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SS Vocabulary

just studying for my vocab quiz...


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Martin Luther
a German theologian, born in A.D. 1483, who was a leader of the Reformation and taught salvation through faith in God rather than through good deeds
to persuade a person to adopt a new religion or belief
Recognized the permanent division of Western Europe into Catholic and Protestant nations in 1648
a court established by the Roman Catholic Church in A.D. 1542 to investigate people who may have strayed from the Roman Catholic faith and to strengthen the power of the Church
Great Schism
a division in the Roman Catholic Church from A.D. 1378 until 1417, which occured when the Church's two centers of power, Avignon and Rome, split and elected different popes
a member of a Christian group the broke with the Roman Catholic Church during or after the 16th Century
a member of the society of Jesus, a religious order founded in the early A.D. 1530s by St. Ignatius of Loyloa
a binding agreement
John Calvin
a leader of the Protestant and Reformation who lived from A.D. 1509 to 1564 and emphasized the doctrine of predestination
the doctire that God chooses people for salvation and damnation before they are born and that individuals have no power to change God's will
a pardon for sin granted by the Roman Catholic Church, allowing a person to avoid punishment by God in the afterlife
the sharing of power between an organization or government and its members
a person who travels to a forgien country in order to do religious work
St. Ignatius of Loyola
a Spainard who founded the religious order of Jesuits in the early A.D. 1530s
a movement of opposition to the Roman Catholic Church, beginning in the 16th Century

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