religions 2
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- the dispersion of jews following the crushing of the jewish state by the raomans in a.d 70
- diaspora
- the sacred writtings of hinduism?
- vedas/bhaga vad gita/ upanishads
- the rigid system is found within the hindu tradition?
- caste
- a jewish place of worship?
- synagogue
- the trinity is a core belief of this religion?
- christianity
- passover is a religious holiday celibrared by this religion?
- judiasm
- this leader/prophet was bron in mecca?
- mahhmad
- the holy book for christians?
- bible (the new testiment)
- the hebrews considered this individual as their cheif law giver?
- mosses
- this religions believes that nirvana can be gound the the middle way?
- buddhism
- this religion began in india, but is no longer a dominent religion there?
- buddhism
- A hindue place of worship?
- temple
- this leader lived with a Bedioun family when he was young?
- mahhmud
- muslims are followers of this religion?
- islams
- the 5 pillars are the basic foundation of this religion?
- islam
- this sacred writtings directed the muslims to complete a hajj?
- karon
- a tall slender tower on a mosque form which muslims are summoned to prayers?
- minaret
- the sacred writting of judaism?
- Torah
- the gods of shintoism,the basic force found within nature?
- kami
- a christain place of worship?
- church
- the "struggle" to acheive and defend the personal and public goals of creating a mislim society?
- jihad
- The sacred scriptures of buddhism?
- this religion does not have a prophet/leader?
- hinduism
- the shinto religion considers this place as their image of paradise on earth?
- japan
- the religion that holds a belief in nirvana?
- buddhism
- hebrew history begins with this leader?
- abraham
- this is the religion split into the roman catholic and eastern othidox branches in 1054?
- christanity
- a holy pilgrimage to mecca?
- hajj
- the sermon on the mount was found within this holy writting?
- new testiment
- a hight holy day of christianity?
- eater or chirstmas
- the ten commandments are found with in this holy writting?
- bible
- a muslim shrine in mecca?
- an ethnic religion of japan?
- shintoism
- the talmud is sacred writting in this religion?
- judiusm
- the belief in a rigid caste system is held by this religion?
- hinduism
- the individual who christians regared as the son of god?
- Jesus
- a muslim place of worship?
- mosque
- also known as the day of atonement?
- yom kippur
- brahmins are the highest caste of this religion?
- hinduism
- the jewish holy day which commemorates the exodus from Egypt and slavery?
- passover
- the religoin that 1st successlfully established monotheism?
- judiasm
- the leader/prophet or buddhism?
siddhartha guatama
- a nine-branced candelabrim used in clebrating honukah?
- menorah
- the muslim holy day when fasting is required from sun up 2 sun down?
- romadan
- rebirth of the soul in another body?
- reincarnation
- The belief that rebirht will result in entry into a class/cast based on one's previous lifetime is a belief associated with this religion?
- hinduism
- the most holy hindu word often used during meditaion?
- om (ommmmmmmmmm)
- perfession of faith in islam
- define shadaha
- the stare of perfect blessedness marked by the releasr from the cycle of reincarnation?
- nirvana
- leader of tibetan buddhism
- dalai lama
- a lang. combining high german adn hebrew spoken by east european jews?
- yudish
- a cared agreement held with in jews
- covenent
- all the actions in a person's life that affects his or he fate in the next life?
- khrma
- religion that believes that cremaring their dead purifies the body
- juduism/christianity/islam
- to have spritual "truths" revealed
- enlightement
- wat was the jewish exile
- babalone
- sense of duty; right conduct?
- dhrma
- name the 4 noble truths
-all human beings experience -
-there is a cause for all suffering
-there is a way that leads to the end of all suffering
-the way 2 end it is the 8 fold path - the protstant reformation is associated with which religion
- christianity
- temple
- temple contaning holy relics
- allah
- name of god of islam
- 2 major groups of western christanity
- roman catholic and protistant
- christian attempt to reclaim the holy land from the musllims in the 11th,12th, abd 13th centeries
- crucades
- sunnis and shittes are the 2 sects of which religion
- islam
- the jewish holy day starting at sundaown on friday and lasting until sundown on saturday
- sabath
- another word for the hindu concept of liberation
- moksha
- hindus consider this mountain range sacred
- himalaya mountains
- wat is the perpose of the eightfold path
- to lead you to nirvana
- wat is a yamulk
- head covering men
- the center of the golden age of mefievel judiusm
- spain
- wat is significant about about the muslim holy place called The Dome of the Rock in Jeruslem
- place were mahammad assended to heaven
- 3 main branches of juduism
- orthidox/reform/conservative
- wat is the wailing wall
- western wall of an anciant site...all that is remaining of this temple is soloman
- 2 of the most holy days for christains
- eater/christmas
- true or false: state shinto was outlawed after worold war II
- true
- descrivbe the diet of most hindus and buddhists
- vegatarian
- the followers of jesus sent out to teach the gospul?
- apostles
- religion that places little importance on the concept of a deity
- buddhism