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- authority
- power that people consider legitimate, as rightly exercized over them.
- charisma
- an outstanding magnetic personality.
- coercion
- power that people do not accept as rightly exercized over them.
- democracy
- a system of government from which authority derives from the people
- dictatorship
- a form of government which power has been siezed by an individual.
- direct democracy
- a form of democracy in which the eligible voters meet together to discuss issues and make their decisions.
- monarchy
- headed by a king or queen.
- oligarchy
- a form of government which power is held by a small groop of people.
- rational legal authority
- authority based on law or writen rules and regulations.
- totalitarianism
- a form of government that exerts almost total control over people.
- voler apathy
- half of the eligible voters do not vote.
- descent
- process of tracing kinship
- blended family
- a family whose members were once part of other families.
- cohabitation
- unmaried couples living together in a sexual relation ship.
- empty nest
- maried couples situation after the last child has left home.
- family
- two or more people who consider themselves by blood or marriage or adoption.
- family of orientation
- family in which a person grows up.
- incest
- sexual relations between specified relatives such as brother sister parents children.
- machismo
- emphasis on male strength and dominance
- polygyny
- a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife.
- nuclear family
- the family consisting of a husband and wife and child/ children
- sandwich generation
- ages 40-55 and they take care of their parents.
- serial fatherhood
- have many childern with many diffrent wemon after he maries them.
- church
a moral comunity of belivers
highly organized group with sedate worship services and little emphasis on personal conversion - cult
- a new religion with followers whose teachings and practices put it at odds with a dominant culture and religion.
- denomination
- a "brand name" within a major religion
- ecclesia
- 1
- evangelism
- 1
- animism
- the belief that all objects in the world have spirits, some of which are dangeruous and must be outwitted
- education
- a formal system of teaching knowledge, values, and skills
- functional illiteracy
- a highgraduate who has trouble with basic reading and writing
- gate keeping
- the process by which education opens and closes the doors of opportunity
- latent function
- unintended beneficial consequences of peoples' actions
- grade inflation
- higher grades given on same work; grade based on improvment
- social promontion
- passing students on to the next grade even though they have not mastered their basic materials.
- fundumentalism
- the belief that true religion is threatened by modernism and its values and that the faith originally practiced should be restored
- monotheism
- the belief that there is only one god
- polytheism
- the belief that there are many gods
- reincarnation
- the return of the soul (or self) after death in a different form
- religious experience
- a sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with god
- sect
- a religious group larger than a cult that still feels substantial hostility from and toward society
- secularrization for religion
- the replacement of a religion's spiritual or otherworldly concerns with concerns for this world
- state religion
- a gov't sponsored religion
- fad
- a temporary pattern of behavior that catches peoples' attention
- fashion
- catches peoples' behavior and lasts longer than a fad
- mass hysteria
- an imagined threat that causes physical symptoms among a large number of people.
- milling
- a crowd standing or walking around as they talk excitedly about some event.
- minimax strategy
- term for the efforts people make to minimize their cost and maximize their rewards.
- moral panic
- a theory that groups a large group of people that some evil thretins the well bing of society followed by hostility, sometimes violence, toward those thought responsible.
- proactive social movement
- social movement that promotes some social change.
- propaganda
- the presentation of information in the atempt to influence people.
- public
- a dispersed group of people relevant to a social movement
- riot
- violent crowd behavior directed at property and people.
- rumor
- unfounded info spread among people.
- urban legend
- a story with an ironic twist that sounds realistic but is false.
- cultural lag
- human behavior lagging behind technological inovations.
- diffusion
- the spread of an invention or discovery from one area to another.
- discovery
- a new way of seeing reality.
- invention
- the combination of existing elements and materials to form new ones
- technology
- the skills and procedures necessary to make and use tools
- alternative medicine
- madical treatment other than that of standard western medicine.
- defensive medicine
- medical practices not done for patients benifits but inorder to protect the physician from malpractice suites.
- epidemiology
- the study of disease and disability paterns.
- euthanasia
- mercy killing of the elderly and sick.
- health
- a human condition measured by four components: physical, mental, social, spiritual
- medicalization
- a transformation something into a matter to be treated by physicans.
- medicine
- one of the major social institutions that sociologist study; societys organized ways of dealing with sickness and injury.
- sick role
- a social role that excuses people from normal obligations because, they are sick or injured while at the same time expecting them to seek competent help and cooperate in getting well.