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Modern World History Matching

Matching section for the Modern World History Mid Term


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James I
First Stuart king if England
The movement of people from the country to cities
Catherine the Great
Empress of Russia who began state-supported education for boys and girls
February Days
iron railings, overturned carts, paving stones, and toppled trees blocked the streets of Paris
The wealthiest members of the Third Estate
Louis Napoleon
President after Napoleon who cared about social problems, proclaimed himself emperor as the title Napoleon
Louis XVI
"Let all three estates list their grievances to me"
French actor-playwright who produced comedies that made fun of French society
A style of painting that tries to capture the fleeting effects of light on an object
"Lives must be sacrificed for liberty"
Social Gospel
Protestant churches in Europe and the United States urged their worshipers to become involved in a movement to help others known as the social gospel
Sans- Culottes
Radical working-class men and women
Simon Bolivar
Young creole that was inspired by the ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity" (Liberator)
Philip II
King of Spain who advanced Catholic power throughout the world
A military tactic through which ports are shut off to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
Miguel Hidalgo
Rang church bells summoning the people to prayer
Frankfurt Assembly
Group trying to create a constitution for Germany
A feeling of pride in, and intense devotion to, one's country
The idea that the goal of society should be the "greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Led slaves in revolts, earned Haiti's independence
French cardinal who strengthened the central government by destroying the power of the nobles
Henry Bessemer
British engineer who invented a process to produce steel
Frederick the Great
King of Prussia who used the army to strengthen the nation's power
Belief that one racial group is superior to another
System of though or belief
Artists who were part of a movement called impressionism aimed to excite strong emotions with their work
Louis Pasteur
French doctor who proved the "germ theory"
The movement that increased farm production
A privately built road that charges travelers for a fee
A business owned by stockholders
An artistic movement that attempted to represent the world as it is
Interchangeable parts
Identical components that speeded both assembly and repair because they could be used in place of one another
Painters focused on capturing fleeting visual impressions
John Dalton
Quaker schoolteacher who developed modern atomic theory
Elizabeth I
Queen of England who encouraged sea captains to plunder Spanish treasure ships
Miguel de Cervantes
Author of Don Quixote
Oliver Cromwell
Leader of the Roundheads in the English Civil War
Clemens von Metternich
Ruler of Austrian politics for 30 years, became prime minister of Austria, favored war against France
Louis Philippe
The "Citizen King," owed his throne to the people, got along well with the liberal bourgeoisie
Olympe de Gouges
"Woman's rights are the same as those of man"
A person who fled revolutionary France to live in another country
When a group of large businesses band together to control a single industry
Took rule when Napoleon was abdicated and issued the Charter of French Liberties
New inventions in the textile industry made it necessary to change from the "putting out system" to producing cloth in factories
Social Darwinism
The idea that the fittest would always beat out their competitors, whether in war or industry
The working class
Assembly Line
A way of organizing workers and machines in order to assemble a finished product efficiency
The right to vote
A business owned by stockholders
Maria Theresa
First woman to rule the Hapsburg lands
Catherine the Great
Ruler of Russia who seized territory from Poland
A form of socialism that focuses on ending class struggle
Louis XIV
French king who built a palace at Versailles
Charles Dickens
A realist English writer who portrayed the lives of slum dwellers
Clemens von Metternich
"Monarchy is the only way to save Europe from the ravages of nationalism"
Ruler of Brazil
"I love power as a musician loves his violin"
Louis Sullivan
American architect who designed scyscrapers
Peter the Great
Ruler of Russia who carried out social and economic reforms to modernize the country
El Grito de Dolores
Father Hidalgo's speech meaning "The Cry of Dolores," it called for Mexicans to fight for "Independence and Liberty"
Society as a group rather than individuals should own and operate farms and business
An economic system in which society owns large farms and businesses

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