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FELE Flashcards


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Lemon v. Kirkman
(Lemon Test)
State cannot pay for teacher salaries in private schools.
Lemon Test:
1. Does law have secular purpose?
2. Does it enhance or inhibit religion?
3. Is there excessive entanglement b/t state and religion?
Rose Case
Kentucky Legislature failed to establish efficient system of schools. 1989
Hartzell v. Connell
State constitutional provision for free public education prevents fees for regular or extracurricular programs.
Wheeler v. Barrera
State is not obligated to expend federal funds for purposes that violate the state constitution.
Hortonville case
A school board may sit in quasi-judicial capacity in judgment of cases to which it is a party.
McCollum v. Board of Ed.
Religious instruction on campus is unconstitutional.
Zorach v. Clauson
Releasing students for religious instruction off campus is permissible.
Everson v. Board of Ed.
Paying for school buses to private schools is permissible.
Tinker v. Des Moines ISD
Black armbands by themselves are not disruptive. There must be a reasonable forecast of actual disruption.
Abington v. Schempp
Forced Bible reading is not permissible
Wallace v. Jeffree
Period of meditation not permissible
West Virginia v. Barnette
Required participation in flag salute not permissible. Student needs written notice from parents.
Wisconsin v. Yoder
State cannot compel Amish children to attend public high schools. Does not apply to other religions.
Johnson v. Charles City
"Amish Exemption" does not apply to Baptists.
Murphy v. State of Arkansas
States may use achievement tests to monitor home school children
Sandlin v. Johnson
Denial of grade promotion due to failure to pass reading test is permissible.
Cornwell case
State can require sex ed.
Epperson v. Arkansas
State cannot forbid teaching of evolution
Lau v. Nichols
School system's failure to provide English instruction to Chinese speaking children violates civil rights.
Zero Based Budgeting
Full Time Equivalent
Average Daily Attendance
Average Daily Membership
Florida Education Finance Program
Required Local Effort
Serrano v. Priest
Fiscal Neutrality - A child's education should not be limited to the wealth of his/her parents and neighbors, but to the wealth of the state as a whole.
Management by Objectives. A system of management where goals are set, responsibilites assigned and results are evaluated with the goals.
Northwest Ordinance
1787 - Set aside sections of land for schools
Marginal Dollar Principal
The point at which one more dollar will not add value.
Decimal value of 1 mill
George Strayer's Foundation Program Concept
The state ensures that each student would recieve a minimum amount. Rich schools get nothing, poor schools get quite a bit.
District Power Equalization.
A rich district and a poor district with the same RLE will produce the same amount of revenue per student.
Difference between Equity and Equality
Equity - Fairness
Equality - Sameness
Base Student Allocation
Program Cost Factors
Part of FEFP
Name the main Special Funds
Federals - Title I, IDEA
Categoricals (state)
What are the sources for Capital Outlay funds?
Funds come from state (categorical)
Local: Mills/sales tax/bonds
What are the sources for Debt Service funds?
1. Bonds
2. Sales tax
3. State
What are Trust Funds and what are their sources?
Trust funds are funds held for future use. Insurance is an example.
Sources: state and taxes witheld from employees
Theory X
Douglas McGregor. Authoritarian management. Workers inherently dislike work. Workers must be controlled and threatened to perform.
Theory Y
Douglas McGregor. Participative management. Workers will perform if they find the job satisfying. They seek responsibility.
Theory Z
Ouchi. Japanese management style. Theory Z focused on increasing employee loyalty to the company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well being of the employee, both on and off the job.
Chester Barnard
Acceptance Theory of Authority. You cannot lead unless people accept your authority.
Eric Berne
Father of Transactional Analysis.
Three ego states: Parent, Adult, Child
Healthy balance between all three desired.
Blake and Mouton
Managerial Grid.
Their Grid uses two axes. "Concern for people" is plotted using the vertical axis and "Concern for task" is along the horizontal axis. They both have a range of 1 to 9. The notion that just two dimensions can describe a managerial behavior has the attraction of simplicity.
Country Club
Middle of the road
Team committed
Edward Deming
TQM - Total Quality Management. Focuses on continuous improvement.
Total Quality Management - Edward W. Deming
Peter Drucker
Management by Objective.
Amitai Etzioni
Position Power and Personal Power.
Position - derives power from position
Personal - derives power from followers.
Ideal is to have both.
Fred Fiedler
Leadership Contingency Model. Group performance depends on:
Leader-member relations
Task structure
Position power of leader
Mary Parker Follett
Conflict resolution. Control in certain situations can go to person with most knowledge, rather than most dominant personality.
Getzels and Guba
Social Systems Theory.
Focuses on two parts: institutions and individuals.
Institutions: Certain roles and expectations that will fulfill the goals of the system
Individuals: Have certain personalities and need dispositions inhabiting the system whose interactions comprise observed behavior.
Hersey and Blanchard
Situational Leadership.
Leader needs to be flexible and adapt leadership style to situation.
Fredrick Herzberg
Motivational-Hygiene Theory.
People work first in their own self-enlightened interest. Environment and pay do not motivate, but maintain satisfaction which prevents loss in productivity.
George Homons
Human Group Model.
Mitchell House
Path Goal Theory. Leader's behavior is motivating.
Kerwin Lewin
Force Field Analysis.
3 steps to affect change:
1. unfrozen - undo existing
2. change
3. refreeze - new change
Rensis Likert
Human Organizational Theory.
If customers are not satisfied, they will not buy your product.
Florida Laws
Chapter 1000
K-20 General Provisions
Florida Laws
Chapter 1001
K-20 Governance
Chapter 1002
Student and Parental Rights
Florida Laws
Chapter 1003
Public K-12 Education
Florida Laws
Chapter 1010
Financial Matters
Florida Laws
Chapter 1011
Planning and Budgeting
Florida Laws
Chapter 1012
10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Expectancy Theory. Three relationships enhance motivated behavior.
1. positive relationship between effort and performance
2. good performance and rewards
3. the delivery or achievement of valued outcomes or rewards
Max Weber
Coined term Beuracracy.
The FEFP equation
FTE X PCF X BSA = Basic Amt current operation X DCD + Declining Enrollment Supplement + Sparsity Supplement + Safe Schools + Quality Assurance Guarantee + Discretionary Millage Equalization = Total FEFP
San Antonio v. Rodriquez
A state funding system that provides significantly more dollars per pupil in one district than another does not violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.
John Goodlad
How change affects culture of school.
Culture -> Teacher Behavior -> Pupil Outcomes
Michael Fullan
Forces of change
Embrace change; change is our friend; shared vision
Program Evaluation and Review Techniques
Identify steps to follow
gather info
set timelines
people involved
specify alternatives
select specific plan
continuous evaluation
Critical Path Method
*similar to PERT*
Site Based Management
Aguilar v. Felton
Federal funds to pay salaries of public school teachers teaching in parochial schools violates the establishment clause.
The total is greater than the summ of its parts.
The degree to which members of a group are motivated to remain in the group.
Group Norm
An agreement between group members as to how each other should behave.
An act in accordance with socially acceptable standards.
Goss v. Lopez
A student must recieve due process if the discipline involves:
1. Expulsion
2. Suspension of more than 10 days
3. Suspension during final exams
Programmed Instruction
A method of instruction in which students work themselves through a graded sequence of controlled steps.
Programmed Instruction
A method of instruction in which students work themselves through a graded sequence of controlled steps.

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