Theo exam 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- apologist
- defender
- apostasy
- renounce faith
- apostle
- one who is sent out by jesus to preach the word about him
- bishop
- overseer of local churches
- canon
- authoritative text that make up official scripture
- catholic
- universal tradition within chrisitianity
- christology
- words or teaching about the christ
- confessor
- arrested during persecution and stood firm in their faith
- creed
- short summary of belief
- decius
- emperor of rome who was proclaimed emperor against his will
- disciple
- those who followed Jews
- docetism
- belief of some christians that Jesus did not really become flesh but seemed to have a body
- doctrine
- official teacings or principles of a religion
- episcopacy
- government by bishops
- gnosticism
- claimed to have access to a special kind of knowledge known to them alone and by which they could be saved
- grace
- God's bestowal of a free gift
- heresy
- false teaching, goes against orthodoxy
- heretic
- professed believer who rejects doctrines prescribed by that church
- imperial cult
- partly political, partly religious ceremony in honor of the emperor
- irenaeus
- late second-century bishop of the church at lyons
- jerusalem conference
- question of whether Gentiles needed to become Jews in order to convert to Christianity
- justification
- center of Paul's theology in the principle by faith
- martyr
- would rather die than five up his or her own faith
- messiah
- annointed one
- origen
- christian theologian
- orthodoxy
- right teaching or right opinion
- pagan
- neither Christians or Jews
- patristic
- period in Christian history
- sacrificial atonement
- understanding that the purpose of Jesus' death was that he died for our sins
- synoptic
- question concerning the literay relationship between the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke