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Unit 1: Cold War, 1945-1970

Was's PIB World History 1 Unit 1: Cold War, 1945-1970


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the central treaty organization; made to prevent Soviet expansion into other countries (named the Baghdad Pact before Iraq dropped out)
Secretary General
the "president" of the UN; elected by the General Assembly
MAD (how did it prevent nuclear war)
Mutually Assured Destruction it escalated the war and no county was going to be the first one to "press the button"
17th parallel
where Vietnam was split (n. soviet s. US)
Nikita Khrushchev
succeeded Stalin and was succeeded by Brezhnev; destalinization; removed from office after the Cuban Missile Crisis etc.
Iron Curtain
Churchill introduced the term in 1946; the imaginary line dividing communist- east Europe from west Europe
intercontinental ballistic missiles made by the the Soviet Union
Is Yugoslavia behind the Iron Curtain?
no b/c where Yugoslavia was communist it was a neutral (not soviet controlled or part of the Warsaw Pact) state
Henry Kissinger
Nixon's Secretary of State who basically invented Detente
38th parallel
where Korea was divided b/t the Soviet Union and a a US supported gov't (and approximately where n. and s. Korea are divided today)
Republic of China vs. people's Republic of China
the people's republic of china was led by mao (red/communist china); the nationalist gov't is led by chiang and in1949 mao gained control of china and chiang of taiwan but the UN refused to recognize mao as the leader of china
His dream to land on moon by 1970 was achieved b/c of NASA; he and Khrushchev took us to the brink of nuclear war; he was assasinated in Nov. 1963 and Americans thought that the hope for Detente had died w/ him
Sputnik vs. NASA
The USSR launched the first space satellite in 1957 which shocked the US into immediate action- JFK's dream to land on the moon was achieved by a group of lots of smart peoples (this space race changed education from the emphasis on liberal arts to math and science)
the Benelux countries
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg
the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Soviet dominated group that provided resources to Soviet bloc countries; ends in 1991
Berlin Crisis of 1961
beginning of the dethawing; E. Berliners could just step into w. Berlin and then fly away so Khrushchev took action to prevent the exodus of E.Berliners; he built the Berlin wall separating w. and e. Berlin
Greece and Turkey
may well have been saved from a communist revolution by the Truman Doctrine
Berlin wall
the wall/fence separating W. and E. Berlin keeping E. Berliners in E. Berlin
first military alliance of most Western European countries; formed in 1949
Truman Doctrine
Truman calls for American aid to Greece and Turkey and officially embraces containment; the speech about it being American's moral obligation was propaganda! (military support)
Warsaw Pact
formed in 1955; formalized a previously existing military alliance; Soviet dominated group
Churchill's Westminster speech
Churchill gives a speech at Westminster College using the term Iron Curtain for the first time
Berlin Blockade
Stalin set up a blockade, preventing resources and supplies from reaching West Berlin, in hopes of starving the W.Berliners out; he removed the blockade in 1945
It was, for the most part, invented by Henry Kissinger, Nixon's Secretary of State; it was the softening of tensions b/t the US and the USSR
Berlin Air Lift
US merchants funded the advancement aviation bringing about the fleet of air planes which dropped supplies to the West Berliners (we wanted to sell our stuff to w.Berliners and Soviets viewed it as American economic imperialism)
Buffer Zone
The Soviet Union wanted this as an area that western nations would have to cross if they wanted to attack the USSR; in particular Poland and East Germany between the remilitarized West Germany and the USSR
"wrong man at the wrong time" he committed treason by crossing the 38th parallel b/c he did not understand limited warfare; Truman fired him
French Indo-China
(vietnam) French colonized but in 1950 France realizes that they dont have the resources to keep hold of it and they w/draw
Massive Retaliation
Eisenhower's policy; it advocated the full use of American nuclear weapons to counteract even a Soviet ground attack in Europe
public services or systems: the large-scale public systems, services, and facilities of a country or region that are necessary for economic activity, including power and water supplies, public transportation, telecommunications, roads, and schools
George Kennan
formed the theory of containment in an article in FOREIGN AFFAIRS; "Father of Containment"
General Assembly
Every single recognized member/country in the UN has a representative here
publicity to promote something: information put out by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea, or cause; misleading publicity: deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread
Vietnam war (Geneva Peace Accords)
limited warfare! we merely wanted to maintain the 17th parallel but that failed in 1974; in the Geneva Accords france w/drew from Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh filled the vacuum and the US maintained its policy of containment
Domino Theory
the propaganda dealing w/ the containment of Vietnam; the idea that if containment fails in Vietnam then it would fail in countries all over the world but it was proved wrong after containment failed in vietnam
Berlin Crisis of 1948
Stalin set up a blockade, preventing any trade from going into West Berlin; US merchants funded the advancement aviation bringing about the Berlin Air Lift which dropped supplies to the West Berliners; we won this conflict b/c Stalin's plan to starve out W.Berlin failed and he retreated in 1945
Marshall Plan
also called the European Economic Recovery Act; raise taxes to rebuild western Europe's infrastructure (economic support)
West Berlin
it is located in the middle of East Germany (isolated from the western states b/c East Germany is Soviet controlled)
Cuban Missile Crisis
US U2 spy planes saw nuclear junk being built in Cuba and the US set up a blockade preventing the actual weapons from reaching Cuba from the Soviet Union; JFK and Khrushchev took us to the brink of nuclear war during this 10 day period but Khrushchev agreed to w/draw the weapons if the US agreed not to invade Cuba
Truman vs. Stalin
They hated and mistrusted each other; examples- U2 spy planes, refusal to admit that the US had developed missiles, dismantling of factories despite promising not to, etc.
Chinese Civil War (Revolution of 1949)
Mao, the Communist leader overthrows Chiang, the nationalist leader; Chiang and his peeps had to "swim" to Taiwan but the US used its veto power-refusing to recognize Mao as the real leader
West German rearmament
West Germans resolved to do this, b/c the Korean war caused fear amongst West Germans about their Communist neighbors, despite their fears of the renewal of German militarization; they also became a member of NATO in 1955
Fidel Castro
overthrew Batista in 1959 and proclaimed himself a Marxist-Leninist and moved closer to the Soviet Union
Korean War
the US and Soviet Union split Korea planning to stabilize it after WWII; but n. Korea attacked s. and the US took advantage of the absence of the Soviet Union in the Security Council and made the Korean war a UN police action; MacArthur committed treason by crossing the 38th parallel; Truman fired MacArthur; US won this conflict b/c it was limited warfare and the US maintained the 38th parallel
Ideological conflicts
Political- dictatorship vs. democracy (conservative); Economic- communism vs. free enterprise system (liberal)
Security Council
all major decisions are made here;this is where political ideology is fought; the big 5- US, UK, France, USSR, China- all of which have veto power
southeast asia treaty organization; formed in 1954; like NATO but in asia;
the UN
It is an international peace keeping body and is where international crises can be settled or assessed; founded 1945
When Truman, Attlee, and Stalin meet; there was an extreme lack of trust, it came to light that there would be no elections in Eastern Europe, and agreements made at a previous war conference were finalized
Bay of Pigs
When Castro took power in Cuba and the US invaded, but Castro absolutely crushed the invasion.
When FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet; they agreed to wage war on Japan, to divide Germany into 4 equal parts, on the big 5's veto, and to hold free elections for the liberated countries
He established himself as super anti-Communism so he was the only person who could have negotiated w/ the Soviet Union but this ended w/ the Watergate Scandal and his resignation

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