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Chapter 5


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Articles of Confederation
Adopted in November of 1777. Congress adopted a plan for union. Confirmed the existing weak, decentralized system.
John Burgoyne
Commander of Northern force began two pronged attack to the south along both the Mohawk and upper Hudson approaches to Albany. Howe abandoned the plan and instead of moving north to meet Burgoyne he went south and captured Philadelphia.
Benedict Arnold
General who unsuccessfully threatened Quebec in 1775 and 1776 in a battle which left Montgomery killed and Arnold wounded.
Robert Morris
He was head of Confederation's treasury.
Declaration of Independence
Approved on July 4 of 1776. Provided formal justifications for the actions the delegates had taken two days earlier. It launched a period of energetic political innovation. Colonies started to think of themselves as "states." Expressed concepts that had been circulating throughout the colonies over the previous few months.
Treaty of Greenville
Miami signed this, ceding substantial new lands to the United States in exchange for formal acknowledgement of their claim to the territory.
governments that had a political system in which all power came from the people. Success of government depended on nature of citizentry.
Treaty of Paris 1783
Negotiated by John Jay, Ben Franklin, and John Adams. To get land East of Mississippi. Could tax colonials. State should give backland. British remove soldiers from Northwest territory.
Where Gates surrounded Burgoyne after he withdrew due to short materials. Help being cut off and fighting severe costly engagements. Turning point of the war.
Baron von Steuben
Military experts from Prussia. Helped Washington's army. Trained troops
Thomas Paine and Common Sense
He emigrated from England to try and get Americans to turn their anger away from parliamentary measures and toward the English constituition. What he considered the root of the problem. Believed Americans should completely break away from a political system that caused brutality for its people. Common Sense sold over 100,000 copies in the first couple of months. It created a rapid growth of support for the idea of independence of 1776.
Joseph and Mary Brant
Mohawk brother and sister. Allied themselves with British in Revolutionary War in 1776. Caused the Iroquois Confederacy to weaken even more. Only the Mohawk, Seneca and Cayuga supported the British.
Remember the Ladies
Abigail Adams wrote to her husband John Adams in 1776. Asked him to be more generous and favorable to the ladies more than his ancestors.
Where Clinton made Cornwallis go to take up a defensive position. He was scared the southeren army would be destroyed.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Passage of 1787 and other law governing western settlements. Abandoned the ten districts established in 1784 and created a single Northwest Territory out of the lands north of Ohio. Had a minimum of 60,000 for statehood and guaranteed freedom of religion, right to trial by jury and speech to resisdents of Northwest. Prohibited slavery throughout the territory.
John Jay, Ben Franklin, John Adams
Three principals of the American diplomats British emissaries appeared in France to talk to them.
George Rogers Clark
Led a Patriot expedition over Appalachian Mountains and captured settlements in the Illinois country from British and their Indian allies. Won West at
Nathanael Greene
One of the ablest of all the American generals of the time. He replaced Horatio Gates.
Where Greene's contingents inflicted what Cornwallis admitted was a very unexpected and severe blow. Happened on January 17, 1781.
Chief Dragging Canoe
The leader of Cherokee who launched a series of attacks on outlying white settlements in the summer of 1776. Happened in the western Carolinas and Virginia.
Thomas Sumter, Andrew Pickens, Francis Marion
Leaders of the Patriots who led guerrillas who constantly harassed the British. They were called "Swamp Fox."
Richard Henry Lee
Favored independence. He was part of Virginia. Made resolve.
Anthony Wayne & Battle of Fallen Timbers
In 1794 he led 4,000 soldiers into Ohio Valley. Defeated the Indians here. After this battle negotiations started.
Lord Cornwallis
Clinton named British commander in the South. He met and crushed a Patriot force on Horatio Gates on August 16th 1780.
William Howe
British general. Led hundreds of British ships and 32,000 British soldiers to New York. Offered Congress a choice between surrender with royal pardon and a battle agianst overwhelming odds.
George Washington
Was commander in chief of Continental Army. Had considerabe military experience and an early advocate of independence. He was admired, respected and trusted by almost all Patriots. Took command of a new army in June of 1775.
John Dickinson
Moderate of Pennsylvania. He hoped for quick reconciliation with Great Britain.
Bunker Hill/Breed's Hill
June 17, 1775. Patriots suffered severe causalities and withdrew. British had even greater losses. British decided Boston was not a great place to fight since it was the center of the most anti-British part of America. On March 17, 1776 they decided to evacuate Boston.
Thomas Jefferson
33 year old Virginian. Wrote most of the Declaration. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams also helped.
Little Turtle
Led the Miami. Defeated United States forces in two major battles. Violence between whites and Indians 1791.
Statute of Religious Liberty
Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1786. Called for complete separation of church and state.
German mercenaries
Horatio Gates
He was a general who surrounded Burgoyne in Saratoga.
Where Cornwallis met Gates Patiot force on August 16th 1780 and crushed it
Second Continental Congress
After the battle of Lexington and Concord. All delegates from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia. They agreed to support the war.
Marquis de Lafayette
Military experts from France. Helped Washington's army. Top aide to Washington
Valley Forge
Where Washington went into winter quarters at. This happened after an unsuccessful Patriot attack against British on October 4 in Germantown
Continental Currency
State printed paper currency since they couldnt afford real currency. it was worthless
Continental impost
a 5% duty on imported goods to be levied by Congress and used to fund debt.
Alexander Hamilton
Robert Morris's young protege
Daniel Shay & Job Shattuck and Shay's Rebellion
He was a former captain in the Continental Army. Members of legislature said Shay's and his men were traitors. Shay and Shattuck were leaders of poor Massachusetts farmers. Issued a set of demands that included paper money, tax relieft, and moratorium of debts and aboliton of imprisonment for debt. Shays Rebellion was a failure. During the winter they went to Springfield hoping to get weapons. Militiamen confronted them. Even though they lost, it produced some concession to aggrieved farmers. Shays and his lieutenants were supposed to be sentenced to death but it was pardoned.
John Locke
His theory was governments were formed to protect what Jefferson called "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness"

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