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Chapter 4 Jesus Times


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at what age does a Jewish boy become a man?
lights the sabbath candles while reading a prayer
when the sabbath begins at sundown, the woman of the house lights what while what?
grain; dough; rise; daily bread
women ground ____ by hand, prepared ____, and let it ____ for the family's ________
learn his father's trade
what would a boy do as soon as he was old enough?
a form of sour yogurt
what is laban?
barter system
the basis for the village economy was the...
in the spring
when is the feast of passover?
the roofs
in warm weather, where would people prefer to take their meals and sleep?
Galilee; fine linens
____ was famous for its ___ _____
a specialist in the art of reading and writing
what was a village scribe?
the prophets, the psalms, and the books of wisdom
as Jesus grew older, he would have studied the words of the what and learn the basics of interpreting these scriptures
unleavened bread
the roasted meat was consumed at the feast along with what?
agricultural town
Nazareth was what kind of town?
bitter herbs
what was eaten in memory of the suffering of the slaves of the pharaohs?
cleaned; filtered through 3 water troughs
clay is a raw material that had to be ___ and _____
the bounty of the earth
when blessing the bread, he is giving thanks for....
a town of carpenters
Nazareth was known as a village of what kind of trade?
sabbath meal; wine and bread
after His prayer in the synagogue they would go home for the ___ preceded by a blessing of what?
is it ok to ride a donkey to catch the sighting of the new moon?
what was the question they were debating about on the sabbath?
wrote down anything that needed to be recorded
the village scribes would do what?
it was the social center of the town
what other things happened at the well?
the 3 great festivals
from early childhood Jesus would have anticipated what that mark each year?
western wall
today jews pray at the what?
reeds; strands; dates; palm
some baskets were woven from ___ others were from ___ that grow between clusters of ___ on the ___ tree
torah, the five books of moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
from early childhood, Jesus would have learned the what?
rocky soil
shallow plowshare was used for...
what was at the heart of everything?
pure olive oil
the mother would fill lamps with ____ to light houses
the task of God's creation
with this prayer, the Sabbath Kidush remembers what?
friday; saturday
from sundown on ___ until sundown on ___ - all work stops
bow drill
what tool did the craftsmen have to master?
the sabbath day
the kiddush gives thanks for having given his people what?
helping their mothers to maintain the house chores
what were small children in charge of doing?
passover drew Jews to ___ by thousands from all over the world
spiritual roots and his people's past
tht young men would be reminded of the depths of his what?
what was required in all shapes and sizes?
the stables of life
bread and salt represent what?
cooking is considered work
all sabbath meals must be cooked in advance because..
feast of weeks, feast of tabernacle, the feast of passover
what are the 3 great festivals/pilgrim feasts?
doors, carts, farm drills, wheels...
what kinds of things did carpenters create?
thousands of __ were sacrificed in the Temple as offering to God
Galilee; flax
____ was blessed with rich fields of ____
cheese and laban
goat's milk was used to make ___ and ___
yes because the sighting of the new moon shows the new month
was that debated question allowed and why?
the oral law (Midrash)
in his teens, Jesus might have dealt with the questions of what?
everyday needs
pottery was plain and utilitarian - simple to serve...
in the fall
when is the feast of tabernacle?
the town well
where did the women get water?
read and write
Jesus would have learned to do what from the scribes?
the ongoing interpretations of the Torah's unchanging laws as they pertained to changing day-to-day realities
the meal commemorating God's deliverance of the children of Isreal from the bondage in Egypt
what is the Seder?
softer soil
longer, deeper plowshares were used for....
it had a portable clay oven, pottery, and untensils
what was the kitchen like?
creating the fruit of the vine
when blessing the wine, he is giving thanks for...
when Jesus lived, people streamed into Jerusalem to make what at the Temple?
prayer and readings from the prophets, Torah, and psalms
the sabbath day is given over to...
how did craftsmen and artisans earn their living?
the community oven
in Nazareth what was probably used for baking loaves of bread?
jesus and his neighbors would have gathered in the ___ for reading of the scriptures by leading elders or the scribes
bread and salt
what represents the stables of life?
patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
he would have asked questions about the ....
tell the story of the exodus
they ask: "why is this night different from all other nights?" they then do what?
Hebrew; Aramaic
this learning would have been in ____ - a different language than the ___ usually spoken
oil lamps, jugs, cooking pots, bowls, or forres for holding wine
the potter could shape clay into....
the Sabbath
the joyous observance of what holy day is important to the Jews in Jesus' time and even today?
God; all aspects
Jesus would learn the knowledge that obedience to ___ touched ___ of life
the head of the household
the Seder
the heart of the passover celebrations is what?
early summer
when is the feast of weeks?

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