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MPCS John Midterm


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When did John write his gospel?
Between 80 - 90 A.D.
How can a person be born again?
Only through belief in Christ by the power and grace of God
What are the synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark, and Luke
When people are judged for not believing in Christ, who condemns them?
They condemn themselves by their own response.
Why does much of the gospel of John take place during Nisan?
Because that is when Jesus' greatest ministry took place, during Passover
What does it mean: John wrote from a spiritual perspective?
His purpose was evangelistic- that everyone would believe in Jesus
Who were the Pharisees?
The most strict of the Jewish religious leaders
Which disciple had doubts at first?
What does Christ mean?
Anointed One; Greek word for Messiah
What word means to settle or dwell?
Who was king at the time of christ's birth?
Herod the Great
What quality gives you the ability to know right and wrong in a situation?
What does "in the beginning" refer to?
Before all things began
What does it mean to have eternal life?
To possess the same life that God possesses
In the gospel of John, what does the term "Jews" refer to?
It is the general term used to refer to the religious leaders
Who was high priest at the time of Christ?
Who built the second Jewish temple?
Herod the Great
What is the name for the portable housing for the 10 Commandments and other items?
Ark of the Covenant
What does it mean: the synoptics wrote their gospels from a historical perspective?
They were concerned with the dates and facts of Christ's life
Which disciple found satisfaction with Christ and shared him with others?
Judean Wilderness
Hot and dry with 2 oases
In what month was Passover held?
What does "dwelt" mean?
To pitch a tent
What is the Incarnation?
When Divine Christ took on flesh and became a human
What is the keyword in the gospel of John?
Jezreel Valley
Located near a critical mountain pass
What does preexist mean?
To exist before one is born.
Who built the first Jewish temple?
What does Gospel mean?
Good News
What must happen in order for a person to be saved?
They must be born again
From what perspective did John write his gospel?
Spiritual perspective
When did Jesus attend his first Passover?
A.D. 29
Who was John the Baptist?
Unusual and interesting prophet who was baptizing at Bethabara
In what passage of scripture is the purpose of the gospel of John found?
John 20:31
During what Jewish month is Passover celebrated?
Where did John the Baptist baptize?
Bethabara - Bethany beyond Jordan
What was the job of the high priest?
To preside over the Sanhedrin
What was the job of the scribes?
To work out the Jewish regulations according to the Law and Talmud
What is the purpose of the gospel of John?
(1) that everyone would know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and (2) that by believing may have eternal life in his name.
Who did the religious leaders think John the Baptist was?
Elijah, the "prophet", the Christ (Messiah)
What was Nicodemus' response to Jesus' words?
(1) disbelief or refusal to believe; and (2) lack of understanding
What did John the Baptist declare Christ to be?
The Lamb of God
Which region did John focus more on, Judea or Galilee?
What happened after Jesus left Cana?
He went to Capernaum with his mother and disciples.
To which disciple did Jesus say, "Follow me"?
Why is the preexistence of Christ important for believers?
Because when we trust in Christ, he becomes our life and since his life is eternal, so is ours!
Who was probably the other disciple who followed Jesus with Andrew
John the Apostle
What are the 3 ideas related to rebirth?
kingdom of heaven, becoming a child of God, eternal life
Jesus changed the name of which disciple?
Simon Peter
Who was Elijah?
A prophet who never died; The Jews thought that he would return to help them; they though John the Baptist was Elijah
Who couldn't worship because of the noisy racket in the temple?
the Gentiles
Who were the Levites?
Tribe that was ordained by God as priests, but they became cold-hearted
Coastal Plain
Fertile farmland on the coast
On what day was Passover held?
the 15th of Nisan
What was going on in the temple that was irreverent?
The Jews were doing business in a place of worship. This was disrespectful.
What are the 3 sects of the Jewish religious leadership?
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes
Which disciple was given power to live by Jesus?
Which disciple doubted Christ at first?
What does incarnation mean?
To be born into human flesh
Who was the Pharisee who came to see Jesus at night?
Which OT mountain is now the location of Temple Mount?
Mount Moriah
What are the dates of Christ's ministry?
A.D. 28 - 31
Who took advantage of the pilgrims entering the temple?
The money changers and the temple inspectors
Who did the Pharisees expect the Messiah to be?
A physical king to deliver them from opression
How man gospels give the account of all 4 Passovers?
Just John
What did Passover celebrate?
The last plague, after which the Israelites were released from slavery
What is the Diaspora?
The name for the Jews who were scattered outside Palestine; for these Jews, going to the temple would be infrequent or a once in a lifetime event
Jordan Valley
Fault line; this valley runs through Israel and includes the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, and part of the Judea Wilderness.
What does logos mean?
Thought or expression
What is the significance of the phrase "I am"?
Jesus used it to claim his deity (by using the same words that God used in the OT)
What did John emphasize in his gospel?
The Deity of Christ
What is Nisan?
The Jewish month that corresponds to our March-April.
What happened after Jesus left Capernaum?
There is a gap of 5 months.
How did John get the information for his gospel?
He was an apostle and an eyewitness
Why is John called the "simple gospel"?
Because the style and vocabulary are simple
In what city did Jesus turn the water into wine?
What did John the Baptist reveal Jesus to be?
A sacrifice (by calling him the Lamb of God)
Who was Philip?
Disciple who followed Jesus with blind obedience
When did Jesus' ministry begin?
In the fall of A.D. 28
When does eternal life begin?
When you become born again.
Who built the first Jewish temple?
Cis-Jordan Hills
Mountainous region
Which disciple did Jesus "see" under the fig tree?
What does theophany mean?
Visual manifestation of the presence of God
rolling hills
How many kinds of wine are there, and what are they?
2 kinds of wine: one is sweet, the other intoxicating
What is the name for the 2nd Jewish temple?
Herod's Temple
How is Jesus the "word"?
He is the expression of who God is and what He wants to do for us
Was the concept of rebirth a new concept when Jesus spoke of it?
No. The Jews, Greeks, and Ancient world all had ideas of rebirth in their religions
What is the current capital of Israel?
What did Jesus do after he was baptized?
He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness where he was tempted for 40 days.
What does it mean to be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven?
To live a life totally submitted to God
What does it mean to be a child of God?
To have the priviledges of being God's child, while obeying because we love him
What phrase means "facing God"?
"With" God
During what feast does most of John's gospel take place?
What did Jesus change Peter's name to mean?
How can the climate of Palestine be described?
In the John 1 account of the disciples, do we read about their conversion or call to service?
Trans-Jordan Hills
Plateau east of the Jordan River
From what perspective does John write?
Spiritual perspective
What is the word for "again" in "born again"?
Who did John write to?
What is the Sanhedrin?
Jewish supreme court of 70 members; had jurisdiction over Jews everywhere
What does "synoptic" mean?
To see together
Why is Palestine able to yield so many different crops?
Because the elevation and climate is varied, allowing for different crops to grow
Was the temple tax an illegal tax?
No. It was allowed by the Talmud
What is the name for the first Jewish temple?
Solomon's Temple
What is the phrase coined for "going through the motions, but not feeling anything"?
Spiritual Doldrums
Who did Andrew tell about Jesus?
His brother, Simon Peter
What does the phrase "with God" show us about Christ?
That he was distinct from God

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