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- Two Major Things that motivated people to come here
- 1. Economical 2. Spiritual
- 5 belief points during the protestant reformation
- Grace alone Faith alone Christ alone Glory of god alone The authoritative word of god alone
- The Official National Church Of England
- Church of England (Anglicans)
- Puritans (Calvinists)
- Congregationalist Presbyterians Baptist
- Separatist
- The Pilgrims (Calvinists)
- Methodists
- Anglican Calvinists Armenian
- Quakers
- Religious society of friends
- Mercantilism
- Increase nations power and national wealth Encourage individual wealth to increase the crowns wealth Self sustaining economic system Create a favorable balance of trade Establish Colonies
- Pilgrims/Mayflower Compact
- Proclaimed Faith Loyalty to England and King Faith was equal Adhere to a Government
- Puritans (Massachusetts)
- Model society based on biblical beliefs-City on a hill Maintain strict society "Jeremiad" warning to keep on Track
- Maryland (Catholic Colony)
- Refuge, colonial place for English Catholics to come, in order to escape refuge
- Pennsylvania (Quaker Heritage)
- William Penn Believed all people were equal No formal church
- Georgia Colony
- James Oglethorpe Utopian for hard working small farms Open to other and other religions
- Slaver
- Legal Crucial to economic success
- Puritan Crisis
- Crisis of faith Crisis of economic condition Crisis of disunity and identity
- Salem's trouble with witches
- 1. Puritan Crisis 2. French Indian Wars 3. Medical 4. Social conflict of disunity -Rivalries between families, other denominations, peer pressure, and gender 5. Scapegoating and guilt 6. Clashing values 7.Spectral evidence allowed 8. Psychosomatic suggestions and paranoia 9. Reality of the invisible world
- Enlightenment
- Grew out of the scientific revolution
- Cotton Mather
- Puritan Minister/ scientist (Smallpox Vaccination
- Benjamin Franklin
- Electricity
- Tjomas Jefferson
- Philosopher/Scientist
- Deism
- God=distant creator in a self regulating universe
- Humanism
- Man=Center of all things
- The Great Awakening
- Massive Christian revival
- New Lights
- (Heart Faith)
- Old Lights
- (Mind faith)
- Revolution "New Lights"
- Spiritual and moral questioning Emergence of racial integration
- Unifying "New Lights"
- First national event interconnecting colonial America Encouraged spiritual bonding
- American Revolution
- Turning the world upside down
- John Adams
- First VP Single handedly kept the spirit of the American Revolution going.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Main Author of the Deceleration of Independence A Hypocrite (Slave Owner)
- George Washington
- No revolution without this man The best leader of men
- Benedict Arnold
- Best General Trader
- King George the 3rd
- The Enemy
- Betsy Ross
- American Flag
- Molly Pitcher
- Water woman Shoots the cannon
- Abigael Addams
- Rights for women
- Crispus Attuks
- First Bloody Skirmish First man killed in the American revolution
- Salem Poore
- Volunteered to sacrifice himself on bunker hill
- Deceleration of independence
- People r created equal Purpose of the govt. is to secure the right of the people
- Constitution
- federalist Document Cannot trust the Gov
- Federalists
- Supported the constitution
- Anti Federalist
- Opposed the potential power of the new Govt.
- Ratification
- The process the constitution becomes the new law
- Bill of rights
- Govt is necessary but untrustworthy Free independent individual must control Govt. Individual r greedy, ambitious, and corruptible making Govt. Necessary
- Conservative Revolution
- Defending existing freedoms The Exodus Towards the promise land