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Japans 421


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seki o kitte otosu (堰を切って落とす)
to break a dam
sekijun (席順)
the order of seats, precedence [-> 席次]
sekiyu o horiateru (石油を掘り当てる)
to strike oil
sekidō o yokogiru (赤道を横切る)
to cross the line
sekibungaku (積分学)
[Math.] integral calculus
sekiei (石英)
[Mineral.] quartz
sekiyu (石油)
petroleum, oil, kerosene
seki (籍)
the census register; [団体の] membership
sekisairyō (積載量)
carrying capacity
sekihi (石碑)
a tombstone, a stone monument
seki o nuku (籍をぬく)
to have one's name removed from the register
seki ni museru (咳にむせる)
to be choked with a cough
sekirara no (赤裸々の)
naked, bare, plain, frank
sekitsuikariesu (脊椎カリエス)
vertebra caries
sekidō (赤道)
the equator, the line
sekishin (赤心)
one's true heart
seki (咳)
a cough
sekinoyama (関の山)
(all the best) one can do
seken o shitteiru (世間を知っている)
to know the world
sekiryō (席料)
an admission fee, the charge for a room
sekennami no (世間並の)
common, ordinary, average
sekinin (責任)
responsibility, [支払いの] liability
zensekinin o toru (全責任を取る)
to take the full responsibility
sekijitsu no omokage ga nai (昔日の面影がない)
to be not what a person/place used to be
seki (堰)
a dam
sekimen (石綿)
[Mineral.] asbestos
sekikomu (咳き込む)
to have a fit of coughing
sekiyukagakukōgyō (石油化学工業)
a petro-chemical industry
sekichiku (石竹)
[Bot.] a (China) pink
sekikomu (急き込む)
to get excited/agitated/flurried
sekisetsu hyakunijissenchi (積雪120センチ)
The snow lay 120cm deep
sekinin o hatasu (責任を果たす)
to discharge one's duty
sekihan (赤飯)
rice boiled together with red beans
sekishokutero (赤色テロ)
red terrorism
sekisan suru (積算する)
to add up
sekishoku (赤色)
a red colour, red
sekinin o kaihi suru (責任を回避する)
to evade one's responsibility
sekishoku ritomasu (赤色リトマス)
red litmus
sekibarai o suru (咳払いをする)
to clear one's throat, to cough
sekisan (積算)
sekihin arau ga gotoshi (赤貧洗うが如し)
to be as poor as a church mouse
sekibun suru (積分する)
to integrate
seki o ireru (籍を入れる)
to have one's name entered the register
sekitan (石炭)
sekichinkensa (赤沈検査)
a (red) blood sedimentation test
sekentei ga warui (世間体が悪い)
to be injurious to one's reputation
seki o yuzuru (席を譲る)
to offer one's seat
seki (席)
a seat, room
sekiji ga agaru (席次が上がる)
to gain in class standing (by 3 places)
sekiryō (責了)
[Print.] O.K. with corrections
sekihai suru (惜敗する)
to be defeated by a narrow margin
sekisho (関所)
a barrier
sekidōchokka no (赤道直下の)
sekitsui (脊椎)
the backbone, the spinal column [-> 脊柱]
seki o hazushite kuremasen ka (席を外してくれませんか)
Would you be good enough to leave us alone?
sekininkan ga tsuyoi (責任感が強い)
to have a strong sense of responsibility
sekitori (関取)
a sumo wrestler
sekininkan (責任感)
sense of responsibility
seken o shiranu (世間を知らぬ)
to be ignorant of the world
seki ni tsuku (席に着く)
to take one's seat, to sit down
sekimen suru (赤面する)
to blush, to turn red, to be put out of countenance
sekigaisenkamera (赤外線カメラ)
an infrared camera
sekidome (咳止め)
a cough remedy
sekinen no (積年の)
of long standing, of many years
sekiji ga sagaru (席次が下がる)
to lose in class standing (by 3 places)
sekitomeru (塞き止める)
[水を] to dam up, to intercept, to check
sekirikanja (赤痢患者)
a dysentery patient
sekijō de (席上で)
at the meeting, in company
sekirei (鶺鴒)
[Ornithol.] a wagtail
seki o arasou (席を争う)
to scramble for seats
sekichū (脊柱)
[Anat.] the spine, the spinal column [-> 脊椎]
sekitateru (急き立てる)
to hurry up, to hasten, to urge
sekisetsuryō (積雪量)
a snowfall
sekimu (責務)
duty, responsibility, obligation
sekimenkyōfushō (赤面恐怖症)
sekijūji (赤十字)
a red cross
sekinin o tou (責任を問う)
to call a person to account
sekimen saseru (赤面させる)
to put (a person) to shame
sekiji (席次)
the order of seats, precedence [-> 席順]
seki o hazusu (席を外す)
to leave one's seat
seki o yoyaku suru (席を予約する)
to reserve/book a seat
sekitsuidōbutsu (脊椎動物)
a vertebrate
sekigaisen (赤外線)
infrared/ultrared rays
sekitansan (石炭酸)
carbolic acid, phenol
sekigaku (碩学)
a profound scholar
sekinin o tenka suru (責任を転嫁する)
to shift one's responsibility (to another)
seken o wataru (世間を渡る)
to go through the world
sekisai suru (積載する)
to load, to carry, [船に] to take on/in
seki no atatamaru hima ga nai (席の暖まる暇がない)
to be too busy to stay long
sekiran'un (積乱雲)
a cumulonimbus
sekinin ga aru (責任がある)
to be responsible, to be answerable, to must answer for
sekidōsai (赤道祭)
Neptune's revel

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