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Mrs. Newton's Religion Final


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people coming together and struggling to learn about faith
holy that which is God
Literal Thinking
concidering something at only face value
5 forms of prayer
decide where and when, design your space, choose prayer posture, learn the skill of breathing, hear god
pictures with meaning
the creative and transforming self gift of god
4 major symbols in baptism
oil, water, fire and light.
confident belief of truth of person, ideas, and things
a whole-hearted faith response
God communicates through ????? that shape a persons life?
actions, events, experiences, people, places
Limits in what we can say about God
there are no limits
Ritually reliving ones history
birthday, anniversary
The Vatican II reforms
changes to reveal Jesus more clearly
Two main parts of the Eucharist
remembering Jesus' death and presence through bread and wine
an attemp to manipulate spiritual powers
Ritual prayer
pray with action
Sacrifice comes from the Latin word ____?
Sacrum Facare
Two major kinds of symbols
universal, and culture
What are ways to pray in all ways
imagination, scripture, and body, journaling
Listening and responding to God.
we listen to people, and respond by doing God's will
rules for prayer
which sacraments are of healing?
annointing of the sick, and reconciliation
types of prayer expressions
music art nature excercise
three causes of sacramental dullness
busy, dont know what to believe in, suffering
Formal prayers
universal prayers said around the globe
three of the seven gifts of the holy spirit
wisdom wonder and awe
connecting with god through actions
symbols of God's grace
what are the essential rites?
laying on of hands, husband and wife, bread and wine, water, confession of sins, and oil
three types of finger prayers
praise, center, others, you
Three types of ordained ministers
deacon bishop priest
which sacraments are of initiation?
eucharist, baptism, confirmation
Meditative prayer
form of prayer that involves focusing on an idea story or object
sacramental awareness
a special appreciation of the sacred
primary function of ritual in ancient cultures
contacting spirits
two ways to truly communicate with God.
listen and respond
Paschal Mystery
life death and resurrection
study of God
which sacraments are of communion?
holy orders, marriage
Three actions people can take with their hands to reveal God's Spirit in the world
blessing, comforting, healing

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