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history 8: early China


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Gobi: east of Tian Shan mountains
What special powers did Shang kings have?
They could call upon ancestors. Oracle bones: They had a priest scratch a question in an animal bone or tortoise shell, then heated it, when the bone cracked, the priest would read the pattern of cracks to answer the king's question.
What is Anyang?
One of the 7 capital cities of the Shang Dynasty. A palace and temple was at the center of the city, public buildings & homes of government officials circled the royal sanctuary, outside city center was workshops & other homes.
China's coastline
on the east China touches the Pacific Ocean
What religious duties did Shang kings perform?
As high priests they communicated with nature deities on behalf of the people. They prayed and made sacrifices to bring a good harvest, change weather or win a battle.
another name for Yellow River
"the Great Sorrow" because of the traged caused by its floods.
China: civilization -
Oldest continuous civilization in the world.
Huang He Valley civilization
like river valleys of Egypt, the Fertile Crescent and South Asia, there was settlement here from early times
What happened if a ruler lost his mandate?
If there were poor crops or losses in battle, the ruler lost his mandate and someone else started a new dynasty. It was probaly a convnient way to overthrow an unpopular dynasty.
North China Plain
in eastern China / fertile river valleys good for farming / for centuries Chinese have farmed here / good climate: melting snow, monsoon rains feed Yellow River / floods from Yellow River leave silt deposits & make land rich for farming
Myths: deeds of larger than life rulers
Yao:a person in the form of a mountain / Shun: the master of elephants
What was Wu's dynasty called and how long did it last?
It was called Zhou and it ruled China for 800 years.
What was the first known example of writing in China?
The scratching on the oracle bones.
China's geography
It is varied so affected China's historical development.
first dynasty to be dated from written records / ruled China 1700 BC - 1000 BC
What ancient things were found in Huang He Valley ?
traces of Neolithic life: Yang-shao culture: painted pots / Lung-shan culture used a potter's wheel
mountain ranges
1. Himalayas: SW / 2.Kunlun Shan: W / 3.Tian Shan: W
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
The Chinese believed that their rulers governed according to a principe known as the Mandate of Heaven.
Who was Wu and what did he do?
Wu was a ruler of a former NW Shang territory. He marched on the capital and killed the Shang king. He established a new dynasty.
Pan Gu / ancient myth
giant who hatched from a egg - the universe was created from his body
Chinese myths -
created myths to explain their past / also celebrated hero-kings
Huang He (Yellow River)
more than 2,900 miles long: from north highlands to Yellow Sea / As flows downstream river picks up loess (rich yellow soil) and deposits it downstream, that's where it gets its name, / These silt deposits made North China Plain a rich agricultural area.
Did many people use the script?
Few people could master all the characters and few could read or write
What were the cultural developments of the Shang Dynasty?
1. written script 2. metal casting skills: produced some of the finest bronze objects ever made: daggers, figures, urns, ceremonial cauldrons 3. carved fine ivory & jade statues 4. wove silk 5. made pottery from kaolin, a fine white clay
Shang kings
political leaders / performed religious duties / had special powers
Chinese called their homeland -
the middle kingdom (Chinese thought they were center of the world)
What was the writing like on the oracle bones?
script with may characters / characters represented objects, ideas and sounds written in vertical columns / writer had to memorize script
Where did Shang kings rule?
a small part of northern China and most of Huang He Valley
Rivers of eastern China
1.Huang He (Yellow River) 2. Chang Jiang (Yangtze) 3. Xi Jiang (West River)
How did physical features affect cultural development?
The physical features isolated China from other cultures. Cultural diffusion was not possible in and out of China for centuries
When did the Mandate of Heaven first appear?
During the Zhou dynaasty.
Yu the Great
Mythic engineer / founded China's first dynasty named Xia around 2000 BC / no evidence of Xia has been found
What is a mandate?
an authority to rule
What building developments happened during the Shang Dynasty?
The Chinese built their first cities. 7 capital cities have been identified.

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