Golbal studies
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- interdependence
- mutual dependence of countries for goods
- map projection
- a projection of the globe onto a flat map using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude
- Topography
- physical features of a place or region
- Vegetation
- plant life of a place or region
- Plain
- large area of level or gently rolling land
- plateau
- large area of high flat land
- diffusion
- movement of custom or ideas from one place to another
- subculture
- group of ppl within a societywho have their own seperate beliefs, values and customs
- Ethnocentrism
- judgin other cultures by standings of one's own culture
- Arisan
- skilled crafstman
- imperialism
- control by one countryof another country's political economic or cultural life
- Westernization
- adoption of western culture
- Tariff
- tax on imported good
- population density
- average # of ppl liviing in a given area
- escartment
- steep cliff
- cataract
- large waterfall
- hydroelectric power
- energy produced by moving water
- tropic
- area btw tropic of cancer and tropic of capicorn
- leaching
- dissolving and washing of the soil's nutrients by constant heavy rains
- drought
- prolonged periods or little or no rainfall
- desertification
- the change of semi-desert land into desert land
- city-state
- large town that has it's own government and controls the surrounding country side
- lineage
- group of distance kin who trace their disent to a common ancestor
- consensus
- common agreement
- polygamy
- practice of having more than one spouse
- age grad
- in some african societies all people born in the same year
- abolition
- movement to end slavery
- diaspora
- migration or scattering of homogenous people
- guerrilla warfare
- hit and run attacks by small bands of fighters against a larger power
- socialism
- system in which the govermnent owns owns and operates major businesses and controls other parts of the economy
- economic sanction
- cutting off trade wuth another country to pressure it to change it policies
- pampas
- in south america the grassy plains that stretch form argentina into Uruguay
- regionalism
- sytong local conditions that divide people within a country or region
- mestizo
- People of mixed European and Native American ancestory
- Conquistador
- Spanish conquerers of spanish colonies
- viceroy
- official who rules in place of a king
- Cabildo
- Councils established by Spain to govern the towns founded by Spanish settelers in Latin America
- Mercantilism
- theory that a country;s economic stregnth depended on increasing its gold supply by exporting mor goods than imported
- hacienda
- large plantation in Latin America
- Dontario
- Portugese landowners of huge tracts of land in Brazil
- Peninsular
- offical sent from Spain to rule Spanish Colonies in Latin America
- Ceole
- American-born descendents of Spanish Settelers
- Caudillo
- Latin America military leader who seizes power and rules as a dictator
- Oligarchy
- system of government in which a small elite has ruling power
- Embargo
- Complete halt to trade
- liberation theology
- movement in the Roman Catholic Church that urges the Church to take a more active role in changing social conditions that contribute to poverty
- inflation
- economic cycle marked by a sharp increaseof prices