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SS Finals : China


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Northeastern province of China
Hung He (Yellow River)
Major River in China;flows across North China into the Yellow Sea
low bow expressing respect and submission to the Chinese Emperor
filial piety
according to the Chinese philosopher Confucius, the duty and respect that children owe to their parents
Han Dynasty
dynasty that ruled from 202 B.C TO 220 A.D
Gobi Desert
physical barrier of China
Opium War
war between China and British for the trade of an illegal drug
Treaty of Nanjing
treaty where china had to except British terms for peace;ended Opium war
Long March
chinese communist under Mao Zendong in 1934 march lasted longer than a year covered 6000 miles: would win support of the peasants
Mandate of Heaven
Chinese belief that heaven grants a ruler the right to rule
Boxer Rebellion
rebellion to expell all foreigners from China
yin and yang
are forces of nature to balance each other.
china\'s most known philosopher stared Confucianism
emphasizes the link between people and nature
Sun Yatsen
served as a president to the new republic
GLF (Great Leap Forward)
under Mao; where communes were separated and peasants were forced to give up their land
red guards
guards who supported Mao Zendong\'s Cultural Revolution with abusive tactics to those who didn\'t
Cultural Revolution
movement that emphasized class struggle
sphere of influence
an area which a foreign nation has special economic privileges, such as building railroads.
Mao Zendong
leader of the communists
Chiang Kaishek
leader of Nationalists
spread of ideas to promote cause or damage an opposing cause

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