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Test two 2


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Concept created by the mind that takes into account only selected characteristics of a set of objects that are thought to belong to the same class.
Suspension of speculation and judgement about things that cannot be known.
Not dependent upon experience
A priori
One of the four basic sources of knowledge in epistemology; knowledge we accept on the authority of others.
Compacity of the individual to make valid choices of his behavior and the light of his needs; compacity for self-determination.
The study of values, their origin, and nature.
Unthinking; acceptance of and idea or system of ideas.
Assumption that certain events cause subsequent events.
A truth test stating that any fact claim that coheres to previously accepted facts can be considered true.
Coherence test
If there is a high degree of correspondence between an idea or statement and an event, then the concept can be considered true.
Correspondence test
If an idea or statement "works" the the idea or statement can be considered true.
Developed by William James
Pragmatic test
Drawing out the implications of one or more premises or statements; the necessrily follow from the premises.
Every event in the universe has a prior cause and all the affects are at least theoretically predicable or all the causes are known.
The qualtities without which any particular object/event would not exist or be a distinctly different object/event.
One's experience of vivid concrete reality in the living present. Being profoundly aware that one is.
An idea or statement about which one can feel a high degree of certainty because it still stands of ever been doubted and then subjected to logical and emperical analysis.
Any idea submitted candidate for consideration as an item of human knowledge.
Fact claim
Every event of our lives is predetermined and no amount of effort on our part will ever change or make a difference.
Theory that human will is free to make authentic choices that are not pre-determined.
Free Will
Theory that reality is primarily mental rather than material.
The process of developing generalized explanations, hypothesis or laws from a collection of facts.
An idea that the mind is forced to create after having seen the implications of certain propositions.
The source of knowledge apparantly produced through the activity of the sub-conscience.
ANy world view that proports to reduce all existence to a single order of reality.
The uncritical acceptance of one's sense data as representing accurately the nature of the real world.
Naive Realism
In epestemiology, the doctrine that nothing is knowable or worth knowing.
Exstinction of the consciousness; better descrbed as an experience of wholeness, peace and joy; the goal of Hinduism and Buddhism.
The simplest explanation is the best.
Occam's Razor
Greek word meaning soul. The objectified form of the self; pysche soul.
The doctrine that everything is composed of or contains mind or soul.
Doctrine that God is all.
The first stage result of the mind's organization of sense data.
Human condition in which an idea must be believed to be true in terms of correspondence; that is one must be convinced that some object/event exists as a real intity.
Pragmatic Paradox
School of phylosophy that wanted to work on solving more pressing human problems than metaphysical speculations. According to pragmatists, truth is tentativa and forever changing.
Having knowledge of an event suppossedly before it happens.
Freedom from subjective limitations, thereby enabling one to make authentic choices; freedom from primal limitations.
Primal feedom
The doctrine that God has already determined whethere each human soul will be saved or lost, or that every singular event of existence will occue as planned.
A mental construct containing all the objects/events that one has classed together according to selecting common properties; and abstraction.
Our most dependable information derives from reason rather than from emperical observation.
To be real is to exist apart from perception.
The mental process of using known facts to arrive at new facts; the activity of inferring conclusions to premises.
In Zin Buddhism, it's the moment of awakening; a holistic feeling of mystical oneness.
The compacity to make genuine choices without being limited by external restrictions.
Secondary Freedom
The study of total response of human organisms to symbols of all sorts; the study or words and their meanings.
The immediate response of the senses to stimuli.
Immediate sensory responses as registered in consciousness.
Sense data
In epistemology, and attitude of doubt.
The doctrine that only "I" exist.
Refers to the subject that experiences as opposed to the object that is experienced.
Refers to whatever exists in the real world apart from our perception of it.
It's the "way" in Chinese religion to sort-of cosmic pathway that lies between or within interactions of the energy modes yin and yang.
For any object moving at great velocities relative to the speed of light, time would slow down. Einstein's theory of relativity.
Time Dilation
A quality possessed by ideas and statements; a quality that is of value to a philosopher only after having carefully checked with one or more of the truth tests.
In logic, the term referring to a conclusion that has been correctly inferred from specific premises. Validity does not equal truth.

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