Faith-Chapter 3
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- tongues of fire
- enables us to speak
- hand
- jesus healed through touch
- symbols of the holy spirit
- fire, tongues of fire, anointing with oil, water, hand, dove
- Holy (in holy spirit)
- refers to God's total uniqueness from his creatures
- theophany
- an appearance or manifestation of God to humans
- fire
- symbol of divine holiness, punishes the wicked, represents the transforming energy of the holy spirit. Fire also gives light.
- justification
- our sins are forgiven and we are able to enter into a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ
- Paraclete
- Another name for Holy Spirit meaning advocate, defender or consoler
- divine missions of the Blessed Trinity
- the speical roles in salvation history attributed to each member of the Trinity
- Holy Spirit
- sanctifier
- large sign of the cross
- professes that our hearts, minds, and entire beings are under the power of our holy Redeemer.
- example of a theophany
- the burning bush that appeared to Moses
- charism
- A special gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us build up the Church, Christ's body. Some of these gifts are the ability the express wisdom and knowledge, healing, prophecy, and discernment of spirits.
- dove
- symbol of life
- active prescences of the holy spirit
- breath of life into Adam and Eve and brings life to the world
- consubstantial
- having the same nature as
- person
- refers to the distinctions among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- grace
- God's gift of friendship and life that enables us to share his life and love
- Father
- creator
- fruits of the Holy Spirit
- perfections that result from living in union with the holy spirit
- breath of life
- God's gift to us, God's spirit in us that enable us to live and to communicate with and love God
- three important truths of the church
- there is only one God; there are three distinct persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit-in one God; The divine persons have distinct relationships with one another
- Pentecost
- The Holy Spirit descended on Christs disciples hiding in the Upper Room of Jerusalem, the place of the Last Supper. The Holy Spirit came down and placed fire upon them that allowed them to speak in tongues. They went out and began preaching Jesus' message and 3,000 people were baptized that day.
- types of gifts of the holy spirit
- gifts that make us holy; gifts that serve the Church; Gifts that result in spiritual fruit
- the seven gifts of the holy spirit
- wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the lord
- substance
- means nature, or essence; proclaiming that God is one divine being
- small sign of the cross
- petitions that the triune God to bless our thoughts, words and desires
- anointing with oil
- associated with being anointed by the Holy spirit
- Ruah
- means life, breath, wind, air. depicts God's actions in salvation history
- water
- represents both life and death, sacrement of baptism
- gifts of the holy spirit
- an outpouring of God's gifts that enable us to live a Christian life
- holy spirit works actively in the church-
- the scriptures, which he inspired; sacred tradition, witnessed throughout the ages by the Church fathers.; the Magisterium of the Church; the sacrements; prayer; many gifts and ministries; signs that go with the church; the saints
- Relation
- designates that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct because of their relationships
- Son
- savior
- spirit (in holy spirit)
- refers to the real sense of something