Colonial Regions
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- Claimed
- Said that something belonged to them.
- Trade routes
- The paths or water ways traders travel to sell goods.
- Missions
- Churches and other buildings where priest live and teach their religious beliefs.
- Take the risk
- Maybe lose something; take a change.
- Suffered
- Felt pain or loss.
- Empire
- A group of lands or countries under one goverment.
- Invented
- Made for the first time .An invention is a tool or idea.
- Compass
- A tool for finding direction. It uses a magnetic needle that points north.
- Christianity
- The religion based on the teachings of jesus christ.
- Spices
- Plants like peppers, ginger, and cinnamonthat flavor the food.
- Colonies
- Areas that are ruled by another country.
- Religious
- Believing in god or spirits.
- Thieves
- People who esteal ;robbers.
- Dangerous
- Not safe.
- Goods
- Things for sale.
- Silk
- A fine,shiny cloth.
- Claim
- Saying that land is theirs that land also can called their claim.
- Settlement
- A place where people live.
- The Americas
- The continents of north and south America.
- Voyage
- A long journey or trip.
- Indians
- A name for the native people of the Americas;native Americans.
- Explores
- People who travel or search an area to discover something.
- Traders
- People who buy and sale things.