Judaism Quiz-Haley
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- torah
- the first five books of the Hebrew Bible
- Abraham
- the founding father of Judaism
- patriarch
- father of a tribe or nation
- Where did the farmers get the water for their crops?
- Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee; wells to tap into underground streams
- mezuzah
- case attached to the doorpost of homes
- What do orthodox Jews believe about the kingdom of God?
- That it will come with the coming of the Messiah
- Approximately how many Jews were killed during the Holocaust?
- 6 million
- Where did Hebrews originate?
- Sumer
- shofar
- ram's horn
- Who lived in the Holy Land?
- Abraham and Moses
- Tanakh
- Hebrew Bible
- What did the Chaldeans do?
- defeated Assyria, conquered the kingdom of Judah, and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C
- What did Jewish law resemble?
- Hammurabi's law code; an eye for an eye
- What did the Jews do upon returning to Palestine?
- rebuilt King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem
- Israel
- When Solomon died the land split; the North was called Israel
- Who was the first prophet of Judaism?
- Moses
- What does Torah mean?
- teaching
- What is the Talmud?
- collection of writings about Jewish civil and religious laws
- What do reformed Jews believe about the kingdom of god?
- That it will come when every person acts in a righteous manner; believe that every person can become the Messiah
- What is the homeland of the Jews?
- Israel
- polytheism
- belief in more than one god
- What do Jews believe about Jesus?
- That he was a prophet but not a messiah or the son of God
- what is the heart of Judaism?
- the ten commandments
- What do reformed Jews believe about life after death?
- place emphasis on doing good things during life rather than worrying about going to heaven or hell
- When did Israel experience its greatest prosperity?
- under King David, and his son Solomon
- Palestine
- When the Romans took over, they called the whole region Palestine
- rabbi
- the spiritual leader of a congregation
- monotheism
- belief in one god
- What is King Solomon best known for?
- building a temple in Jerusalem
- What happened after Solomon's death?
- tension led to the creation of two seperate kingdoms
- What did the Persians do for the people of Judah?
- Destroyed the Chaldean Kingdom and allowed them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their city and temple
- Where did the Hebrews move around 2000 B.C
- west and settled in palestine on the Jordan River; they called the land Canaan
- kippah
- small cap worn by Jews
- According to the Torah where did the Hebrews live?
- near Ur in Mesopotamia (Sumer)
- What was one of the earliest wheat cultivation sites in te world?
- the Jordan River
- Who united the Hebrew tribes into one nation?
- King David
- latkes
- potato pancakes
- Canaan
- Canaanites were the origial inhabitants; began as farmers and built cities like Jericho
- Who led them and when were the Hebrews led out of Egypt and where did they go?
- Moses, 1230 B.C, back to Canaan
- pharaoh
- king of Egypt
- What happened to Judah after the Assyrians took over?
- They retained their independence for a while
- damages
- civil law (theft, ethical behavior)
- What does Talmud mean?
- instruction
- CE
- Common era
- menorah
- eight-branched candlestick
- dreidel
- a four sided top
- What was the first monotheistic religion?
- Judaism
- What are the different names of Israel?
- Kingdom of Israel, Israel, Canaan, Judah, Palestine
- What caused the Hebrew people to revolt?
- lots of heavy taxes and forced labor by King Solomon
- Moses
- prophet who led the Exodus
- What does Judaism emphasize?
- the importance of one all powerful God
- What do the Hebrews believe about themselves religiously?
- believed that God made a covenant with Abraham and considered themselves God's chosen people; believed Canaan was the promised land
- Judah
- When Solomon died the land split; the South was called Judah (close to Jerusalem)
- seeds
- laws of agriculture, laws of prayer and blessings
- star of david
- a symbol of the Jewish religion
- What are the five books of the Torah?
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
- What king destroyed the temple in Jerusalem?
- King Nebuchadnezzar
- Where does Israel lie?
- in the Holy Land
- women
- laws of marriage and divorce
- proverb
- saying that contains wisdom
- What did the people of Judah evolve to?
- the Jews
- What changes did King Solomon make?
- strengthened royal power, expanded the government, encouraged trade
- What happened to the ten norther tribes?
- scattered; merged with others and lost their identity
- seasons
- laws of holidays
- Passover
- holiday commemorating the Exodus
- What are the six sections of the Talmud?
- seeds, season, women, damages, holy things, purities
- What happened to the people of Judah?
- many were sent as captives to Babylonia, but the captivity didn't last long because of other enemies
- What other religions did Judaism influence?
- Christianity and Islam
- bat mitzvah
- rite of passage for 12 year old girls
- What happened to the Hebrews in 1800 B.C
- a drought pushed them into Egypt
- Synagogue
- place where Jews worship
- How was Israel ruled?
- by powerful kings
- When did King Solomon rule?
- 970-930 B.C
- What two things were connected to the Hebrews?
- history and religion
- Before Common Era
- How was Israel formed?
- Hebrew tribes united under a single government
- Who attacked the Persians in the 4th century?
- Alexander the Great
- Who interpreted God's will and what did they teach?
- prophets, and they taught a strong code of ethics; called on rich and powerful to protect the poor and weak
- What do Orthodox Jews believe about life after death?
- believe in life after death with heaven and hell
- holy things
- sacrifices
- idolatry
- worshipping an idol or image
- purities
- laws of ritual purity
- who took over the kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C?
- the Assyrians
- Holocaust
- murder of Jews by Nazis
- When was the state of Israel founded?
- 1947