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Chem- 1st semester


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the nonmetals of Group 7A
Spectator ions
ions that are not directly involved in a chemical reaction
Band of stability
a region where the nuclei are stable on a plot
unstable isotopes
any part of a system with uniform composition and properties
a neutrally charged subatomic particle that is located in a nucleus
Law of conservation of mass
states mass cannot be created nor destroyed in a reaction or change
elements that are generally nonlustrous and are generally poor conductors of electricity
Chemical equation
an expression representing a chemical reaction
Homogeneous matter/ mixture
uniform in appearance and with uniform properties throught(pure; same). //// 2 or more substances with one phase
Theoretical yield
the maximum amount of product that can be formed from any given amount of reactants
Limiting reagent
limits or determines the amount of product that can be formed in a reaction
state of matter that flows, has a fixed volume, and takes the shape of its container
Actual yield
the amount of product that actually forms when the reaction is carried out
the central core of an atom
Gamma radiation
high energy electromagnetic radiation
Excess reagent
the reactant that is not completely used up
part of Group A that have high electrical conductivity and a high luster when clean
the smallest electrically neutral substance that still has the properties of the substance
a positively charged subatomic particle located in a nucleus
Percent yield
the ratio of the actual yield to the theoretical yield expressed as a percent.
Formula unit
the lowest whole number ratio of ions in a compound
Atomic mass
the weighted averages of the masses of the isotopes of an element
the change of a substance from a solid to vapor without passing through the liquid state
Law of multiple proportions
ratios of masses is in whole numbers if 1+ compound is formed
Ionic compound
compounds composed of cations and anions
Periodic law
there is a periodic repetition of properties, when elements are arranged by atomic number
Cathode ray
a stream of electrons produced at the negative electrode containing a gas at low pressure
Boiling point
the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to external pressure
a physical blend of two or more substances
Molecular compound
compounds composed of molecules
Complete ionic equation
an equation that shows dissolved ionic compounds as their free ions
the penetrating rays and particles emitted by a radioactive source
Physical change
a change that alters a given material without changing its composition
Molar volume
the volume occupied by 1 mole of a gas at STP (22.4 L)
Beta particles
the fast moving particles with 0 protons that are negatively charged and have a -1 subscript
Alpha particles
the particles emitted from alpha radiation that contain 4 protons and 2 neutrons
Noble gases
Nonmetals of Group 0 that undergo few chemical reactions
Activity series of metals
lists metals in order of decreasing reactivity
atoms or groups of atoms that have negative charges
matter that has no definite shape or volume; it adopts the shape of its container
substances that can be separated into simpler substances by chemical means
a sample of matter having a uniform and definite composition
Avogadro's number, 6.02 x 1023
the # of representative particles contained in one mole of a substance
Atomic mass unit (amu)
1/12 the mass of carbon-12
Beta radiation
the emission of fast moving electrons from a radioactive source
Physical property
a quality or condition of a substance that can be seen without changing composition
Chemical property
the ability of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction and to form new substances
Mole (mol)
the amount of a substance that contains 6.02 x 1023 representative particles of that substance
Combustion reaction
an element or a compound reacts with oxygen, often producing energy
Inner transition metals
atomic numbers 57-70 and 89-102
Law of definite proportions
states masses in a compound is always proportional
Transition metals
Most of Group B
atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
Molecular formula
shows the kinds and numbers of atoms present in a molecule of a compound
Net ionic equation
the equation that indicates only those particles that actually take part in the reaction
molecules from the surface break away and enter the gas or vapor state
Half Life
the time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioisotope to decay to products
a small whole number that appears in front of a formula in a balanced chemical equation
Atmospheric pressure
results from the collision of air molecules with an object
the amount of matter that an object contains
the spontaneous emissions of radiation from the nucleus of an atom.
Alkali metals
Consists of Group 1A
a substance in which the atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in a pattern called a crystal lattice
Unit cell
the smallest group of particles within a crystal that retain the geometric shape of the crystal
two or more different molecular forms of the same element in the same physical state
devices commonly used to measure atmospheric pressure
Neutron absorption
a process that decreases the number of slow moving neutrons
Gas pressure
the force exerted by a gas per unit surface area of an object
Alkaline earth metals
Consists of Group 2A
Pascal (Pa)
the SI unit of pressure
Molar mass
a general expression used to refer to the mass of a mole of any substance
Combination reaction
a reaction where two or more substances combine to form a single one
Heterogeneous matter// mixture
matter with 2 or more physically distinct phases present. /// 2 or more phases
the starting substances in a chemical reaction
the smallest particle of an element that retains properties of that element
amorphous solid
particles lack a regular internal arrangement: glass, plastic, gel. no shape or form
Amorphous solid
solids that lack internal structure
the splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments
Chemical formula
shows the kinds and numbers of atoms in the smallest unit of the substance
negatively charged subatomic particles
Polyatomic ion
tightly bound groups of atoms that behave as a unit and carry a charge
occurs when nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass
a substance in the gaseous state that is ordinarily a liquid or solid at room temperature
anything that takes up space and has mass
atoms or groups of atoms that have a positive or negative charge
a particle with the mass of an electron but a charge of positive 1
Periodic table
an arrangement of elements into rows and columns based on similarities in their properties
a vertical column in the periodic table
matter that has a definite shape and volume
Transuranium elements
the elements in the periodic table with atomic numbers above 92
Chemical reaction
one or more substances are changed to new substances
transparent fusion products of inorganic substances that have cooled to a rigid state without crystallizing
Phase diagram
gives the condition of temperature and pressure at which a substance exists as a solid, liquid, and gas
Skeleton equation
a chemical equation that does not indicate the relative amounts involved in the reaction
Triple point
the only set of conditions where all three phases can exist in equilibrium with each other
Chemical symbol
a one or two letter representation of an element
the conversion of a liquid to a gas or vapor
the simplest form of matter that can exist under normal laboratory conditions
STP (standard temperature and pressure)
the conditions when the volume of a gas is usually measured
Vapor pressure
force due to the gas above a liquid
Alpha radiation
consists of helium nuclei that have been emitted from a radioactive source
Mass number
the total number of protons and neutrons of an atom
elements with properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals
Kinetic energy
the energy an object has because of its motion
the conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another element
crystaline solid
repeat in a regular pattern
Empirical formula
a formula with the lowest whole-number ratio of elements in a compound
Single replacement reaction
one element replaces a second element in a compound
Percent composition
the percent by mass of each element in a compound
Double replacement reaction
an exchange of positive ions between two reacting compounds
a homogeneous mixture
Radioactive decay
the process by which a radioactive element emits particles or rays and is transformed into another element.
Decomposition reaction
a single compound is broken down into two or more products
Atomic number
the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Standard atmosphere (atm)
the pressure required supporting 760 mm of mercury in a mercury barometer at 25°C
Neutron moderation
a process to reduce the speed of neutrons so that the reactor fuel can capture them
Melting point
the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid
an empty space with no particles and no pressure
Normal boiling point
the boiling point of a liquid at 101.3 kPa
the substances formed in a chemical reaction
a purification process in which a liquid is evaporated and then condensed again to a liquid
any atoms or group of atoms that has a positive charge
a substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction but is not used up in the reaction
Kinetic theory
states tiny particles are in constant motion
Representative elements
Group a elements, because they have a wide range of properties
horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table

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