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- United Fruit Co.
- US company controlling the processing and sale of cash crops
- Water cure
- Torturous method employed by US soldiers to simulate drowning by forcing water down one's throat in order to gain information from Filipino combatants
- Port Arthur
- Manchurian port that RU wanted to capture when it bumped heads w/ JP & was dealt a really embarrassing blow
- Noriega
- Leader of Panama in 70s and 80s who was able to stay in pwr because of the Us's influence, used his country's links to facilitate drug trafficking and was later convicted in US cts and imprisoned in FL
- Taft
- Fatty who headed the Philippine Commission in its 2nd yr who called Filipinos his "little brown brothers."
- Allende
- Democratically elected socialist president of Chile who sees copper as being an important industry & decides to nat'lize it; assassinated by CIA to serve copper interests of US
- Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
- Treaty that replaced Clayton-Bulwer & allowed US to build the canal as well as fortify
- Hanna
- Senator who delivered passionate speech in favor of Panama route
- Oregon
- US battleship stationed on Pacific coast that had to travel to the tip of S. America to get to the fighting grounds during SP-American War
- San Francisco Board of Education
- School board that est. "special schools" for JP children after the SF earthquake in early 1900
- Boxer Rebellion
- Superpatriotic Chinese, upset w/ all of these countries carving spheres of influence into it, rebelled & murdered 200+ missionaries/whites; were suppressed by a multinat'l force of 18000
- Ugly American
- Latin American sentiment towards US's domineering presence; idea that still perpetuates today
- Bryan
- Demo candidate for 1900 election; had free silver on platform again, but focused more on anti-imperialism; ended up being beaten more decisively than before because of economics
- Sakhalin
- Island off of Manchuria that JP hoped to gain in the spoils of war at the Portsmouth Conference, but only succeeded in getting the southern half
- Philippine Commission
- Commissioned by McKinley to solve the problem of how gov't in the Philippines should be handled
- Algeciras Conference
- Location of int'l conference to mediate N. African disputes; TR's help in arranging this helped him win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
- Roosevelt Corollary
- An add-on to Monroe Doctrine that stipulated the US was to intervene to prevent EU pwrs from intervening in Latin American affairs
- Gentlemen's Agreement
- Secret understanding; JP stopped the flow of laborers to US by withholding passports
- New Panama Canal Company
- Philippe Bunau-Varilla headed this canal building enterprise that offered the US $40 million for its services
- Great White Fleet
- White battleships started from VA waters that received tumultuous welcomes in Latin America, HI, NZ, & AU
- Tennis cabinet
- TR's tennis playing cronies were dubbed this
- Colombia
- Latin American country in possession of Panama who refused to permanently lease it to US gov't
- Open Door Policy
- Hay's way of elbowing US into trade: urged leaders in EU (e.g. GB, FR, GE, RU) to respect ideal of fair competition; wasn't widely accepted by EU countries
- Big-stick diplomacy
- The enactment of TR's saying: "walk softly but carry a big stick" or something; basically known as cowboy diplomacy, using brawn
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Strong personality'd Repub who became gov of NY & was "kicked upstairs" to relatively harmless position of McKinley's VP; became prez after McK's assassination;
- Gorgas
- US militaryman who made the Canal Zone healthy by eliminating yellow fever
- Bunau-Varilla
- Engineer representing the New Panama Canal Company that suddenly dropped holdings from $109→$40 million
- Pinochet
- Military dictator who rules Chile w/ iron fist for 20 yrs & is backed fully by US because he opposes communism; made ppl disappear
- Let Well Enough Alone
- McKinley's campaign slogan that urged citizens to vote for him because the economy was doing well
- Banana republics
- Reference to Latin gov'ts propped up by US & usually the leader being backed will be autocratic; certain countries w/ crops that serve interest of US [e.g. bananas]
- French Canal Company
- Canal building company that had a stake in building it in Panama
- Root-Takahira Agreement
- Agreement made between JP & US in 1908 where the countries agreed to respect each other's territorial possessions & to uphold the Open Door in China
- Yellow peril
- What CA feared from the influx of JP laborers: being drowned into an Asian sea
- Anaconda Copper
- US company who dominated copper mining in the 1970s and would be greatly hurt by Allende's policies
- Hay
- US Sec of State who issued a proclamation to help US elbow its way into Chinese trade
- Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
- Treaty w/ Panamanian gov't that gave US a 10mi buffer zone around the canal for the same price as the original offer to Colombia for 6mi
- Portsmouth Conference
- City in NH where Roosevelt sponsored peace negotiations, gave JP the southern half of Sakhalin & RU admitted defeat