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2 Bio Chem Krebs


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where are they glycolytic enzymes located?
in cytosol
what activates the 3 irreversible steps of kreb cycle and pDH?
^^^ ADP and NAD
what forms G6P--> glucose
G6Phophotase in gluconeogenisis
where are Reduce coenzymes formed in the krebs cycle?
Isocitrate DH, Alpha ketogluterate DH complex, Succenate DH and MALAT DH (All the DH reactions reduced coenzmes)
What to things can form PEP?
Pyruvate and Oxaloacetate
what is glyconeogenisis?
synthesis of glucose in LIVER (sometime kidne)
What forms F16BP--> F6p?
F16BP phosphotase in gluconeogensis
what are the four coenzymes
TPP (1st) then NAD, FAD, CoASH
what does pyruvate DH essentially do
convert pyruvate to acetyl coA that enters kreb ccle
what enzyme is responsible for making oxaloacetate from pyruvate?
pyruvate carbodylase-biotin
how many catalytic rxn for krebs?
8 rxn
where do you get NADH from gylcolysis?
glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate DH rxn
what does the pyruvate DH complex consist of?
5 enzymes and 4 coenzymes
What are the products from pyruvate DH complex?
NADH and Acetyle COa
fxn of biotin
carries co2
what DEactivates the 3 irreversible steps of kreb cycle and pDH?
^^^ ATP and NADH
whatis the mechanism of gluconeogensisis?
reverse of glycoloysis EXCEPT irreversible steps
what is located in the mitochondria?
pyruvate DH and kreb cycle enzymes
where does glyconeogensis occur?
in LIVER- sometimes kidneys
where is the pyruvate DH and kreb cycle enzymes located?
what are the three irreversibe steps of krebs cycle?
citrate syntase, isocitrate DH, 2 ketogluterate DH
what forms the only reduce FADH in the krebs cycle?
Succinate DH
What is located in the cytosol of the cell?
glycolytic enzmes
why is gluconeogensis important
keeps glucose conc. constant- if there is no more glycogen (that is broken down to make sugar) then makes glucose
Purpose of krebs
convert aetyl coa to Co2 and H2O
what formes the tetrehedral intermediate btw pyruvate and acetyl coa?
PDC-TPP (tpp attached and kickes out CO2)
what accounts for the NADH formed outside both glycoloysis and krebs?
Pyruvate DH complex rxn
what makes PEP from oxaloacetate?
PEP carboxykinase and GTP-->GDP
what are all the places where regulation can occur (starting with glyc?)
HX/GK PFK, PK, Pyruvate DH, Citrate syntase, Isocirate DH and 2 Ketogluterage DH
what are the rxns that occur btw the tethedral intermediate and formation of Acetyl Coa?
FAD<-> FADH, NADH is formed and CoaSH goes into

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