the last Song empire, ruled all China, Korea, Tibet, and Vietnam. Grandson of Genghiz Khan
Tang dynasty
Dynasty led by Tang Taizong, conquered territories deep into central Asia and forced neighboring lands to become tributary states
Taj Mahal
A tomb built for Mughal leader Shah Jahan's wife, Mumtaz Mahal
Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro
Two main cities of the Indus Valley, twin cities, carefully well-planned
Government evolved from a monarchy to an aristocracy to a democracy because of ordinary people's complaints
Ivan the Terrible
Grandson of Ivan the Great, centralized royal power
A teaching by Hanfeizi that said the only way to achieve order was to pass strict laws and enforce them with harsh punishments
Revived the Babylonian empire which stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea
Ring of Fire
A pacific region that is subject to frequent earthquakes and volcanoes
Leader of the Carthaginian army who commanded a mixed force of troops from Europe and North Africa
yin & yang
Two forces that the Chinese believed the universe reflected a delicate balance between
Tale of Genji
Murasaki Shikibu's monumental work that is considered the world's first novel
Akbar the Great
Chief builder of Mughal empire, created a strong central government
The most famous Greek temple which was dedicated to the goddess Athena
Ottoman empire
Turkish-speaking Nomadic people who expanded across Asia Minor and into the Balkans, captured Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul
Ming dynasty
A dynasty created by Zhi Yuanzhang that sought to reassert Chinese greatness
Trojan War
A war fought around 1250 B.C. that was started by economic rivalry between the Mycenaeans and Troy
The First Crusade
Innocent and Philip II launched a holy war against the Albigensians in 1209 in order to purify the Church
Mandate of Heaven
Idea promoted by the zhou to justify their rebellion against the Shang, the divine right to rule
Alexander the Great
Saw himself as a second Achilles, first and foremost a warrior, invaded Persia
A religion that grew out of the overlapping beliefs of the diverse groups who settled India. One of the most complex religions
Golden Horde
Mongol armies led by Batu known from the color of their tents
A talented general who gained the Roman throne in 312 and took two big steps - granting toleration to Christians and built Constantinople
Great Wall of China
Wall built by Shi Huangdi to defend his land against raiders
St. Patrick
A monk who crossed to Ireland and set up the Irish Church
Collection of prayers, hymns, and other religious teachings that Aryan priests memorized and recited
Had a vision of Gabriel telling him to proclaim, created the religion of Islam
An ancient shrine that Muslims today believe was built by the prophet Abraham

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