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- new stone age, humans learn to domesticate plants and animals.
- Neolithic Revolution 7000 BC
- Egyptian King and mythical God
- Osiris
- Egyptian reformer, end of a unique empire
- Akhenaten
- god based off an egyptian pharoh
- aten
- year Judean kingdom destroyed
- 586 BC
- year persians were allowed to return and build the temple
- 539 BC
- caste system hierarchy
slaves - Buddha principles
existance is suffering
suffering is from desire
minus desire is the cure
need to stay in the middle - confusion principles
- to improve society you must improve leadership
- 1st empire to link Mesopotamia and Egypt
612 BC
Asyrians - conquers egypt and moves into Europe
- Darius
- Hero of Athens and son of king aegus
- Theseus
- term for city
- Polis
- greek that used fear of death to rule
- Draco
- popular greek politician that had all citizens voting for major decisions
- Pericles
- upper class, consuls are politicians
- patricians
- lower class, tribunes are politicians
- plebians
- believed that Carthage must be destroyed
- Cato
- gives island kingdom to Rome to avoid feud
- Pergamum
- big estates with lots of slave labor
- latufundia
- roman term meaning revered
- augustus
- attempt to get noble women to fill sacred priestess role
- vestel virgins
- became main eastern rivals for rome around 3rd century BC
- Parthians
- handled Mauryan empire and became Buddhist
- Asoka
- dynasty that had Confucionism in china till 1912
- Han
- first professional historian
- Leopold Van Ranke
- wife of Pericles
- Aspasia
- mother of Gracci brothers
- cornelia
- mother of Constantine
- Helena
- 14-37 AD ruler adopted by Augustus
- Tiberius
- biship approval of predecessor
- apostalic succession
- faced instablity, ruled with Maxmiam and founded tetrarchy
- Diocletian
- rule of 4
- tetrarchy
- first monk who lived in solidarity
- anthony 356 AD
- set up 1st monestary close to Rome
- Benedict
- uncivilzed Germanic tribe
- Ostregoths
- wife of Muhammed
- Khadija
- first day of the Islamic calender
- 622 AD
- 85% of muslims believe leader should be chosen on ability
- sunnis
- month long fasting and pilgramage to Mecca
- Ramadan
- wanted to take back Roman Empire
- Justinian
- wife of Justinian
- Theodora
- emporer during time of Islam
- Heraclius 610-641
- famous missionaries for the Orthodox church that translated Bible for the Slavs
- Cyril & Methodius
- monk who became the pope
- Gregory 1st
- 500-1000 BC architecture
- Romanesque
- 1000-1500 BC religiously based construction
- Gothic
- sovern pope run territory
- papal states
- pepin,s son, crowned by pope as God inspired
- Charlemagne
- Charlemagne's reforms towards education
- carolingian renaissance
- depending on local forces to maintain order
- Feudalism
- the pope's right to appoint bishops
- investiture
- town where Henry repents to Gregory
- Canossa
- group that takes over muslim empire and sparks crusades
- turks 1000's
- movement to damp down Christian tension and violence
- Peace of God
- conquering of Constantinople and Orthodoxy
- 4th crusade
- last muslim kingdom driven out of Spain
- reconquista
- woman monastic movement
- Beguines
- intilectual reform, using Christian theology to defend faith
- Scholasticism
- founded school of thought using reason to support faith
- Thomas Aquinas
- papal bull issued in 1303 by Boniface III meaning "one sacred church"
- Unam Sanctum
- church offices bought out of need for armies
- Simony
- back to classical lit. "man is the measure"
- humanism
- one of the first humanist proponents
- Petrarch
- back to the sources (find the original)
- ad fontes
- invented the printing press
- Johann Gutenburg
- published NT in Latin
- Erasmus
- powerhouse in Italian politics
- Medici family
- tried to find better than classical sources, used fear tactics
- Machiavelli
- kept tabs on the war in England
- parliment
- crusading monks that violently converted Prussians
- Teutonic Knights
- Russian emporer (Ivan the III)
- Tsar
- Muslim expansion into Europe, change from Constantinople to Istanbul
- Ottoman Empire
- rich kingdom in the east that could qwell Muslims
- Prestor John
- portugese king that started exploring for resources
- Prince Henry VIII
- adventure seeker that explored Mexico
- Cortez
- wife and interpreter of Cortez
- Malintzin
- stock market & monopoly
- Dutch East India Company
- fist succesful colony in VA
- Jamestown
- complained about Indian abuse
- Bartolome de Las Casas
- election law passed by pope that allowed only 7 men to vote
- Golden Bull
- emporer during the reformation
- Charles V
- father of Charles V, got title of Holy Roman Emporer
- Habsburg
- advised people to listen to Bible not pope, burned at the stake
- John Huss
- reformers, but more conservative
- Brethren of the Common Life
- wife of Luther from a pickle barrel
- Katherine Von Bora
- against Luther, married 6 wives to get a son
- King Henry VIII
- Elizabeth
- tried reformation back to Catholicism
- New style of worship, humanist
- Ulrich Zwingli
- takes over where Zwingli left off, formed Reformation denomination
- John Calvin
- Illigitimate son of a priest that was important in the Anabaptist movement and was drown in 1527
- Felix Mantz
- priest in support of surfs and thier rebelion, seeing it as a sign of the end times
- Thomas Muntzer
- town that anabaptists controlled until the bishop violently took it back
- Munster
leader of the Anabaptist movement - Menno Simons
- council of bishops in 1545 that addressed protestant concerns
- Council of Trent
man converted that wanted to be a monk for the Catholic church, founded the Jesuits - Ignatius of Loyola
- a visionary and theological nun who founded the barefoot carmolites, the only sect founded by a woman for both men and women.
- Teresa of Avila
- Catholic architecture that demonstrated faith
- baroque
- Catholic massacre of Protestant wedding guests
- 1527 St. Bartholomew's Day massacre
- 1555 document signed, signifying Charles V's turing away from the war against protestants
- Peace of Augsburg