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World Studies Chapter 20 Stest Review


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The unification of Austria and Germany
Phillipines, Dutch East Indies, French Indo-China
Areas lost to Japanese expansion during WWII
El Alamein
Site of the turning point in the north African campaign
Axis Powers
Germany, Austria, Italy
Place where hundreds of thousands of British troops were rescued off the beaches of France to be saved from the German.
U.S.S. Arizona
This battleship still lays on the floor of Pearl Harbor and has a memorial over the top of it's deck.
Africa campaign
The German goal was to control the Suez Canal
Bernard Montgomery
The leader of the British forces in Africa during the Africa campain
The puppet government set up in southern France by Germany
Raw materials, grains, crops and a hatred for communism
Reasons Germany invaded the Soviet Union
Maginot Line
This was an area in France that was heavily fortified along the French and German border.
League of Nations
An organization of 60 countries that joined to try to prevent a Second World War in Europe. The United States didn't join.
Invasion of Normandy. The major offensive by the allies in northern Europe that was successful in pushing back the Germans and establishing an allied front in Europe
U.S.S. Missouri
The name of the ship where the Japanese surrendered
Location of most of the German concentration camps
Reasons Germany wanted to conquer Stalingrad
It was named after a Soviet leader and defeat would damage Soviet morale and it was a vital city to north-south transportaion to the Black Sea.
May 8, 1945
The ending date of the war in Europe
Scorched earth tactics
The act of burning everything the Soviets left behind as they retreated
December 7, 1941
The day that Pearl Harbor was bombed
Leader of Britain who is criticized for his "soft" stand agains Hitler in the 1930's
Nazi-Soviet pact
Germany, Poland, Soviet Union
Atlantic Charter
Planned for the final destruction of Germany, promoted freedom of trade and established that all people have a right to choose their own government.
Winston Churchill
The prime minister of Britain during the war in the 1940's. He said "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few".
Japan, Italy, Germany
Lightening war
The last city to have an atomic bomb dropped on it
Racial cousins
Group of people who the Germans were going to reeducate and make them productive citizens in the third Reich
Nurenberg trials
Name of the war crimes trials for the Nazis
First nazi concentration camp
This German city was split into four zones after WWII
Franklin Roosevelt
The president of the United States during WWII
The president who decided to drop the atomic bomb
50 million
The approximate number of people who died as a result of WWII
The first city to have an atomic bomb dropped on it
Country that Hitler invaded to take over the Sudentenland
A ban on the sale of vital raw materials
September 1, 1939
The date of the German invasion of Poland
Island Hopping
Allies plan to regain control of the Pacific
The general who was instrumental in helping the U.S. regain the Philippines
U.S., France and Britain
Chinese nationalist leader that was backed by the U.S. in his fight against communism
Hitler militarized the Rhineland because he was afraid of a French invasion if he didn't have troops there. He wanted the area reunited with Germany and because the area had been demiliterized by the Treaty of Versailles.
September 3, 1939
The date of the beginning of World War II
Where Hitler claimed he was practicing self-determination by joing some 3 million Germans to the German empire.
mandate system
Helping countries get ready for independence
Group that gave up their lives to try to sink allied ships by crashing into them with their planes
Pincers Strategy
The strategy the allies used to win control of Northern Africa
The Battle of the Bulge
The battle where the Germans made their last major offenssive against the allies in northern Europe
Gold, Sword and Juneau
Beaches invaded during D-Day
Site of one million deaths from starvation and the elements at the hands of the Germans
Alliance made between Hitler and Mussolini
Pearl Harbor
When this site was attacked FDR stated that it was "a date that would live in infamy"
Final Solution
German plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe

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