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All social studies vocab on final exam


undefined, object
copy deck
long telegram
a 5,400 word cable message explaining george kennan's containment policy
OP rolling thunder
1965--a shift of LBJ's policy in vietnam to BOMBING
Warsaw pact
a military alliance with USSR and Eastern europe in attempt to copy NATO
the policy of giving concessions in exchange for peace
agent orange
a chemical that kills all vegitation
v-j day
aug 1945 japan surrenders
alexander butterfield
white house aid who told senate about tapes
joseph stalin
new communist USSR ussr dictator
the office in watergate that burglars broke into (democratic headquarters)
fat man
atomic bomb dropped on nagasaki 1945
washington post
newspaper that tried to keep watergate stories coming
judge sirica
leader of criminal trial
jesse jackson
a student leader who wanted change in segregation laws
a guerrilla army organized by ho chi minh that fought with vietminh after elections were cancelled
101st airborne
arrived at little roch high school to help african american students enter the now desegregated school
sit ins
a form of protest that involves sitting at the white lunch counter and demanding service
iron curtain
an imagery divider between communist eastern europe and anti communist western europe
june 6, 1944--attack on normandy
a student organization that opposed the war in vietnam and held marches
US president who ordered the civil rights bill
geneva accords
negotiations after the conflict of french and vietminh in dien bien phu---divided north and sounth vietnam
Brown vs Board
1954-ruled that racial segregation in public schools was not equal, so could not occur
442nd regiment
all japanese unit in WWII
the area of france closes to britain
a kind of aggressive nationalism. nation=more important than individual.
declaration of liberated europe
ageement that asserted the right of all people to choose the form of government in which they live
a starting poiint for gaining territory
carl bernstein
reporter from wachington post
sherriff jim clark
sherrif in selma who led armed white police in selma
people in america who are against the the war in vietnam
founded italy's fascist party
letter from a birmingham jail
the letter MLK wrote from jail defending non violent protest methods
little boy
atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima from the enola gay 1945
frank willlis
watergate security guard
george kennan
the person who wrote the long telegram
robert mcNamara
LBJ's secretary of defense who liked LBJ's involvment in the war
spiro agnew
nixon's VP who took bribes as governer therfore resigned
dean achenson
presidential advisor who thought stalin demanding control of dardenelles was a step towards controlling the mideast
strategic hamlets
special villages where vietcong and south vietnamese were held to protect them.
a mutual defense alliance between many anticommunist western europe countries
bob woodward
reporter from washington post
sam ervin
leader of senate trial
fascist army that backed up mussolini
james McCord
watergate burglar
ella baker
the student who brought other student leaders together to coordinate sitins through SNCC
nazi party
new german political party. nation=more important the individual
a restriction or prohibition
nationalist group in north japan organized by ho chi minh
Chaing Kai Shek
leader of nationalist, anti communist, forces in China
ngo dinh diem
nationalist leader of south vietnam--anti communist
satelite nations
the communist countries of eastern europe
jellied gasoline that explodes on contact
internment camps
new name for communist russia
officially charge the president of misconduct
Mao Zedong
leader of communist forces in China
non-aggression pact
germany would fight against britain and france but USSR would be safe 1939
mein kampf
(my struggle) hitler's autobiography that showed germans should expand their territory
john mitchel
he was accused of ordering watergate breakin
edmund pettus bridge
bridge that led african americans out of selma, and jim clark's police attacked them
comitee for re election of the president
strategic materials
materials important for fighting in a war
general westmorland
american commander in south vietnam who announced to american public that the vietnam war was basically over, when it wasnt
omar bradley
the commander of the american forces landing on Omaha and Utah
ho chi minh
leader of the nationalist movement , north vietnam, organized vietminh
president of US personally disagreed with segregation
poll taxes
a fee that must be paid in order to vote
city in alabama where violence towards african american nonviolent protests occured
adolf hitler
anticommunist who liked mussolini. formed nazi party in germany
john dean
white house lawyer
people in america who like the US involvement in vietnam
archibald Cox
special prosecuter fired by Bork
federal campaign act amendments
(passed because of watergate) limited campaign contributions and administered stricter election laws
an area of czechoslovakia with a large german-speaking population
orval faubus
governer of Arkansas, he went against his own beliefs and supported segregation of schools to get re-elected
bulll connor
Public safety commisioner who responded with force to nonviolent protests
executive privlege
when soemthing from the white house cannot be exposed because of confidentiality
storm troopers
nazi military units that intimidated voters
gerald ford
new VP in place of Agnew who eventually became president after nixon resigned

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