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By law, Puritans were not allowed to wear lace
One law forbade of "slashed cloaths other than one slash in each sleeve and another in the back"
It was a penal offense for a man to wear long hair
The length and width of a lady's sleeve was solemnly decided by law
It was a penal offense for a man to smoke in the street
A man was not permitted to kiss his wife in public
It was a penal offense for a youth to court a maid without the consent of her parents
One man, Captain Kimble, after returning from a 3 years voyage at sea, spent 2 hours in the stocks for his "lewd and unseemly behavior" of kissing his wife on his own doorstep
Many of the clergy were men of classical education
Before the middle of the century, Massachusetts required every township of 50 families to employ a teacher to educate the young in reading and writing, while every township of one hundred families must maintin a grammar school
Puritanism received it's inspiration from the Old Testament rather than the New
It was against the law not to attend church
Men and women sat on opposite sides of the Church through the long services
Individual differences were frowned upon, and people were expected to repress their emotions or opinions
Children rarely played - games and toys were scarce. These activities were seen as sinful
Believed in predestination
In 1692, the witch hunt hysteria beggan in Salem, Massachusetts
Women were "cursed" (Adam and Eve, menstruation, pergnancy, etc)
In History notes
Over 25% of the women were pregnant at the time of their marraige
History notes
Motherhood took a "Detached" view
History notes
Puritans wanted to remove many of the tratditions of the Roman Catholic Church from their worship: kneeling at communion and making the sign of the cross
Puritans believed in reading the Bible as the only authority of God
They desired to keep the Sabbath day in more restrictive terms than the Anglicans
Held the belief that only Biblical psalms should be sung during worship, and other fine arts activities were restricted
Puritans believed that such activities like dancing, painting, drawing, acting, and playing or singing music were frivolous if not sinful.
Believed in the separation of Church and State
Unhappy with the Church of England's religious service, Puritans refused to attend the official services on Sunday mornings and attempted to form their own congregations
After James I became king of England in 1603, Puritan leaders asked him to grant several reforms. At the Hampton Court Conference (1604), however, he rejected most of their proposals, which included abolition of bishops.
Gained much popular support in the 17th century
In addition to believing in the absolute sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, and the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation, they stressed the importance of personal religious experience.
The name came from efforts to "purify" the Church of England by those who felt that the Reformation had not yet been completed. Eventually the Puritans went on to attempt purification of the self and society as well.
The theological roots of Puritanism may be found in continental Reformed theology, in a native dissenting tradition stretching back to John Wycliffe and the Lollards, but especially in the theological labors of first - generation English reformers
They were Augustinians who regarded humans as sinners, unwilling and unable to meet the demands, or to enjoy the fellowship, of a righteous God apart from God's gracious initiative.
They advocated a "plain style" of preaching, as exemplified in the masterful sermons of John Dod (1555 - 1645) and William Perkins (1558 - 1602), which was consciously designed to point out simply the broad way of destruction and the strait gat
They also placed a new emphasis on the process of conversion. In the journals and diaries of leaders like Thomas Shepard (1605 - 49) they charted the slow, and often painful, process by which God brought them from rebellion to obedience. They also spoke
But Puritans came to argue that Christians should do only what the Bible commanded. Anglicans contended rather that Christians should not do what the Bible prohibited.
Puritans believed, third, that the church should be organized from Scripture.
The reason that Puritan beliefs concerning salvation, Scripture, and the church created such upheaval was their fourth basic conviction, that God had sanctioned the solidarity of society.
Puritanism was one of the moving forces in the rise of the English Parliament in the early seventeenth century.
The Puritans succeeded in bursting the bonds of mere religiosity in their efforts to serve God

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