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Models of the Church


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Church as Institution
Example - St. Ursula Academy{Board of Trustees, President, Principal, Administrators, Teachers, Students}
the human body
Comparison - St. Paul and Corinthians compares the church to what (Church as the Body of Christ)
The Church as Sacrament
Incarnate - God in flesh
the official teaching authority of the church, residing in the pope and bishops (Church as Institution)
an outward sign that both points to and brings about deeper spiritual reality
The Church as Sacrament
We are not talking about the 7 sacraments
Church as Institution
Every organization has an institutional aspect - a formal structure that enables it to accomplish its tasks
Church as the Body of Christ
We are Jesus' mouth, ears, eyes, nose, hands, etc.,
The Church as Herald
The church proclaims the Good News of Jesus
Performed miracles
How did Jesus help others (Church as Community of Disciples)
Church as the Body of Christ
We need one another. Different parts of the body of Jesus are related to one another in the same way that members of an actual physical body are intimately dependent on one another
The Church as Sacrament
We are the church
The Church as Sacrament
Jesus is a sacrament of God
the body of Jesus on earth
The community of believers becomes what? (Church as the Body of Christ)
Church as Institution
Organizations have a structure to run correctly & get a job done and accomplish a goal
The Church as Sacrament
We point others to Jesus through our words and actions. We are examples of Jesus always and everywhere
Committed followers of Jesus suffer
Church as Community of Disciples
Rabbi = - know - Act - be like
The Church as Sacrament
We are visible, tangible signs of love
Church as Institution
The task of the church is to teach, govern, and sanctify
The Church as Sacrament
We are a sacrament
Church as the Body of Christ
We each have been given a special gift. Each person is special and can contribute what no one else can to the Body of Christ.
The Church as Servant
The church is at the service of God and therefore of all humankind.
Church as Sacrament
Jesus taught us how to be human and divine. He pointed us to God.
The Church as Herald
Preach - priests ; example - missionaries (writer - publication EWTN - TV)
The Church as Herald
Proclaim, announce, tell the Good News
The Church as Servant
There are many different ways to serve: through hospitals, schools, orphanages, publication, literacy programs, etc.,
Church as Institution
Each external organization has an internal structure, a hierarchy, or authority structure, to get its job done.
Church as Community of Disciples
A shared goal gives all a sense of unity.
strives to live according to the beliefs and lifestyle of the person followed.
Church as Community of Disciples
Stand up for justice, live simply and peacefully
Church as Institution
The visible external organization is schools, hospitals, church buildings, retirement centers, etc.,
Church as Community of Disciples
John 15:5
The Church as Sacrament
We study about Jesus in the Gospels and imitate Him always and everywhere
Church as the Body of Christ
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Church as Institution
Teach Magisterium: Official teaching authority of the Church; Govern; Sanctify
Church as Community of Disciples
The individuals are part of something larger (the community)
Church as Institution
A group needs an orderly way to accomplish its goals. There are rules and roles and an authority structure.
The Church as Sacrament
Church - us - people Jesus (know - act - be like Jesus) God
The Church as Herald Christ.
It proclaims the Good News through loving actions of Christians, work of missionaries, publications, TV programs, etc.,
The Church as Servant
Called to be servants to other
Church as Community of Disciples
A life style based on the lifestyle of Jesus stands in contrast with the rest of society. Committed followers of Jesus suffer consequences. Less material success, loss of popularity
Church as Community of Disciples
12 apostles/ disciples
The Church as Sacrament
We point others to Jesus through our words and actions
The Church as Sacrament
We are a sacrament of Jesus.
to bring about the kingdom of God
Goal (Church as Community of Disciples)
Church as Community of Disciples
We are followers (disciples) of Jesus

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