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Juan de Onate
fonded the colony of New Mexico alondg the adobe villages of the Pueblo Indians. later, sapnish missonaries moved into other areas and founded the first mission in Texas. the mission was called Es Paso
Francisco Pizarro
he matched Cortes's conquest. sailing along the Pacific Coast of Present day Chile, he invaded the Inca Empire
Eusebio Francisco Kino
set up 24 missionaries in 20 years after he crossed into present day Arizona in 1691
Hernando Cortes
the first to lead an expediton into the interior of Mexico. there he found the powerful Aztec Empire
a group of people who settle in a distant land and are ruled by the government of their native land.
wasrs faught in teh name of Christ. they were faught by the Roman Catholic Church agains the Turkish Muslims to gain control of hte Middle East.
a person who rules in the place of a king or queen
Colubian Exchange
transformed people's lives around the globe. it was started by Colubus when he started his voyages to the Americas. it was a worldwide exchange of goods and ideas.
religious settlements run by Catholic Priests and friars.
forts with high adobe walls, where soldiers lived
Johannes Gutenberg
a German inventor in hte mid 140s who invented hte printing press.
a French workd for rebirth. it lasted fro the late 1300s to about 16900
Christopher Columbus
an Italian sea captian who wanted to sail to the East Indies to claim it ofr Sapin but instead reached the Caribbean Sea. Colubmus was the fiest ot claim the islands and called one hispaniola.

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