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Which of the following is NOT one of the forces of division within the Republican party in the early 1820s?
Industrialization in New England
Why did President Jackson veto the bill that would of provided funding for a road in Kentucky?
He opposed federal funding of internal improvements that were purely local in charter.
John Calhoun wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest to protest
the \"Tariff of Abominations\"
What was the name of the road that Jackson vetoed funding for in Kentucky?
Maysville road
The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to
Use arms to collect custom duties in South Carolina
Why was the 1824 presidential election unique?
John Quincy Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives.
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the depression of 1837?
The creation of the bank of Virginia
In the late 1830\'s and early 1840\'s, what group believed that the end of the world was imminent?
Why did Vice President Martin Van Buren lose the presidential election of 1840?
All of these choices.
(The economic depression, The military record of his opponent, his sluggish campaigning, the refusal of the Whig party to publish a platform)
Which sect believed that Jesus was not divine but merely an exemplary human being?
Who won the 1840 presidential election
William Henry Harrison
What was one of the major reasons for the changing attitude towards poverty, crime and insanity in the early nineteenth century?
Americans began to believe that penitentiaries, workhouses, and insane asylums were counterproductive.
Issac Singer transformed American Society by?
Patenting a practical sewing machine that allowed for the mass production of textile.
In 1851 a journal editor wrote that in this become \"the great agent of civilization and progress, the most powerful instrument for good the world has yet reach.\" What was he referring to?
The locomotive
Which of the following statements accurately describes railroads in the Unite States in 1860?
The United States had more tracks than the rest of the world combined.
How did the McCormick reaper help the North win the Civil War?
It allowed the North to keep agricultural production high even though many farmers went to fight
What impact did technological change have on the American worker before the Civil War?
The purchasing power of the average worker rose
Which of the following was NOT one of the causes of nationwide epidemics in the United States during the antebellum period?
The widespread use of laughing gas by young people seriously suppressed their immune systems.
Which of the following was NOT a popular health or scientific movement in antebellum America?
Epidemiology-branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases.
What was one of the changes that transformed American newspaper in the decades before the Civil War?
They began to print \"human interest\" stories rather just political and commercial.
During the pre-Civil War decades, what did most Americans prefer to paint?
Why did movements for rural cemeteries and urban parks develop during the antebellum period?
There was a fear that sprawling urban growth was destroying the spiritual healing the nature provided.
What was one of the purposes of the lyceum lectures
They were designed to spread and popularize knowledge.
What happened in New Orleans in 1832 and 1833?
An epidemic of yellow fever and cholera killer 1/5 of the population.
Which of the following is a crop not associated with the Lower South?
Which of the following statements accurately describes the Upper South and the Lower South?
After about 1830, both were united in their defense of slavery.
Who led the 1831 rebellion in Southhampton County, VA that terrified the South for generations?
Nat Turner
By 1860 what percentage of white southern families owned slaves?
Which list of states contains only states that were part of the Upper South?
Kentucky, Tennessee, and Maryland
Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that nonslaveholding southerners supported the slave system?
Some hoped to become slaveholders
Which of the following statements is true of plantation life?
Psychological strains compounded economic woes
Which of the following was one of the hallmarks of the West American cultures from which many American Slaves had originated?
Broad Kinship ties
Which of the following is an accurate description of the typical slave diet?
It was generally unbalanced but there was plenty of food.
In 1860, about what percent of slave owners owned more than 20 slaves?
Only about 12%
Where did over half of all free blacks in the Lower South live?
In cities
Why did the growth rate of the free black population in the South slow after 1810?
Few southern whites were freeing their slaves.
What did Hinton Helper argue in the Impending Crisis of the South?
Nonslaveholders should abolish slavery in their own interest
Which of the following is an accurate statement about slave uprising in the antebellum South?
There were only three, and only one resulted in white deaths.
What was an overseer?
He was a slave owner\'s assistant who managed the discipline and punishment on a plantation.
According to Fredrick Douglass, when did slaves sing most?
When they were most unhappy.
The Battle of the Alamo...
Provided a rallying point for Texans in their struggles against Mexico.
Which statement best describes the Germans who came to the United States before 1860?
They were largely or urban working-class background.
Which of the following was NOT one of the responses of American workers to the Economic difficulties of the 1830\'s and 1840\'s?
They bought factories and ran them as communal enterprises.
A potato blight brought about \"The Great Famine,\" a period of starvation in
In the 1820\'s, Mexico attempted to attract American settlers to Texas by?
Providing generous land grants to recruiting agents.
Which one of the following is NOT one of the results of the California Gold Rush?
Slaves, free blacks, Indians, Chinese, and Angelos eagerly joined together in the gold fields.
Which statement accurately describes travel to Oregon or California on the overland trails during the 1840\'s?
Emigrant cooperated closely with each other and traveled in huge wagon trains.
Why was John Tyler\'s ascendancy to the presidency a disaster for the Whig Party?
All of the choices.
(He was a former Democrat, a states\' rights advocate, vetoed a bill to create a new national bank, and vetoed bills that would postpone reducing the tariff.)
Which of the following was one of the reasons why some antislavery northerns believed there was a Southern conspiracy to extend slavery into the Southwest?
President Tyler, a states\' right Democrat from Virginia, maneuvered to arrange the annexation of Texas.
In the 1840\'s which of the following group was NOT likely to support territorial expansion?
Members of the Whig party
Empresarios were?
Land agents who worked for Mexico to recruit American settlers to come to Texas.
Which of the following was NOT one of the background causes of the Mexican-American War?
Mexico had failed to pay $2 million in debts owed to to U.S. citizens.
In the United States, which of the following was NOT a reason for opposition to the Mexican-American War?
Mexico\'s Army was four times the size of of American forces and would therefore be unbeatable.
According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,
the United States assumed the claims of American citizens\' against Mexico.
What military leader in the Mexican-American War became a national hero and eventually president?
Zachary Taylor
Who led the Texas army that defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto?
Sam Houston
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
It was a stipulation that slavery was prohibited in any territory acquired in the negotiations with Mexico.
From the point of view of the Whig party in 1848, why was Zachary Taylor an ideal candidate for president?
All of the choices.
(He was a Louisiana slaveholder and would therefore appeal to the South. He would have a broad national appeal because he was a Mexican-American War hero. He had no connection to Clay\'s American System, which the party was trying to abandon.)
Which of the following is an accurate statement about San Francisco during the Gold Rush?
Ethic and racial tensions were high.
The fate of the Donner party demonstrated...
How difficult it was for groups of families to successfully cross the great plains.
In Dred Scott v. Sandford, the Supreme court rules that slaves...
were not citizens therefore they could not sue in federal court.
Which of the following is NOT true about the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
It rendered the terms of the Compromise of 1850 void.
Which of the following was NOT an option on slavery held by free soil supporters?
Free-soilers believed the American slavery had natural geographical limits beyond which it would not spread.
In the 1850s, what did filibusters like William Walker do?
They organized unofficial military expedition to Cuba and Central America.
Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?
Fort. Sumter
Many northern states passes personal-liberty laws in order to...
minimize the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law.
The Lecompton Constitution...
Protected the property rights of Kansas slaveholders and provided for a referendum on the admission of more slaves.
Congressman Preston Brooks...
beat Charles Sumner with a cane.
Which statement best describes the Republican party position in the election of 1860?
There should be no further extension of slavery into the territories.
Which provision did the Lecompton constitution include?
A referendum would be held to decide whether to allow more slaves into the state.
Which statement is an element of the compromise proposed by John Crittenden?
There should be a constitutional amendment to prohibit federal interference with southern slavery.
Which of the following statements best captures the attitude of many antebellum American about technology?
All of these choices.
(They believed technology was democratic and helped everyone, was a force of positive change, was God\'s chosen instrument of progress, and would help make up for a labor shortage.
Romanticism in literature was characterized by...
emphasis on the author\'s inner feelings and emotions.
What type of urban housing developed during the early nineteenth century?
Row houses
What was one of the results of the rising urban land values in the early nineteenth-century American city?
Many row houses were subdivided and occupied by many families.
In his 1837 address \"The American Scholar,\" Ralph Waldo Emerson argued that Americans needed to...
work for cultural autonomy
Who argued that technological advances would allow women to make their houses a glorious temple?
Catherine Beecher
Why was the Tredegar Iron Works significant?
It was one of the few, large iron producers in the South.
Which of the following was one of the hallmarks of the West American cultures from which man American slaves had originated?
Broad kinship ties
Which profession was open to free blacks in the Old South?
All of these choices.
(Carpentry, barrel making, barbering, small trade.)

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