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History Exam


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Zheng He (Ming)
commanded seven expeditions to promote trade and collect tributary tax
Swahili City States
- East African culture trade cities - Arabic influence
Feudalism (Zhou)
system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military support to the main ruler.
Filial Piety (Confucianism)
respect for parents above all other duties
Medina (Islam)
holy muslim city, muhammad established peace there when he was being persecuted in Mecca
Prophet (Judaism)
spiritual leader who interprets g-d's will
Jesus (Christianity)
he was the son of King David of Israel, considered the messiah, preached the teachings of Christianity
- Founded by Mahavira. - Extreme peace - Not caring about anything, including family. - No comforts
- Nomadic people
Mughal Empire
- Founded by Babur - 1526-1857 - Akbar the Great was an important leader
Timbuktu (Mali)
huge trade city in kingdom of Mali
Grand Canal (Sui)
huge canal connecting rivers of china, improves trade and feeds armies.
Paul (Christianity)
played the most influential role in spreading chrisitanity, one day he had a vision of Jesus speaking to him and decided to spread the religion of Christianity by teaching others Jesus' teachings.
Vedic Age
- Time when aryans migrated from asia to europe. - Led by rajahs - Originally polytheistic, morphed into Hinduism. - Sanskrit became written written language.
Abbasids (Islam)
dynasty after the Umayyads, lasted until 1258, focused on equality of all muslims.
- Previously Axum - Protected by rugged mountains so they were able to protect independence - Christian faith was a large part of culture brought by trade - Mountain churches.
Dynasty, Ancestor Worship
Macao (Qing)
region of southeastern China
City states of hausa built walls around their cities Commercial trade centers
founded by Confucius
Heresy (Christianity)
religious elief that is contrary to the official teachigns of a church
Bureaucracy (Han)
system of government that includes different jobs and levels of authority.
Shiite (Islam)
group of muslims that felt Muhammad's descendants are the only true Caliphs/leaders
New Testament (Christianity)
book of christianity's teachings and writings
hyms, collections of teachings
Sultan (Islam)
middle eastern muslim ruler
Right Speech
telling the truth, not stealing, slandering, or harsh words
Ghenghis Khan (Mongol)
united mongol clans, incredibly harsh leader, began the invasion of China.
Kingdom of Sonhai
- Fertile region in west africa by the Niger river - Islam kingdom
Meritocracy (Han)
jobs based on qualification instead of money and family.
Marco Polo (Mongol)
traveler from europe who initiated trade with China
Right Mindfulness
fourfold, regard to body, feeling, mind, mental objects, awareness of one's deeds, words, and thoughts.
single spiritual power that exists among all things, other gods and goddesses are used to explain one devine thing.
extreme self denial
Martyr (Christianity)
a person who suffers or dies for his or her beliefs.
Destruction of the Temple (Judaism)
It was built and destroyed many times, and there is only a wall left of it today
Hijra (Islam)
migration of Muhammad and his followers to Medina while they were being persecuted
Kublai Khan (Mongol)
Grandson of Ghenghis Khan, finished to invasion of china.
Right Thoughts
threefold, the thoughts of renunciation which are opposed to pleasuring senses, kind thoughts are opposed to ill will, thoughts of harmlessness instead of cruelty.
Abraham (Judaism)
the first jew, lead his family to Caanan
Civil Service System (Han)
equalize government men would take tests to assure qualification vs. family influence.
960-1279 AD Known for artistic achievements.
Five Relationships (Confucianism)
ruler to subject, parent to child, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother, and friend to friend.
Dynastic Cycle (Zhou)
rise and fall of Chinese Dynasties accoding to the Mandate of Heaven
Pax Mongolia (Mongol)
period of peace under mongols 1200's- 1300's
Kingdom of Mali
West african trading empire located in present day Mali
Sunni (Islam)
group of muslims, believed that any member could lead islam by a majority decision.
religious and moral duties of an individual
Yin and Yang (Confucianism)
Kingdom of Ghana
West African trading kingdom located in present day Mauritania and Mali
the moral of nonviolence
SuZy Q HaS ToeS
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song
rebirth of the soul in another bodily form
Sharia (Islam)
body of laaw that includes interpretation of the Koran and Muhhammad's teachings
Minaret (Islam)
features of Muslim mosque architecture, onion shaped crowns on tall spires
Torah (Judaism)
holy text comprised of 5 books
Kaaba (Islam)
cube part of the Hajj pilgrimage, mosque built around it, muslims circle counter clockwise a few times.
Peter (Christianity)
established christianity in the city of Rome itself.
- 1600's-1900's
Mandate of Heaven (Zhou)
a way of justifying rebellion against previous rulers, the new ruler has the divine right to rule.
Mecca (Islam)
pilgrimage, most sacred site in Islam, Muhammad conquered and destroyed idols.
Mauryan Empire
- 321 BC-185 BC - Founded by Chandragupta - Organized bureaucracy - Gained power in the Ganges valley and northern India
- Legalist - Harsh rule
Apostles (Christianity)
leaders or teachers of a new faith or movement
- Southeast Nubia - Trade state - Gold markets - Ivory trade - Animal hide trade
- Compromise of Hinduism and Islam - Allows Idol worship - No caste system - Promotes unity of g-d
Manchus (Qing)
migrants from regions north of china
Legalism (Qin)
power in strength not virtue, harsh punishments, all power in one leader.
Monotheistic (Sumer)
one hold being
each persons essential self.
Four Noble Truths
As taught by the Buddha, the four basic beliefs that form the foundation of Buddhism.
Epic of Gilgamesh (Sumer)
Mesopotamian narrative poem first told in sumer
all actions in a person's life that affect their fate in their next life.
Warlords (Sui)
local military ruler
Right Effort
fourfold, endeavor to discard evil that has risen, endeavor to prevent evil, endeavor to develop good, endeavor to promote a good.
- Site of the world's first civilization - Southeastern mesopotamia
Union with Brahman, after reincarnation cycle completed.
Covenant (Judaism)
relationship between one and g-d
Great Wall of China (Qin)
built under Qin, provided border and some protection.
- Emperor Gao Zu - Eased taxes - Wudi was a famous emperor
Forest kingdom Guinea coast
Caliph (Islam)
leader, successor of Muhammad
Eightfold Path
As taught by the Buddha, the path one must follow to achieve Nirvana.
Shi Huangdi (Qin)
leader of Qin Dynasty
5 Pillars (Islam)
Shahadah- profession of faith Salat- ritual prayer Zakat- alms giving(charity) Siyam- fasting during Ramadan Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca
Babylonian Captivity (Judaism)
when the babylonian armies captured Juda, they also forced many of the defeated jews into exhile.
Hammurabi's Code (Sumer)
first set of laws, an eye for an eye
Right Livelihood
trades that are prohibited, deadly weapons, animals for slaughter, slaves, intoxicants, poisons
- Also known as Taoism - Teaches harmony with nature - Founded by confucius - Do only what is absolutely neccesary
Umayyads (Islam)
muslim dynasty, expanded muslim empire across middle east, sunni caliphs, arab rule
Cuneiform (Sumer)
ancient middle east system of writing using wedge shaped marks
Muhammad (Islam)
last prophet, founder of Islam, "perfected" g-ds message
Gupta Empire
- Strong centralized government - United much of India - Promoted peace and prosperity - Golden Age 320-540 AD
Pope (Christianity)
head of the Roman Catholic Church in ancient Rome, bishop of Rome who claimed authority over all other bishops
Delhi Sultanate
- 1100's - Forces entered with cavalry - Introduced Islam - Increased trade
Ancient kingdom in northeastern Africa also called Kush
Diaspora (Judaism)
spreading out of jewish people
Quran (Islam)
Islamic holy text
Right Meditation
gradual process of training the mind to focus on a single object with constant focus only on that object. Helps develop a calm concentrated mind and prepare of Enlightenment.
Mosque (Islam)
building where muslims worship
Qianlong's letter to George III (Qing)
letter from Qing leader to George III, england must declare china's supremacy or trade would end.
Region within the fertile crescent that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
- 1368-1644 - Chinese rule was restored - Adopted confucianism
Mansa Musa (Mali)
came to Mali throne in 1312, expanded Mali's borders, converted to Islam, promoted peace, pilgrimaged to mecca with A GREAT DEAL of gold.
Silk Road (Han)
trade route throughout China
Right Action
no steeling, killing, lack of chastity
Capital of trade 1300, Many gould resources, trade
Solomon (Judaism)
son of david, turned Jerusalem into a capital, built the temple.
Ten Commandments (Judaism)
rules on how to live your life
Moses (Judaism)
led the people out of Egypt, received the 10 commandments
- Began China's classical age - Cultural advances
David (Judaism)
strong and wise, second king of Israel, united all of the tribes into one.
- 618-907 - Tributary states - Bureaucracy
Caste System
Hindu classification of social groups, defined by birth and determining job, marriages, etc. Brahmin (priests) Kshatriyas (warriors) Vaisyas (merchants and bureacrats) Shudras (menial workers.) Untouchables (lepers)
- 1122-256 BC - Established a feudal state
Sundiata (Mali)
son of King of Ghana, rose to rule Kingdom of Mali crushed enemies and won control of gold trade routes.
Trans-Saharan Trade
Trade of salt and gold on the Sharan trade route.
Right Understanding
knowledge of Four Noble Truths. The understanding of who one truly is.

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