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theo exam 3


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human centered
(Roman Catholic Church) Greek patriarch of Alexandria who championed Christian orthodoxy against Arianism
Avignon Papacy
Period in Late Middle Ages when pope moved his court to Avignon, France. Before the papacy returned to Rome, the curch leadership was involved in a struggle for power called the Great Schism.
Cappadocian Fathers
group of Christian priests, including Basil of Caesarea, his brother Gregory of Nyssa, and his friend Gregory of Nazianzus Their theological advances and appropriation of Greek philosophical thought are reflected in clarifications of Nicene Creed adopted at Council of Constantinople.
bishops’s church, cathedra=symbol of a bishop’s teaching authority
Catherine of Siena
mystic of the late medieval period, Dominican tertiary and was influential in bringing an end to the Avignon Papacy. -Had a vision of mystical marriage to Christ and of nourishing and cleansing blood of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross
during early medieval period, practice among some clergy of maintaining concubines in a relationship like marriage
first Christian emperor of Rome, paved way for establishment of Christianity as the sole legal religion in the Roman Empire and began the practice of calling ecumenical councils to resolve urgent issues affecting the whole church.
formerly the capital of Eastern Roman Empire, founded by Constantine on the site of the ancient city of Byzantium, one of 5 patriarchal sees
pope’s court staffed by the college of cardinals, a papal advisory team of bishops and clergy
doctrines or teachings that have been proclaimed authoritatively by a given religion or church
group of Christians that split from main body of the church in the 4th century in dispute over whether priests or bishops who collaborated with Roman persecutors of Christianity could retain their offices of administer the sacraments.
Francis of Assisi
founder of the Franciscan order of friars
Great Schism
1. serving of relationships between pope and patriarch of Constantinople 2. split within Roman Catholic Church when European Catholicism was evenly divided between the competing claims of two diff popes
Gregory Palamas
Orthodox Christian monk of Mount Athos in Greece whose work defended the hesychast spirituality and used the distinction between God’s essence and God’s energies to explain how people participate through grace in a reunion of love with the divine.
Hagia Sophia
the great “Church of Holy Wisdom: in Constantinople, where the patriarch of Constantinople held services and the Byzantine emperors were crowned
Renaissance humanism was a literary and historical movement to recover the Latin and Greek classics, and with them to discover a more secular and individualistic view of humanity.
painted image of Christ, his mother, angels, or saints...usually associated with Eastern Christianity
one who is opposed to the veneration of icons
one who supports the veneration of icons
practice in medieval church in which the church would cancel all or part of punishment due to an individual who had sinned, when individual had completed certain devotions, acts of charity, or services for the church as substitutes
religious repression??
John Cassian
"father of Western monasticism⬝ sought to establish a standardized form of monasticism for the Western Roman Empire based upon the ideals of Eastern monasticism
Byzantine emperor best known for compiling the Code of Civil Law and rebuilding the great Church of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople
Lay investiture
secular rulers took upon themselves the right to appoint bishops, abbots, and other church officials; the right of appointment was expressed ritually in the ceremony in which the secular ruler “invested” the official with the spiritual symbols of his office
A dualistic view of the world seeing things simplistically in terms of black/white, good/evil,
A beggar; A religious friar forbidden to own personal property who begs for a living;
meaning one, unique, solitary, or alone rule and way of life for Christian men or women dedicated to holiness by separating from existing society, either by withdrawing into unpopulated areas or by living within a walled enclosure.
the practice of allowing dispensations from church law for the advancement of one’s relatives
a late medieval philosophical movement that addresses issues of human knowledge, arguing that knowledge can be derived only from the experience of individual things.
Original Sin
idea that human nature is wounded and deprived of original holiness and right relationship with God because of the sin of Adam and Eve...resulting human nature to suffer and have an inclination to sin
reign of a pope of the office of popes in general
Patriarchal see
head or leading seats of early Christianity, usually 5
Christian monk who introduced the Pelagian notion that original sin did not seriously damage the human capacity to do good, that human nature remained essential good, and that human beings could lead holy lives if they exerted sufficient effort
1. actions that show repentance for sin..praying, fasting, giving alms, making a pilgrimage 2. Sacrament of forgiveness of sin, which consists of the penitent’s acts of repentance, confession of sin, intention to make reparation, and the priest’s absolution of sin.
bishop of the church in Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church
place or state following death in which sinners destined for heaven undergo the punishment still remaining for forgiven sins and thereby are “purged” or made ready for heaven.
“rebirth,” a cultural movement that began in Italy and spread to other European countries, having interest in the Latin and Greek classics
the buying and selling of spiritual things, including church of leadership positions
Summa Theologiae
“summary or compendium of theology,” with the most famous Summa being written by Thomas Aquinas
Unam Sanctam
most extreme statements issued by Pope Boniface VIII in 1302

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