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philosophical words


undefined, object
copy deck
state of existence
possibility of change
The metaphysical theory that there is ultimately only one kind of being
The monistic view that the only kind of being is a mental or spiritual being
argument based on the fact that presently contingent universe requires a present cause; contingent
Present (current) causality
"the justification of God"- attempt to reconcile the traditional view of God with the evil in the world
the branch of philosophy of religion that seeks to provide a rational jusitification for the truth claims of Christianity
argument based on chain of causality through or in time which eventually ends with an original or first cause
original causality
God is the author of everything and did not create evil
Privation argument
knowledge of God based on natural intellect as opposed to revelation
Natural theology' revelation
The branch of philosophy concerned with kinds of being or quesitons like, "what kind of beings are there ultimately?," "Does God exist?, "Do universals exist?" etc
that which depends upon something else for its existence
"God may exist and we can know, I just don't"
Soft agnostic
"God may exist but we can't know"- self defeating because knowledge claim about something can't know
Hard agnostic
The metaphysical view that there are more than two kinds of being
God made everything perfect, one of the perfect things God made was free creatures- cause of evil, imperfecting can arise from the perfect
Free will argument
The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, limits, and kinds of knowledge
"there may be a God but I don't know of there is one"- agnostic- a person who says God may exist
Soft atheist
an examination of the textural transmission by which documents reach us
Biographical test
The monistic view that the only kind of being is material being
story never really happened, it was all made up by the disciples many years later when they wrote the gospels
Legend theory
universe began at point in time by geat explosion; infinite density
Big bang model
existing without a perceptible cause
based on chain of causes through time
Kalam argument
The metaphysical view that there are two and only tow kinds of being-- material and mental or spiritual being
Jesus did not really die on the cross; He swooned, in coolness of the tomb, He woke, moved the stone, overpowered the guards, and appeared before His disciples, claiming to have arisen from the dead
Swoon theory
The branch of philosophy concerned with the analysis and formal evaluation of argumentation
an argument for the existence of the universe (kosmos) or part of it and argues back to a first and original cause
Cosmological argument
an argument for the existence of God based on the idea of God itself
Ontological argument
lack of knowledge; ignorance
"there is no God" - all knowledge or God could exist outside of your sphere of knowledge
Hard atheist
the examination of outside resources of the time that confirm or deny the testimony of the document
External test
the document written by authoratative writers who are in a position to attest to its content; does it contain major inconsistencies or contradictions?
Internal test

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