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Chapter 1-5 US History


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Anglican Church
AKA Church of England.
William Bradford
Led the pilgrims on the Mayflower
George Calvert
Also known as Lord Baltimore. Established Maryland. "Act Concerning Religion."
Duke of York
James II. Made King in 1685 Lord High Admiral. British drove Dutch out of NY
The Great Migration
Migration of Protestants to New England area seeking religious freedom
Thomas Hooker
Founder of CT. He was driven out of Massachusetts
Founded in 1607. 3 ships, 144 men, all rich gentlemen from England. Led by Thomas Smith. Settlers did no prepare well enough during harvest time. Capt. John Smith was sent in order to be in charge. He was an English mercenary.
James Oglethorpe
Founder of Georgia. Georgia served as a buffer between Spanish and French. English prisoners from debtors prison came here.
William Penn
Made sole proprietor of Pennsylvania. Quaker colony.
Proprietary colony
King of England approved colony - he would send someone or a group to govern a colony.
John Smith
Jamestown was given to him. He sort of helped it get back onto its feet. He was an english soldier
Starving Time
Winter in 1609-1610. Not enough food to go around. Some settlers were desperate enough to resort to cannabalism
Roger Williams
Founded the providence of Rhode Island - he bought it from some Native Americans after he was kicked out of Massachussetts. He preached extreme seperatism
John Winthrop
governer of Massachussetts Bay. Serious Puritan
Samuel de Champlain
Founded Quebec for France
Christopher Columbus
Italian. Sailed for Spain. Convinced Isabella and Ferdinand to financially back him to get to the New World which he thought would be China. Underestimated distance of travel by a large scale.
Hernando Cortes
Conquered the aztecs. Conquistador.
Failed Colony. One of the first English Settlements. Sir Humphrey Bilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh
Bacon's Rebellion
Led by Nathaniel Bacon. Armed rebellion in VA against the colony's royal governor - Sir William Berkeley. Burned Jamestown to the ground. Was angry with Berkely because Berkeley was greedy and kept fur trade to himself.
enumerated goods
goods not produced in England that colonies could ONLY trade with England. tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, dye, wool, ginger
Circular letter
Massachussetts House of Representatives drafted this. It was a provocative appeal that was sent to other colonial assemblies requesting suggestions to thwart the Townshend Acts
Northern Colonies
Masachussetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire
Middle Colonies
New York, New Jersey, Penssylvania, Delaware
Southern Colonies
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
King George III
Unstable King in 1760s. Contributed to large gap in communication between British and Americans. Power-hungry.
George Grenville
Enacted the Sugar Act. thought that the colonists needed to contribute to the British Debt by taxing sugar
Patrick Henry
Trumpet of Sedition Speech. No taxation without representation.
Thomas Paine
Wrote "Common Sense" urging the colonists to resist tyranny and false systems of government.
Quebec act
extended the province's boundaries all the way south to the Ohio River and west to the Mississippi. The act granted French-speaking Roman Catholics religious and political rights and a large voice in local affairs.
Sons of Liberty
Group of men or mobsters that rebelled against the new acts the british imposed on them. organized boycotts
Charles Townshend
Created American Board of Customs and Commissioners. Taxed imports of papers, glass, paint, and tea for the colonies.
Jonathan Edwards
Preached during the Great Awakening
Great Awakening
Huge religious revival in America. Charismatic.
New Lights
Founded several important centers of higher education. Defenders of emotional preaching
Old Lights
Resisted the emotional preaching movement as dangerous nonsense
George Whitefield
Young, inspiring preacher from England who toured colonies from GA to NH. Described himself as a Calvinist. Anglican minister.Part of the First Great Awakening
Triangular trade
American Exports went to West Indies, then to Caribbean, and returned immediatedly to Middle Colonies

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