undefined, object
copy deck
- -Texas mission in San Antonio captured by Mexico in 1836. m405
- Alamo (29 N 98 W), 402
- -Texas city and site of the Alamo. 29 N 99 W m405
- San Antonio 402
- -in 1836, Texans defended a church called the Alamo against the Mexican army; all but five Texans were killed.
- Battle of the Alamo 403
- -the nickname of the republic of Texas, given in 1836.
- Lone Star Republic 405
- -the belief that the United States was destined to stretch across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
- Manifest desting 407
- -the 1846 rebellion by Americans against Mexican rule in California.
- Bear Flag Revolt 409
- -the 1848 treaty ending the U.S. war with Mexico; Mexico ceded nearly one-half of its land to the United States.
- treaty of guadalupe hidalgo 410
- -a vast region given up by Mexico after the War with Mexico; it included the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, and parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming.
- Mexican Cession 411
- -a person who went to California to find gold, starting in 1849.
- forty-niner 412
- -in 1849, large numbers of people moved to California because gold had been discovered there.
- California gold rush 413
- -major port city in northern California. m592
- San Francisco (38 N 123 W) 416
- -a person who leaves the country.
- Emigrant 423
- -a person who settles in a new country.
- immigrant 423
- -the cheapest deck or place on a ship.
- steerage 423
- -a factor that pushes people out of their native land and pulls them toward a new place.
- push-pull factor 424
- -island country west of England whose mid 1800s famine caused more than one million people to emigrate to America.
- Ireland 426
- -a severe food shortage.
- famine 426
- -a negative opinion that is not based on facts.
- prejudice 427
- -a native-born American who wanted to eliminate foreign influence.
- nativist 428
- -a European artistic movement that stressed the individual, imagination, creativity, and emotion.
- romanticism 429
- -peacefully refusing to obey laws one considers unjust.
- civil disobedience 431
- -a 19th century philosophy that taught the spirtual world is more important than the physical world and that people can find the truth within themselves through feeling and intuition.
- transcendentalism 431
- -a meeting designed to reawaken religious faith.
- revival 433
- -the renewel of religous faith in the 1790's and the early 1800's.
- second great awakening 433
- -a group of workers who band together to seek better working conditions.
- labor union 434
- -to stop work to demand better working conditions.
- strike 434
- -a campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol.
- temperance movement 434
- -the movement to end slavery.
- abolition 440
- -a federal arsenal in Virginia that was captured in 1859 during a slave revolt.
- Harpers Ferry 469
- -a series of escape routes used by slaves escaping the south.
- underground railroad 442
- -a women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.
- seneca falls convention 444
- -a statement of beliefs.
- platform 471
- -an 1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained form the War with Mexico.
- wilmot proviso 459
- -a political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery.
- Free Soil Party 459
- -the confederation formed in 1861 by the Southern states after their secession from the Union.
- Confederate States of America 473
- -a series of Congressional laws intended to settle the major disagreements between free states and slave states.
- compromise of 1850 461
- -an 1850 law to help slaveholders recapture runaway slaves.
- Fugitive Slave Act 462
- -to withdraw
- secede 473
- -a novel published by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852 , which portrayed slavery as brutal and immoral.
- uncles tom's cable 462
- -a goverment in which the people rule; a system in which the residents decide the issue.
- popular sovereignty 463
- -a compromise introduced in 1861 that might have prevented secession.
- Crittenden Plan 475
- -an 1856 Supreme Court case in which a slave, Dred Scott, sued for his freedom because he had been taken to live in territories where slavery was illegal; the Court ruled against Scott.
- Dred scott v. sandford 464
- -an 1854 law that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and gave their residents the right to decide whether to allow slavery.
- Kansas- Nebraska act 464
- -as Charles Town, largest Southern colonial city; South Carolina site of first Civil War shots, at offshore Fort Sumter. m483
- Charleston (33 N 80 W) 481
- -the political party formed in 1854 by opponents of slavery in the territories.
- republican party 466
- -fort in Charleston, South Carolina, harbor where 1861 attack by Confederates began the Civil War. m483
- Fort Sumter (33 N 80 W), 481
- -a federal fort located in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.
- Fort Sumter 481
- -nation formed by 11 Southern states during the Civil War. Capital: Richmond, Virginia. 473 and 482, m483
- Confederate States of America 482
- -Virginia capital that was also the capital of the Confederacy. m483
- Richmond (38 N 77 W) 482
- -a slave state that bordered states in which slavery was illegal.
- Border state 482
- -a strategy by which the Union proposed to defeat the Confederacy in the Civil War.
- Anaconda plan 484
- -cotton was called king because cotton was important to the world market, and the South grew most of the cotton for Europe's mills.
- King cotton 484
- -stream 30 miles southwest of Washington D.C.; site of first land battle of Civil War.
- Bull Run 485
- -an 1861 battle of the Civil War in which the South shocked the North with a victory.
- First battle of bull run 485 *
- -when armed forces prevent the transportation of goods or people into or out of an area.
- Blockade 484
- -conditions and practices that promote health.
- hygiene 490
- -a warship covered with iron.
- ironclad 491
- -a bullet with a hollow base.
- minie ball 491
- -a gun with a grooved barrel that causes a bullet to spin through the air.
- rifle 491
- -an 1862 battle in which the Union forced the Confederacy to retreat in some of the fiercest fighting in the Civil War.
- Battle of Shiloh 494
- -historic river seperating Virginia from Maryland and Washington D.C.
- Potomac River 496
- -soldiers on horseback.
- Cavalry 496
- -an 1862 Civil War battle in which the Confederacy forced the Union to retreat before it could capture the Southern capitol of Richmond.
- seven day's battles 496
- -Maryland creek, site of bloodiest day's fighting in the Civil War.
- antietam 497 *
- -a Civil War battle in 1862 in which 25,000 men were killed or wounded.
- Battle of Antietam 497
- -the right to vote.
- suffrage 262,444