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Other planets have moons
A religious group who wanted even greater reform of the Church of England than had been established by Queen Elizabeth I
Charles Stuart
King Charles I of England executed in 1649
Antoine Lavoisier
How materials burn
To think coherently and logically
Reform of Criminal Justice System
Robert Boyle
Air is made of gases
Bacon and Descartes
Reason and Logic
A popular 18th century scientific toy made of pullys and sheres that could be cranked to mimmick the way the heavenly bodies move around the sun
Carlus Linnaeus
Swedish botanist who developedthe first successful system of classifying living things into similar groups
Robert Hooke
Separation of Powers
A religious group, also known as "Society of Friends"
William Harvey
Heart pumps blood
Francois Voltaire
A foremost French writer and philosopher of the Age of Reason
John Locke
Natural Rights-Life, Liberty, and Property
A band of english Puritans who founded the Plymouth colony in 1620
Dr. Samuel Johnson
Complied the first comprehensive English Dictionary in 1775
Relgious Tolerance
Hobbes and Rousseau
The Social Contract
Johannes Kepler
Planets have elliptical orbits
Nicolaus Copernicus
Earth orbits the sun
Jean Jacques Rousseas
An inportant French philosopher of the Age of Reason
Scientific Method
An approach to scientific research develpoed by Isaac Newton based on three essential points
Sir Isaac Newton
English scientist and Mathematician considered to be the greatest figure in the history of science
The Restoration
The return of the institutionof the Monarchy in England in 1660

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