World Civ-Reformation
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- Great Schism?
- 1054-The Patriarch of Rome (pope, leader of the Western/Latin Rite) and Patriarch of Constantinople (leader of the Eastern/Greek Rite) excommunicated each other.
- There were __ crusades between _____-_____
- 10, 1095-1270
- What is a crusade?
- A holy war.
- How were the crusades started?
- Pope Urban II called for liberation of the Holy Land from Muslim control. It is likely that he was also trying to heal the Great Schism.
- What triggered the Reformation?
- The corruption in the Roman Church.
- Name the precursors
- John Wycliffe, Johh Huss, and Erasmus,
- What did John Wycliffe do as a precursor to the Reformation?
- Translated the Latin bible to English to lessen the need for priests.
- What did John Huss do as a precursor to the Reformation?
- Question the authority of the pope , he was burned at the stake for heresy.
- What did Erasmus do as a precursor for the Reformation?
- "Praise of Folly" paved way for Christian split unintentionally, and dropped respect for clergy in general.
- Name the reformers.
- Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Henry VIII, and John Knox
- What did Martin Luther do as a reformist?
- Posted 95 theses on chapel door, arguing that faith alone could gain personal salvation through the bible. Translated bible into German. Refused to recant beliefs at Diet of Worms and was declared an outlaw. Today, Lutherans are followers of Martin Luther.
- What are indulgences?
- Payment to forgive sin.
- What did Jean Calvin do as a reformer?
- French, exiled for his heretical writings. Preaches about predestination.
- What did Henry VIII do as a reformer?
- He creates the Church of England, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church in order to annul his marriage with Catherine to wed Anne Boleyn.
- What did John Knox do as a reformer?
- Scottish man who objected to priesthood, organized Presbyterians.
- Sum up the Counterreformation.
- Catholics rally under Pope Paul III in the mid 1500s who calls the council of trent, which reaffirms the necessity of priests, 7 sacraments, initiates catechism, forbids simony, plurality, indulgence sale.