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- colonization
- the establishing of a settlementin a distant country by a group of immigrants who remain associated with their parent country
- Craftsmen
- people who practice a craft with great skill
- Debtors
- people who owe money.
- economic venture
- a money making undertaking;for example, when the Virginia Company of London sent settlers to the New World.
- Indentured Servants
- men or women who agreed to work without pay in order to have their passage paid to the New World.
- Mayflower Compact
- An agreemant in which the Pilgrims decided to set up government and make fair laws.
- Proprietor
- Owner of a colony.
- Puritans
- Members of a group who wanted simpler forms of worship and stricter morals.
- quakers
- religous gruop that settled the Pensylvania Colony; one who "trembeled at the word of the Lord
- raw materials
- matials thathave not been processed(trees, cotton, tobacco)
- religious persecution
- to cause to suffer because of a belief, particularly a religious beleif
- religious reformers
- peolpe who formed various Protesant churches
- separtist
- one hwo withdraws from a church, a dissenter
- slaves
- africans who were owned as property for life, with no rights
- social postition
- one's place in society