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HCHS Sociology Study Guide I Vocab.

HCHS Sociology with Mr. Daly - Study Guide I Vocab.


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system of values, norms, symbols, and knowledge that a society shares; Culture is both concrete and abstract
Nonmaterial Culture
composed of abstract human creations or ideas; ex- Manners, religion, love, language, family/group structure
Cultural Values
collection of what is considered good, desirable, and proper in a culture
Latent Function
"secondary" function; hidden
everyday habits and conventions that come naturally; People who violate are consider eccentric or rude, but as a rule they are tolerated; Examples - RSP to invitations, writting thank you cards,
Scientific Method
systematic, organied series of research steps that emphasize objectivity and consistency
18th Century philosophical movement ; emphasized the use of reason to examine doctrines and traditions; led to a scientific approach to social, political, and economic problems; inspired revolutions in US, France, Latin America
Social Interactions: Regular
Not planned, but very common; Saying hello to someone you see everyday (secretary, doorman)
Prohibition against one of society's most important mores; belief that you are unfit for society, tends to be exiled; To weird through some type of action
Social Interactions: Accidental
Not planned; Not likely to be repeated; Speer-of-the-moment thing; Example - asking where something is, directions
Traditional rules of a people or a society that have powerful moral significance attached to them; Sever consequences; Examples - prohibitions against incest, murder, and stealing
arge number of people who live in the same area, see themselves as separate and different from people outside their territory and participate in a common culture
Social Interactions: Regulated
Planned; Regulated by custom and/or law; Plan on driving the speed-limit; Shake hands when meeting someone
group of people who share broad traditions of a culture but also follow values and norms that are unique to them
Relative Symbols
Red cross - medical; Green cross - Europe - "drug store"; Rock on; Peace; Rising your hand
Real Culture
is what is actually reflected by peoples actions; Example - Voting, drugs, underage drinking, going to church; What we actually do
Social Facts
social activity or situation that can be observed and measured. Examples - Economics, Crime statistics (Tools to prove theories)
Ideal Culture
represents what people should do; Cultural aspects they should adhere to; That everyone votes; Idea of what we should do
guidelines people follow in their relations to one and other; Can be as big or small as you want to make it ii. Examples: eye contact while talking; murder, morning exchanges, Please & thank you, Way to kids talk to adults, Letting pedestrians cross
Symbols: Lang.
verbal exchanges, often have definite meaning
he study of society; Groups, people; patterns of human behavior
Material Culture
refers to tangible objects that reflect culture; ex - Houses, cars, clothes, watches
Social Interactions: Repeated
Not necessarily planned but bound to happen; You have basis of knowing what you are going to say; "common ground"
group that rejects the values and norms of larger culture and replaces them with a new set; goes against mainstream culture; Examples - gangs, hippies, skinheads, militia groups
Manifest Function
"main" function; obvious
Measurable traits that are subject to change under different conditions
Rewards and punishments
Symbols: Signs
nonverbal,, tend to be more flexible than language
Universal Symbols
Stop sign; Red stop; Green = go; Bio-Hazard symbol; Skull & cross bones
Commonly understood gestures, words, objects, and sounds, that have come to stand for a particular meaning; Different cultures = different symbols

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