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"Summer of My German Soldier" Chpts 1-3 Vocabulary


undefined, object
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Jerries (p. 6)
Victory Garden (p. 7)
A garden grown to help with military rationing.
formidable (p. 9)
ferocious; frightening
fastidious (p. 9)
very neat and clean
synagogue (p. 10)
Jewish place of worship
jubilee (p. 11)
celebrating; happiness
piece-goods (p. 15)
no answer yet
Brogue (p. 16)
A heavy oxford show with rows of tiny holes on top for decoration.
Chink (p. 23)
A prejudice name for a Chinese person.
cobbler (p. 25)
a shoemaker
widow's peak (p. 28)
Part of the hairline that comes to a point further on the forehead than the rest of the hair.

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