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Defense Acquisition


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Technical Processes
Requiremnts Development, Logical Analysis, Design Solution, Implementation, Integration, Verification, Validation, Transition
Requiremnts Development
User capabilities that are translated into Technical requiremnts. Ther definition and refinement of system-, subsystem-, and lower level functional and performance requirements and interfaces to facilitate the design. Customers needs should be translated into the folowing: Performance parameter obj and thresholds; affordability constraints; schedule constraints; technical constraints
Logical Analysis
process of obtaining sets of logical solutions to improve understanding of the requirements and the relationship among the other requiremnts. The output is a functional architecture
Design Solution
Translates output of the logical Analysis into iterative design solutions to select the final design solution. Outpus the desugb ir physical architecture forms the basis for design definitions documentation( specs,b/l and WBS)
Views the lowest system hierarchy elements to make, buy or re-use decisions.
Process of incorporating the lower-levle system elements into a higher level system element in the physical architecture
Did we build it right?
Did we build the right thing?
Process applied to move the system element to the next level in the physical architecture.
Technical Management Process
decision Analysis, Technical Planning, Technical Assessment, Requirements Management, Risk Management, Configuration Management, Data Management Interface Management.
Decision Analysis
Activities providing the basis for evaluating and selecting alternatives. (Trade studies, models, simulations, support analysis, level of repair analysis...)(Decision: interoperability constraints, size transportability, req, maint concept, affordability , reliability, avail.,, maint and sched.
Technical Planning
Activitis ensuring that the SE processes are applied properly throughout the systems life cycle. Differs from program planning addresses scope of tech effort to devel the sys. Manadatory tool for this is SEP. Each tech processes requires tech planning.
Technical Assessment
Activities measuring technical progress and the effectiveness of plans and requirements. Similar activities to Tech Perf Measuremnt. Accomplishments confirmed and exit criteria defined
Requirements Management
traceability back to the user-defined requirements/capabilitis as doc in JCIDS
Risk Maangement
Examines the probability and consequence of deviating from the program plan. Addr. Risk planning, ASsessment, handling& mitigation strategies and montoring approaches. Based on PROBABILITY OF OCCURRENCE, CONSEQUENCE IF REALIZED, and COUNTERMEASURE COST.
Configuration Management
Establishes and maintains consistency of a product\'s attributes with its requirements and product configuration information
Data Management
Product information regardless of form or method of recording
Interface Management
Ensures interface definition and compliance among the elements as well as with other systems with which it must interoperate. Many external interface doc can be found in JCIDS.
Concept Design; Pre System Acuisition; Documents: Acquisition Memorandum(ships, AOA Plan, ICD
Systems Engineering
Provides the integrating technical process to define and balance system performance, cost schedule and risk.
Defense Systems shall
a)ID requirement for SEP in DODI 5000.2 and provide specific content guidance, tailored by MDA in the DAG. b) Assess the adequacy of current Dept-level SE policies, processes, practice guidance, tools and education & training and recommend necessary changes to USOD. c) establish senior level SE forum with participation from Military department and appropriate agencies to collaborate & leverage and institutionalize and address families... d)prepare DAB for USUD when relevant.
System Engineering Plan. purpose is to lay out a plan that shoul guide all technical aspects of an ACQ program. PM establishes early in definition phase and update it. Tailored to the program it is a living documet and a road map. It identifies overall approch, SE processes, resources, key technical tasks, activities , events, metrics, and success criteria. Further it covers integration with other systems, integrated master plan, master schedules, technical perfomance measures and EVM. There is NO presccribed format. Well prepare SEP will address integration of tech aspects of the program planning sys activities and execution tracking to include:, processes, altering processes, technical basilne approach, event driven timing success criteria, expected products of revies, how tech reviews will be used to assess technical maturity, assess technical risj and support program decisions, results of reviews, IPTS and I{T organization.
SE Process
Iterative within any phase and recursive at lower levels. Orderly process for system subsystem and compnents. Standards: ISO/IEC 15288 Sys Eng Sys Life Cycle Process and the Electronic Inudtry Alliance 632 Processes for Engineering a System, and IEEE 1220
Design Considerations
Open System Design, Interoperability, Standardization, S/W on rhobust principles, COTS, Manufacturing Capability, Quality, Reliability, Supportability, HSI, Environment(ESOH), Survivability & suscepptability, Corrosion Prevention & Control, Disposal & Demilitarization, IA, Insitive Munition, Anti-Tamper Provsions, System Security, Accessibility, UID, Critical Safety Items
Components of Risk
root cause, probability of occurence, consequence
Measure of future uncertainties in achieving prgm performance goals and objective within defined cost, sched and performance constraints and how it realates accross WBS and Integrated Master Schedule.
Risk Management process
Risk ID - Risk Analysis - Risk Mitigation Planning -Risk Mitigation Plan implmentation - Risk tracking -start over if necessary
Basic Principles observed and repoted
TEchnology concept and or application formulated
Analytical experimental critical function and or characteristic proof of concept
Componenand/bread ord calidation in lab
Component and or bread board in relevan environment
System Substem model or prototype demonstrate in relavant environment
System prototype demon strate in OP environ
Actualy syst complete and qual through test and demo
actual sys proven through successful mission OPS.
Technology Development Strategy guides MS A and is developed in the concept refinement phase,
Concept Refinement Phase
refines the initial concept. Entry: ICS, AOA, Exit Criteria Defined, Alternative Maintenance and Logistics Concepts. Exit: Prelim Sys Spec, T&E Strategy, SEP, Support and Maint Concepts and tech, *draft *CDD, *TDS, *, Cost Man power Est. Reviews ASR and ITR.
Initial Technical Review. Support a programs initial POM review. Ensure enough money and items are supported to develop. Completion= Complete Cost Analysis Requiremnts Description, Assessment of the technical and cost risk, independent assessments of program cost estimate.
Alternative System Review is a multi discipliune tech review to ensure that the resiltiong set og req agrees with the customer needs and expectations and the system under review can proceed into Tech Devel phase. Geerally review alternatives...Completions = agree on preferred sys concept for tEch Devel, HW & SW architecture req/ defense infrastructure/ Common Op Environ, assessment of full system sw concept; rational for preferred solution; assess risk; trade studies demo; Joint req; refine threshold and obj; complete planning for Tech Devel phase; Init planning for sys Devel and Demo phase; draft sys req doc.
Tech Development Phase
Milestone A This phase reduces Tech Risk and determine appropriate tech to be integrated into a full system. Entry: ICD, draft CDD, Prefered Concept , Exit criteria, T&E strategy, Support and Main Concepts adn Tech, AOA, SEP, TDS. EXIT: Sys Perf Sepcs, LFT&E Waiver Request, TEM, SEP PESHE, PPP, TRA, Calidated Dyd dupport and Main Objectives and Requiremnts, Footprint reduction, *IBR, *ISP, *STA, *CDD, *ACQ strategy*Affordibility Assessment, Cost Ma power Est. Reviews: SRR
System Requiremnts Review conducted to acertain progress in defining system tech requirements. It reviews progress of effort and degree of convergence ...Completion provides: approved prelim Sys perf spec, preliminary allocation of sys requirement to HW, human and SW subsystems, ID all SW components, comprehensive risk ass for Sys Development and Demonstration , Engineering Plan that addresses cost and critcal path drivers, approved product support plan with updates applicable to this phase.
Integrated Baseline Review a vehicle for EVM and is used as required through other the entire process. Steps: PM assessment of their understand of risk, then preperation of IBR, execution of IBR and managmeent process. COmpletion = risk, tech scope of work consitent with documents, key proj schedule, resources, tasks & measured, rationales, management process support.
Technology Readiness Assessment that assess the maturityof Critical technology Elements.
System Development
Frist half of the V. Entry: Sys perf Specs, Exit criteria, Calidated System Support and maint obj and req, ACQ Program Baseline (APB), CDD, SEP, Information Support Plan (ISP), TEMP, Product Support Strategy. Revies SRR, SFR, PDR CDR in order.
System Demonstration Phase
Latter half of the V from System Development Phase. Exit: Init Prod BL, Test Report, TEMP, Element of Product Support, Risk Assessment, SEP, TRA PESHE, & CPD, *STA, *ISP, Cost Manpower est. Reviews TRR, SVR PRR

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