chapter 6
newtons test is soon
undefined, object
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- Etruscans
- skilled metalworkers and engineers, produced a system of writing.
- Latins
- known to be the first romans, lived in wooden huts
- Greeks
- established prosperous and commercially active colonies along Italy and Sicily.
- The Tarquins
- was the last king of rome. He raped a girl and the romans declared that they would never have a king again.
- Patricians
- a member of the wealthy, privileged upper class
- Republic
- a form of government in which the power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders
- Plebeians
- common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up most of the population.
- Dictator
- a political leader given absolute power to make laws and command the army for a limited time.
- Consuls
- one of the two powerful officials elected each year to command the army and direct the government
- Legions
- a military unit of the ancient Roman army, made up of about 5,000 foot soldiers
- Punic Wars
- three wars against Rome and cartage.
- Twelve Tables
- a code written law by ten officials so the patricians would have support
- Tribunes
- the plebeians form their own assembly and elect representatives.
- Hannibal
- the leader behind the war of second Punic war
- Scipio Africannus
- Roman general planned to attack cartage.
- Carthage
- Phoenician colony, in North Africa
- Tiberius Gracchus
- one of the brothers who tried to help Rome's poor. He spoke a lot about the plight of the landless former soldiers.
- Gaius Gracchus
- one of the brothers who tried to help Rome's poor. He and his bro died in the period of civil war.
- civil war
- conflict between groups within the same country.
- Julius Caesar
- successful military general, governed as an absolute leader, started a number of reforms, murdered by jealous Nobles.
- First Triumvirate
- a group of three rulers ( Caeser, Pompey and Crassus)
- Crassus
- one of the three leaders in the Triumvirate, a wealthy Roman
- Pompey
- one of leaders in the triumvirate, a popular general.
- Brutus Cassius
- two important senators who plotted Ceaser's assassination and actually stabbed him to death.
- Octavian Augustus
- the second triumvirate, became the unchallenged ruler of rome, "exalter one"
- Marc Antony
- one of the triumvirate men, married Cleopatra, and flees when they loose the battle.
- Second Triumvirate
- Marc Anthony Octavian and Lepidus
- Lepidus
- a powerful politician, part of the second triumvirate.
- Cleopatra
- Marc Anthony's lover, Queen of Egypt, commits suicide with a snake after she find out about Marc's suicide.
- Pax Romana
- "ROMAN PEACE." The golden age
- Slavery
- consisted of 1/3 of the population, conquered peoples, lost their lives attempting to gain freedom
- Numina
- powerful spirit of divine force, thought resided in everything around them.
- Lares
- guardian spirits of each family
- Nero
- good administrator, but vicious, murdered many, persecuted Christians, bad emperor.
- Trajan
- good emperor, undertook vast building program, enlarged social welfare.
- Hadrian
- good emperor, consolidated earlier conquests, reorganized the bureaucracy.
- Marcus Aurelius
- good emperor, brought empire to height of economic prosperity. Defeated invaders, wrote philosophy.
- Judaism
- a religion that Christianity was supposedly born from.
- Sect
- a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong.
- Jesus
- From Nazareth, his teachings were based on monotheism and the Ten Commandments.
- Paul
- had a mission to write and intercept the message/meaning of the teachings of Jesus.
- Masada
- a group of protesting Jews, captured by the Romans in 73 CE
- Constantine
- the ruler of Rome, moves the capital and calls it Constantiople. Becomes christen on death bed.
- Edict of Milan
- issued by Constantine, accepts Christianity as one of the religions in the Roman Empire.
- Inflation
- a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices.
- Mercenaries
- foreign soldiers who fought for money
- Diocletian
- a strong willed roman leader, became the emperor and ruled with an iron fist and severely limited personal freedom
- Byzantium
- a Greek city that Constantine made the capital of Rome. Located in modern day turkey.
- Barbarians
- invaders, a term used to refer to non-romans.
- Attila the Hun
- the Huns unite under this powerful chieftain. He terrorized both half's of the empire with his 100,00 soldiers.
- GrecoRoman culture
- the mixing of elements of Greek , Hellenistic, and roman culture, often called classical civilization.
- Bas-relief
- a sculpture where images project from a flat ground , tells stories.
- Frescoes
- bright. Large murals attained by wealthy Romans.
- Pompeii
- a roman town with the best Roman paintings. Next to mount Vesuvius witch erupted and covered the cty in a layer of ash, killing 2,000 people.
- Virgil
- poet, spent ten years writing the most famous work of Latin literature, including Aeneid.
- Livy
- a man who compiled a multivolume history of Roma, used legends freely.
- Tacitus
- Roman Historian who presented the facts accurately. Wrote about the good and bad of imperial Rome.
- Romance languages
- latin developed into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian.
- Aqueducts
- designed by Roman engineers to bring water into cities and towns.