Etymology 6/13/06
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- Somn/ambul/ist
- N. A sleepwalker.
- Ambul/at/ory
- Adj. Pert. to walking.
- Pre/ambl/e
- N. An introduction that states a purpose.
- Per/ambul/at/or
N. One who walks around in order to inspect.
Also- A baby buggy. - Fun/ambul/ist
- N. Tight rope walker.
- Ag/gress/ive
- Adj. Ready or willing to take issue or start action; forceful; assertive.
- Di/gress
- V. To leave the main subject of talking or writing.
- Pro/gress/ive
- Adj. Moving forward or onward.
- Re/gress
- V. To go back in a demeaning way.
- Re/gress/ive
- Tending to go back or return.
- Retro/gress/ive
- Adj. Declining or degenerating.
- Trans/gress
- V. To overstep or break.
- E/gress
- N. An exit.
- De/grad/at/ion
- N. The act of being lowered in status or condition.
- De/grad/e
- To cause to demote.
- Migrat/ory
- Adj. Pert. to moving from one place to another.
- Migr/ant
- N. Something- one, that moves from place to place at seasonal changes.
- E/migrat/e
- V. To leave a country
- E/migr/ant
- One who leaves.
- Im/migrat/e
- V. To move into a new country.
- Re/ced/e
- V. To go or move back.
- Re/cess/ion
- A withdrawal.
- se/cess/ion
- N. The withdrawal from the union.
- Pre/de/cess/or
- N. Object that comes before something/one else.
- Ac/ced/e
- V. To accept; give in; yield.
- Un/pre/ced/ent/ed
- Adj. Never done before.
- Ante/ced/ent
- N. Any happening prior to another.
- Pre/ced/ent
- N. An occurrence or example.
- Pre/ced/e
- To come before.
- Pro/ceed
- V. To advance; to continue.
- De/ced/ent
- N. A dead person.
- Err/ant
- V. To make a mistake.
- Err/on/eous
- Adj. Mistakent; wrong.q
- Ab/err/at/ion
- N. A departure from what's right; abnormality.
- Extra/vag/ant
- Adj. Exceeding reasonable limits; overgenerous.
- Vag/rant
- N. A person who wanders from place to place, no home, no job.
- Vag/ue
- Adj. Unclear; not expressed.
- Vag/ary
- N. A wild notion.
- Dis/curs/ive
- Adj. Passing from one topic to another; covering a broad area/ wide field.
- Curs/ory
- Adj. Superficial; hasty .
- Curs/ive
- Having flowing character.
- Curr/ent
- Adj. Most recent.
- Con/curr/ent
- Adj. Meeting or intersecting.
- Re/curr/ent
- Adj. Happening time after time, running or turning back in a direction opposite to a former course.
- In/curs/ion
- N. A hostile entrance into a territory; raid.
- pre/curs/or
- N. One that precedes and indicates the approach of another.
- Curr/iculum
- N. All of the courses of study offered.
- Man/i/cur/e
- N. A treatment for the care of the hands and fingernails.
- Cura/tor
- N. One who has the care and super intendency of something; a caretaker (usu. a museum)
- Ped/i/cur/e
- N. Professional care and treatment of the feet and toenails.
- Sine/cur/e
- N. An office or position requiring little or no work.
- Fugit/ive
- N. One who flees or tries to escape.
- Re/fug/ee
- N. One who flees.
- Fug/ue
- N. A temporary flight from reality; day dream.
- Subter/fug/e
- N. Deception by artificial in order to conceal, escape, or evade; a deceptive device or scheme.
- Late/nt
- Adj. Hidden and inactive; dormant.
- Late/scent
- Adj. Becoming hidden.
- Lat/it/ude
- N. Measurement from side to side; freedom from restrictions.
- Di/lat/e
- V. To widen; to become larger.
- Later/al
- Adj. Of or rel. to the side.
- Equi/later/al
- Adj. Having equal sides.
- Uni/later/al
- Adj. One-sided.
- Bi/later/al
- Adj. Having 2 sides.
- Super/lative
- Adj. Surpassing all others.
- E/lation
- N. The condition of having very high spirits of happiness.
- Re/late
- V. To tell or give an account of.
- Cor/re/lative
- Adj. Naturally related, corresponding.
- Di/lat/ory
- Adj. Slow; inclined to delay; procrastinating.
- Mob/il/e
- Movable
- Mob/il/ity
- N. The ability to move.
- Loc/o/mot/ion
- N. The act of moving from place to place; power to move.
- Mot/iv/at/ion
- N. Act of process of furnishing an incentive or inducement to action; driving force.
- Mo/ment/ous
- Adj. Very import. or memorable.
- Mo/ment/ary
- Temporary; short lived.
- Re/mot/e
- Adj. Far off away.
- De/mot/e
- V. To put back in a lower position; reduce in rank; degrace.
- E/mot/ion/al
- Adj. Showing strong feeling.
- Pro/mot/e
- V. To raise in grade or level.
- Com/mot/ion
- N. Noisy Confusion.
- Re/ven/ue
- N. Income, usu. in terms of money.
- Con/ven/e
- V. To meet for some purpose; assemble.
- Ad/vent/it/ious
- Adj. Accidental; unexpected.
- Ad/vent
- The coming or arrival; a beginning.
- Pre/vent/ive
- Adj. Stopping or hindering.
- Prevent
- To stop or keep from happening.
- Inter/ven.e
- V. To come between.
- Con/vent/ion
- N. A meeting arranged for a particular place; gathering; assembly.
- E/vent/ual/ity
- N. A possibility of something that may take place.
- Con/ven/ant
- N. A binding agreement.
- Con/ven/ient
- Adj. Easy to use; well suited for a purpose.
- Con/stit/uent
- N. A part of the whole
- Con/stit/ute
- To make up or compose
- Sub/sta/ntiat/ion
- N. The act of supporting with evidence.
- Re/stit/ut/ion
- N. An act of making up for a loss; repayment; compensation.
- Stat/ute
- N. An accepted law.
- In/sist
- V. To demand.
- Sub/sist/ence
- N. The act of existence at a low level.
- Per/sist
- V. To continue throughout; to last or endure.
- Per/sist/ent
- Lasting; enduring.
- Sta/nchion
- N. A supporting post.
- As/sid/uous
- Adj. Constant in attention diligent.
- Sub/sid/ize
- V. To support with money to give financial aid.
- In/sid/ious
- Adj. Harmful and evil in a sneaky way.
- Super/sed/e
- V. To take the place of; to replace.
- Sed/i/ment
- N. Any matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
- Sed/ul/ous
- Adj. Hardworking; Diligent.
- Sed/at/ive
- N. A medicine that lessens nervousness, pain, or excitement.
- Re/sid/ue
- N. That which is left over.
- Dis/sid/ent
- Adj. Disagreeing with the opinion of the group.
- Sed/ent/ary
- Settled; sitting.
- Re/cumb/ent
- Adj. Lying back; reclining.
- Pro/cumb/ent
- Adj. Lying face down.
- In/cumb/ent
Adj. Resting on.
N. Person holding office. - Suc/cumb
- V. To give way; yield; die.
- Cumb/er/some
- Adj. Burdensome, heavy; creating a problem.
- Ambul
- Walk.
- Grad, Gred, Gress
- Step.
- Migr, Migrat
- Move; Travel
- Ced, Cess
- Move; Withdraw
- Err
- Stray; Wander
- Vag
- Wander
- Curr, Curs, Corr(Cours)
- Run
- Cura, Cur
- Care
- Fug, Fugit
- Flee
- Late
- Hide
- Lat
- Wide
- Later
- Side
- -Late, -Lation, -Lativ
- Carry; Bear
- Mov, Mob, Mot
- Move
- Ven, Vent
- Come
- Sta, Stat, Stit, Sist
- Put in place; cause to stand; stand.
- Sed, Sid, Siss
- Sit; Settle
- Cumb, Cub
- Lie; Recline